亞十二10 『我必將恩典和懇求的靈,澆灌大衛家和耶路撒冷的居民;他們必仰望我,就是他們所扎的…。』
提後四22 『願主與你的靈同在。願恩典與你們同在。』
WEEK 18 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
Zech. 12:10 And I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and of supplications; and they will look upon Me, whom they have pierced…
2 Tim. 4:22 The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.
The everyday experience of the believers must be grace. If it is not grace, it is not the believers’ experience; if it is not grace, it is not the Christian living…Grace is God’s embodiment—Christ. Hence, the grace experienced by the believers is Christ, the embodiment of God.
The New Testament believers’ living under the grace in God’s economy is a total living of experiencing the processed Triune God as grace…A total living means that twenty-four hours a day, whether I am awake or asleep, I take the Triune God as my life and my person. I follow His move; I move with Him. Two spirits become one spirit, two lives live together, and two natures are mingled together. This is the total living of experiencing the Triune God as grace. (CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 2, “The Law and Grace of God in His Economy,” pp. 321, 328)
Today's Reading
A total living is not the living concerning right and wrong, good and evil, or anything else, but the living of a living person. The living of this living person is the mingled living of the processed Triune God with the tripartite transformed man. Thus, God becomes our grace, and we live in this grace. This is the grace referred to in the New Testament. Our experience of the grace in God’s economy is the mutual living of the processed Triune God and us joined together, taking Him as our life and person. He initiates, and we follow; He and we move together to live out a certain condition, which is called an organism, to express God Himself. Here, there is no concept of right and wrong or good and evil. The law is a photo of God for the old covenant, whereas grace is God Himself. We do not care for the photo; we care for the living person.
In the New Testament age the Spirit of grace dispenses the Triune God into the believers as grace. Since the Spirit of grace dispenses the Triune God into us to be our grace, our Christian life is essentially a life of having God as our grace. At the end of the New Testament age, the Spirit of grace will cause the whole house of Israel to repent and receive the Triune God as grace [cf. Zech. 12:10].
The compound, life-giving Spirit and the believers’ regenerated spirit become one mingled spirit (Rom. 8:4b-6), not only united but also mingled. Both essentially and economically, that is, both in their living and in their moving, the believers’ living and work by the Spirit is the experience and enjoyment of the pneumatic Christ, the embodiment of the Triune God, as grace.
The Triune God passed through a process from His being merely God without humanity to His entering into humanity and being mingled with humanity as one. Then He passed through human living and an all-inclusive death and entered into the all-producing resurrection, producing the firstborn Son of God, the many sons of God, and the life-giving Spirit. This One who was in resurrection also entered into ascension and became the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit, who is typified by the holy anointing oil in Exodus 30:22-25. The holy anointing oil is the fragrant olive oil compounded with four kinds of spices. It is not merely oil but an ointment with various elements. This is a type of the compound Spirit, in whom are the Father and the Son with His all-inclusive death, His human living, His resurrection, and His ascension. Now the compound Spirit is moving within us daily as the anointing that we may enjoy the processed Triune God as grace. This is the life that we Christians should have today. (CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 2, “The Law and Grace of God in His Economy,” pp. 328-330)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 2, “The Law and Grace of God in His Economy,” chs. 2-4