加三2 『我只願問你們這一件,你們接受了那靈,是本於行律法,還是本於聽信仰?』
羅十17 『可見信是由於聽,聽是藉著基督的話。』
加三27 『你們凡浸入基督的,都已經穿上了基督。』
WEEK 20 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Gal. 3:2 This only I wish to learn from you, Did you receive the Spirit out of the works of law or out of the hearing of faith?
Rom. 10:17 So faith comes out of hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
Gal. 3:27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
after day we see more of the Lord Jesus. [First], God, on His side, is
revealing; [second], we, on our side, are receiving. In our receiving,
we receive Christ as the Spirit out of the hearing of faith (Gal. 3:2).
The Spirit whom we receive is the indwelling, life-giving, compound,
sevenfold intensified Spirit. We need to receive Christ as such a Spirit.
Galatians 3:2 the word faith means belief, referring to what we believe
in. We have received Christ out of our hearing of the belief. The
Christian belief is Christ Himself in His person and His redemptive
work. Christ’s person and Christ’s work together constitute our belief.
(CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 1, “The Central Line of the Divine Revelation,” p. 458)
Today's Reading
we preach the gospel, we preach this belief, that is, the person of
Christ and the redemptive work of Christ…As [the listeners] are hearing
of the person and work of Christ, something rises up within them, that
is, a believing. By hearing, we believe. Romans 10 says that faith comes
out of hearing, hearing comes out of preaching (vv. 14, 17), and
preaching comes out of being sent (v. 15). Recently, I received a letter
from a dear brother who had just returned from a trip to Eastern Europe
to visit Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Hungary. The impression I received
from this report is that there is the need for the preaching of what we
believe. Those countries need our young people to go there to teach the
people our belief, our faith…But where are the people who will go? The
Lord said to Isaiah, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?” (Isa.
6:8). Would you answer, “Lord, I am here. I will go”? You do not need to
care for your living. Jesus will feed you…If you would go there and
take care of just ten people, I believe that in half a year you would bring all these ten to the Lord and into the truth.
third way in the book of Galatians to receive, experience, and enjoy
the all-inclusive Christ as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit is by
being born according to the Spirit and by being given the Spirit of
God’s Son into our hearts (4:29b, 6)…This being born surely refers to
our regeneration. Our regeneration was according to the Spirit; that is,
it was accomplished according to the Spirit within us.
we receive, experience, and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the
all-inclusive Spirit also by putting on Christ through the baptism that
puts us into Christ (3:27). To put on Christ is to be clothed with
Christ. We were once naked, without any covering. To be naked is a
shame. However, at the time we believed and were baptized, something was
put on us to clothe us. We were clothed with Christ through baptism.
Matthew 28:19 says, “Go therefore and disciple all the nations,
baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.” We baptize people not only into water but also into the
Triune God. In so doing, we put Christ upon them; we clothe them with Christ through baptism.
puts us into Christ. When we go to preach the gospel, we need to have
the full realization that when we baptize people, we are putting them
not only into water but also into the consummated, processed Triune God.
We should tell them, “From today onward you are no longer naked; you
are clothed and covered with the processed, consummated Triune God.”
This is the way to receive, experience, and enjoy the all-inclusive
Christ as the allinclusive life-giving Spirit, who is the aggregate of
the all-embracing blessing of the full gospel of God. (CWWL, 1991-1992,
vol. 1, “The Central Line of the Divine Revelation,” pp. 458-461)
Further Reading: Life-study of Galatians, msg. 4