
第三週 國度與召會




壹 今天召會是基督在生命上的擴增,而神永遠的國乃是基督在行政上的擴增—但二3435,可四2629

一 在生命上,基督擴增成為召會;在行政上,基督擴增成為國度—約三1529上,30上,但二343544

二 基督不僅是召會,基督也是神的國;召會和國度都是祂的擴增—林前十二12,路十七21,可四2629

貳 聖經首先陳明國度,然後陳明召會;國度的出現產生召會—太四23,十六1819

一 神的生命就是神的國度;神聖的生命就是國度,這生命產生召會—約三35,太七1421,十九1729,二五46

1 國度乃是生命的範圍,讓生命行動、治理、管治,使生命能達成其目的,而這範圍就是國度。

2 福音帶進神聖的生命,這生命有其範圍,這範圍就是國度;神聖生命同其範圍產生召會—提後一10

3 國度的福音產生召會,因為國度就是生命本身,而召會乃是生命的結果—太四23,徒八12

二 國度是召會的實際;因此,我們離了國度的生命,就不能過召會生活—太五3,十六1819,啟一469

1 諸天之國的實際(太五七)乃是召會生活的內容;沒有國度的實際,召會就是空洞的。

2 因著國度的生命產生召會生活,所以當我們團體的在國度生命裏生活,我們自然就過召會生活—羅十四17

3 信徒不活在國度的實際裏,就不能被建造到召會的結構裏—弗二22

【週 三】

三 沒有國度作召會的實際,召會就不能被建造—太十六1819

1 召會是藉著國度的權柄產生的。

2 國度鑰匙的賜給,是為使召會能彀被建造—19節,十八18,參約二十23

3 當諸天的國能在一班信徒身上施行權柄,那一班信徒就能被建造成為召會—西二19,弗四1516

【週 四】

叄 真正的召會就是在今世神的國;今天信徒乃是在召會中過國度生活—太十六1819,十八1718,十三4446,羅十四17,林前四20,弗二19,西四11,啟一46

一 主耶穌每次說到召會時,都將召會聯於國度;這指明國度與召會有何等密切的關聯—太十六1819,十八1718

1 羅馬十四章十七節證明,今世的召會乃是神的國。

2 林前四章二十節的『神的國』是指召會生活,(17,)這含示就著權柄的一面說,今世的召會就是神的國。

3 以弗所二章十九節的『同國之民』一辭,指明神的國,就是神運用祂權柄的範圍。

4 保羅和他的同工為著建立眾召會,在福音工作上所作的,乃是為著神的國—西四11

5 啟示錄一章六節的『國度』一辭啟示,召會在那裏,神的國就在那裏;召會代表國度。

二 在主的恢復裏,我們乃是同時在國度和召會裏,在寶貝和珠子裏—太十三44∼46

肆 在作為國度的召會裏,我們乃是在國度的管治、行政、管教和操練之下—林前六9∼10,加五19∼21,弗五5

一 雖然今天召會是神的國,但惟有當我們在靈裏,而不在天然的人裏生活、行動、為人時,我們纔在國度的實際裏—羅八4,加五1625

【週 五】

二 我們這些在神聖三一分賜之下的人,需要在召會中過國度的生活,在神聖的生命裏長大並發展,直到我們達到成熟—林後十三14,羅十四17,彼後一5∼7

伍 召會帶進國度—太六10,十二22∼29,啟十一15,十二10

一 召會的產生乃是為著帶進國度—太十六18∼19,十八17∼18,啟一69,十一15

1 召會的職責乃是繼續基督的得勝,並帶進神的國—十二10,十一15

2 召會在地上的工作,就是要把神的國帶進來;召會一切的工作,都是受神國原則的管治。

3 召會要負責將天上的旨意帶到地上,並將其實行在地上—太六10,七21,十二50

二 在諸天管治之下產生的召會,藉著服在天的管治之下,對付神的仇敵—十六18∼ 19,弗六10∼18

1 諸天的國要得建立,就需要有屬靈的爭戰—太十二22∼29

2 召會的職責就是繼續基督在地上的爭戰;召會必須繼續基督所作那抵擋撒但的得勝工作—來二14,約壹三8下,西二15,詩一四九5∼9

【週 六】

陸 召會應當禱告以帶進神的國—太六10

一 雖然今天國度在召會生活中,但國度的實現還沒有來臨。

二 國度的來臨不是自動的;沒有禱告,國度就不能來臨;因此,我們必須為國度的來臨禱告。

三 召會的禱告是抑制撒但最有效的憑藉—十六19,十八18

四 召會必須作天的出口,讓天的權柄彰顯在地上—十六18∼19,十八17∼18

五 真實的禱告乃是與神同工,將祂的國帶到地上,並將祂的旨意施行在地上;因此,禱告是屬靈的爭戰—六10,林後十4,弗六12

柒 那些常將神的國度—關係到神的旨意和神的仇敵—放在面前的,乃是在神手裏最有用處的工人—太六33,七21,二五2123,西四11

Week Three

The Kingdom and the Church

Scripture Reading: Matt. 16:18-19; 18:17-18; 13:44-46; Mark 4:26-29; Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 4:20; Gal. 5:19-21; Col. 4:11; Rev. 11:15; 12:10

§ Day 1 & Day 2

I. The church today is Christ's increase in life, but the eternal kingdom of God is Christ's increase in administration—Dan. 2:34-35; Mark 4:26-29:

A. In life Christ increases to become the church; in administration Christ increases to become the kingdom—John 3:15, 29a, 30a; Dan. 2:34-35, 44.

