
第四週 週一



太二四45~47 這樣,誰是那忠信又精明的奴僕,為主人所派,管理他的家人,按時分糧給他們?主人來到,看見他這樣行,那奴僕就有福了。我實在告訴你們,主人要派他管理一切的家業。









WEEK 4 — DAY 1 

Morning Nourishment 

Matt. 24:45-47 Who then is the faithful and prudent slave, whom the master has set over his household to give them food at the proper time? Blessed is that slave whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing. Truly I say to you that he will set him over all his possessions. 

Matthew 24:45 through 51 are concerned with faithfulness and prudence… Faithfulness is toward the Lord, whereas prudence is toward the believers. Watchfulness is for rapture into the Lord’s presence, but faithfulness is for reigning in the kingdom (v. 47). The household spoken of in verse 45 refers to the believers (Eph. 2:19), who are the church (1 Tim. 3:15). To give them food is to minister the Word of God with Christ as the life supply to the believers in the church. We all must learn how to minister the life supply to the household of the Lord at the appointed time. 

To be blessed [in Matthew 24:46-47] is to be rewarded with ruling authority in the manifestation of the kingdom. The faithful slave of the Lord will be set over all His possessions as a reward in the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens. (Life-study of Matthew, pp. 741-742) 

Today’s Reading 

At the proper time we have to minister food, the life supply, to the Lord’s people. Do not say that others have a gift of teaching to teach you the Word of God and minister spiritual food to you but that you do not have such a gift. There is not such a thought here. All of the Lord’s servants received the gift for their commission. 

Some… may say that in all of Christianity they only saw the practice of good  reachers speaking to a crowd. They never saw a meeting with so many standing up to speak… One after another stands up like popcorn popping, [which] is altogether what we expect to have…This is the Bible’s teaching (1 Cor. 14:24, 26, 29-32). We all have to learn to function. This is the reason that even in a ministry meeting, I always like to leave half an hour for you to “pop up.” Do not just be stuck to your chair…You have to jump up to say something. For you to speak is to minister food to the Lord’s household at the proper time. 

Whoever serves food knows the proper time. If you are serving food every day, you have to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner…The proper time in the morning is breakfast. Also, good wives prepare the best sandwiches for their husbands to bring to the office for lunch at the proper time and are accustomed to preparing a big dinner for their family. In like manner, whenever we meet together, this is one of the proper times, the appointed times, for you to minister the proper food to the Lord’s folks. Suppose, however, that I was sloppy, not reading the Word. If I did not labor adequately in the Word and came to speak to you, I would just be ministering to you “a cup of coffee and some doughnuts.” To cook a nourishing, good breakfast requires your diligence… Faithful… equals diligent, and slothful equals lazy. We must be diligent in seeking the Word so that we could prepare to serve good food when we come to the meeting. The eating time is the proper time, and the meeting time is the proper time. We have the proper time on the Lord’s Day morning, on the Lord’s Day evening, Tuesday evening, and Friday evening. The meeting times are the proper times when we all have to minister some portion of the life supply to our folks, to our fellow believers. 

To the sinners the proper food that we minister is the gospel of Christ. The nurses in the hospitals know that they must serve the patients with different meals. Different food is ministered to different patients to meet their specific needs. It is the same with us. The entire earth is a hospital, full of sickness and full of all kinds of sick people. The church in a good sense is also a hospital, full of sick people. Therefore, we have to minister different words to them at the proper time. (CWWL, 1985, vol. 5, “The Way to Practice the Lord’s Present Move,” pp. 515-517) 

Further Reading: Life-study of Matthew, msg. 63; CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” ch. 6




