
第四週 週二



約壹五16 人若看見他的弟兄犯了不至於死的罪,就當為他祈求,將生命賜給他,就是給那些犯了不至於死之罪的。…

腓一25 我…仍要留下,繼續與你們眾人同住,使你們得到信仰上的進步和喜樂。

你的責任,你的職責,乃是供應食物給〔信徒、召會、甚至所有在你身邊的罪人〕。他們若是罪人,你必須供應他們恩典的福音,作他們所需要的食物。他們若是信徒,患了某種疾病,那麼你就要從聖經上供應適合他們情形的話,來餧 養、醫治、加強或喚醒他們。這樣作乃是作忠信又精明的奴僕,供應合式的食物給主的家業,就是按時分糧給各種人。當你進到辦公室,必須領悟這就是指定的時候,讓你供應合式的福音食物給不信的人。當你去上學,就算你不是到那裏去教書而是去上課,所有你身邊的同學也都是主所交給你的家業,你可以抓住機會,按時將福音供應給他們。








WEEK 4 — DAY 2 

Morning Nourishment 

1 John 5:16 If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall ask and he will give life to him, to those sinning not unto death… 

Phil. 1:25 …I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy of the faith. 

The believers, the churches, and even the more all the sinners are around you. It is your duty, your obligation, to minister food to them. If they are sinners, you have to minister the gospel of grace to them as the food they need. If they are believers sick of something, then you need to minister some word from the Bible that suits their condition, either to nourish them, to heal them, to strengthen them, or to wake them up. To do this is to be a faithful and prudent slave, ministering the proper food to the Lord’s possessions, which are all kinds of persons, at the proper time. When you enter into your office, you must realize that this is one of the proper times to minister the proper food of the gospel to the unbelieving ones. When you go to school, even if you are not going there to teach but to attend classes, all the classmates around you are the Lord’s possessions delivered to you that you may take the opportunity, the proper time, to minister the gospel to them. Every day is a proper time for us to minister the proper food to anyone… We all have to rise up and wake up to be diligent, to be faithful, to be prudent and not foolish, to minister the proper food to the needy ones at the proper time. (CWWL, 1985, vol. 5, “The Way to Practice the Lord’s Present Move,” pp. 517-518) 

Today’s Reading 

In Philippians 1:24… the apostle’s consideration was not selfish, but was for the sake of the saints. He was absolutely occupied by the Lord with the church. Paul realized that the churches needed more of the ministry of Christ. 

Paul was a person full of Christ. When he spoke, he spoke Christ. When he lived, he lived with Christ. When he worked, he worked with Christ and ministered Christ to the churches. For the sake of the church, he was willing to remain in the flesh that he might minister Christ to the saints. 

The faith [in verse 25] refers to what the saints believe in (Jude 3; 2 Tim. 4:7); progress, to the growth in life; and joy, to the enjoyment of Christ. Whether Paul was in prison or out of prison, he was a strong factor of the saints’ progress and joy. Because of him the churches could have the growth in life and could be filled with the enjoyment of Christ. This should also be true of us today. In the Body life there is the urgent need of certain ones to function as channels of supply. We need members like Paul. When such members die, the transfusion of Christ is in a very real sense interrupted. But as long as such ones are with us, the transfusion continues unabated, and we can boast in them in Christ. The leading ones in all the local churches should be such channels, such means of supply. 

Our living should matter greatly to the saints. But whether or not this is so depends on the degree to which we live Christ, minister Christ, and infuse others with Christ. I am sorry to say that, with respect to infusing Christ into the church, there are certain leading ones about whom it makes little difference whether they live or die. But with others their continuing with us or their being taken from us in death makes a great difference. I think of the example of a brother very dear to us, [who] surely was a means of supply to the Body… It made a difference to us whether this brother remained or went to be with the Lord. The same should be true of every one of us. It should matter to the church whether we live or die. But this depends on our living Christ, magnifying Christ, ministering Christ, and transfusing Christ from the depths of our being into that of the saints. If we experience Christ and enjoy Him in this way, it will make a difference to the church whether we remain or go to be with the Lord. (Life-study of Philippians, pp. 60-61, 63-64) 

Further Reading: Life-study of Philippians, msg. 7; Life-study of Leviticus, msg. 36; Life-study of Luke, msg. 27