B. Christ is not only the church but also the kingdom of God; both the church and the kingdom are His increase—1 Cor. 12:12; Luke 17:21; Mark 4:26-29.

II. The Bible first presents the kingdom and thereafter presents the church; the presence of the kingdom produces the church—Matt. 4:23; 16:18-19:

A. The life of God is the kingdom of God; the divine life is the kingdom, and this life produces the church—John 3:3, 5; Matt. 7:14, 21; 19:17, 29; 25:46:

1. The kingdom is the realm of life for life to move, rule, and govern so that life may accomplish its purpose, and this realm is the kingdom.

2. The gospel brings in the divine life, and this life has its realm, which is the kingdom; the divine life with its realm produces the church—2 Tim. 1:10.

3. The gospel of the kingdom brings forth the church because the kingdom is the life itself, and the church is the issue of life—Matt. 4:23; Acts 8:12.

B. The kingdom is the reality of the church; therefore, apart from the kingdom life, we cannot live the church life—Matt. 5:3; 16:18-19; Rev. 1:4-6, 9:

1. The reality of the kingdom of the heavens (Matt. 5—7) is the content of the church life; without the reality of the kingdom, the church is empty.

2. Since the kingdom life issues in the church life, as we live corporately in the kingdom life, we spontaneously live the church life—Rom. 14:17.

3. A believer who does not live in the reality of the kingdom cannot be built into the structure of the church—Eph. 2:22.

§ Day 3

C. Without the kingdom as the reality of the church, the church cannot be built up—Matt. 16:18-19:

1. The church is brought into being through the authority of the kingdom.

2. The keys of the kingdom are given to make the building of the church possible—v. 19; 18:18; cf. John 20:23.

3. When the kingdom of the heavens is able to assert its authority over a company of believers, those believers can be built up into the church—Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:15-16.

§ Day 4

III. The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age; today the believers live the kingdom life in the church—Matt. 16:18-19; 18:17-18; 13:44-46; Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 4:20; Eph. 2:19; Col. 4:11; Rev. 1:4-6:

A. Each time the Lord Jesus spoke of the church, He mentioned it in relation to the kingdom; this indicates how intimately the kingdom and the church are related—Matt. 16:18-19; 18:17-18:

1. Romans 14:17 proves that the church in this age is the kingdom of God.

2. The kingdom of God in 1 Corinthians 4:20 refers to the church life (v. 17), implying that in the sense of authority, the church in this age is the kingdom of God.

3. The term fellow citizens in Ephesians 2:19 indicates the kingdom of God, the sphere wherein God exercises His authority.

4. What Paul and his fellow workers were doing in the gospel work for the establishing of the churches was for the kingdom of God—Col. 4:11.

5. The word kingdom in Revelation 1:6 reveals that where the church is, there the kingdom of God is; the church represents the kingdom.

B. In the Lord's recovery, at the same time we are both in the kingdom and in the church, in the treasure and in the pearl—Matt. 13:44-46.

IV. In the church as the kingdom, we are under the kingdom's rule, government, discipline, and exercise—1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:5:

A. Although the church today is God's kingdom, we are in the kingdom in reality only when we live, walk, and have our being in the spirit, not in our natural man—Rom. 8:4; Gal. 5:16, 25.

§ Day 5

B. As those who are under the dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we need to live a kingdom life in the church, growing and developing in the divine life until we reach maturity—2 Cor. 13:14; Rom. 14:17; 2 Pet. 1:5-11.

V. The church brings in the kingdom—Matt. 6:10; 12:22-29; Rev. 11:15; 12:10:

A. The church was brought into being for the purpose of bringing in the kingdom—Matt. 16:18-19; 18:17-18; Rev. 1:6, 9; 11:15:

1. The church's responsibility is to perpetuate Christ's victory and to bring in God's kingdom—12:10-11; 11:15.

2. The work of the church on earth is to bring in the kingdom of God; all the work of the church is governed by the principle of the kingdom of God.

3. The church is responsible for bringing heaven's will down to earth and for carrying it out on earth—Matt. 6:10; 7:21; 12:50.

B. The church, which comes into being under the rule of heaven, by reason  of her submission to the heavenly rule, deals with God's enemy—16:18-19; Eph. 6:10-18:

1. In order for the kingdom of the heavens to be established, there is the need of spiritual fighting—Matt. 12:22-29.

2. The responsibility of the church is to continue the warfare Christ fought on earth; the church must continue the victorious work that Christ has carried out against Satan— Heb. 2:14; 1 John 3:8b; Col. 2:15; Psa. 149:5-9.

§ Day 6

VI. The church should pray to bring in the kingdom of God—Matt. 6:10:

A. Although the kingdom is here in the church life today, the manifestation of the kingdom is yet to come.

B. The coming of the kingdom is not automatic; if there is no prayer, the kingdom cannot come; thus, we must pray for the coming of the kingdom. 

C. The prayer of the church is the most effective means of conquering Satan—16:19; 18:18.

D. The church must be the outlet of heaven, allowing heaven's authority to be expressed on earth—16:18-19; 18:17-18.

E. Genuine prayer is a joint labor with God to bring His kingdom to the earth and to carry out His will on earth; hence, prayer is a spiritual battle—6:10; 2 Cor. 10:4; Eph. 6:12.

VII. Those who always put God's kingdom before them—that which touches God's will and His enemy—are the most useful workers in the hands of God—Matt. 6:33; 7:21; 25:21, 23; Col. 4:11.



