約十四30 『以後我不再同你們多說話,因為這世界的王將到,他在我裏面是毫無所有。』
林後三16 『但他們的心幾時轉向主,帕子就幾時除去了。』
WEEK 17 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
John 14:30 I will no longer speak much with you, for the ruler of the world is coming, and in Me he has nothing.
2 Cor. 3:16 But whenever their heart turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
We need to see that the gospel of the glory of Christ first shines into us, and then it shines out from within us. The more the glory shines within us, the more it penetrates into our being and saturates it. Eventually, the inner glory will consume, swallow up, our entire inward being. Then the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ will shine out through us. Such a shining cannot come by way of teaching; it can come only through the experience of Christ who is Himself the glory of God and the manifestation of God. We praise the Lord that Christ has shone into the depths of our being, that now He is shining within us, and that He will shine throughout our inward being. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the inner shining of Christ as the glory within. The goal of God’s economy is that we all shine forth His glory. As we are under such a shining, Christ saturates us with Himself, and we enjoy the sweetness of Christ living in us to be our life and our person. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 3207)
Today's Reading
The veils that cover today’s Christians make them very touchy. If they are touched even slightly, they are offended. The reason for this touchiness is that Satan, the subtle one, the touchy one, is crouching in their minds. Satan is lurking in the mentality of today’s veiled Christians. What a pitiful situation that so many genuine believers in Christ are still veiled!
We need to apply this word about veils to ourselves. It is crucial that we be on the alert, for it is possible for anything that is not Christ Himself to be used as a veil by the subtle one. Satan may use even the Scriptures or the law given by God as veils. In Romans 7 Paul says that the law is good, holy, and spiritual. But even such a good, holy, and spiritual thing in the hands of Satan can become a veil. This indicates that Satan can use even the highest spiritual gift to veil our understanding. Thus, it is possible for anything that is not Christ Himself to be a veil.
In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul gives us the general case. In verse 4 he says that the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of those who do not believe. The god of this age is Satan. Those who are blinded or veiled think that they do not worship anything. Actually, their god is Satan. Atheists worship Satan without knowing what they are doing. All people today, whether primitive or highly cultured, have been blinded by the god of this age. Consider all those you see on the street or in the supermarkets. How few of them know God! This is true even among a vast number of those who go to today’s chapels, cathedrals, and denominational buildings. There is little revelation of the Son of God, and there is veil upon veil to keep people from knowing Christ. In their blindness many condemn those who have seen the vision of the living person of the Son of God.
Today many of us earnestly desire to live Christ. But to live Christ we need revelation…The only way revelation can come to us is if we drop our concepts. We also need to pray, “Lord, I trust in You to defeat the god of this age. Apart from You, I do not worship anything. Lord, I turn my heart to You, and I drop all my concepts. I don’t want to worship anyone other than You.” If you pray in this way, the light will shine, and you will receive revelation. If you drop your concepts and turn your heart to the Lord, the veils will be taken away, and the god of this age will have no ground in your being. The light is here, and it is shining. Our problem is that our heart is turned away to many other things, and therefore, we are covered with layer upon layer of veils. This enables the god of this age to have ground in us. As a result, our thoughts are darkened, blinded, and hardened, and we cannot receive revelation, even though we may read the Bible and listen to messages. Oh, how we need revelation! (Life-study of Galatians, pp. 30-33)
Further Reading: Life-study of Galatians, msg. 4