
第五週 週二



林後四16 所以我們不喪膽,反而我們外面的人雖然在毀壞,我們裏面的人卻日日在更新。

箴四18 但義人的途徑好像黎明的光,越照越明,直到日午。







WEEK 5 — DAY 2


Morning Nourishment

2 Cor. 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart; but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.

Prov. 4:18 But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until the full day.

In Matthew 13:43 the overcomers are likened to the sun shining forth in the kingdom of their Father. The sun rises afresh every morning. If we are to be the overcomers, the sun, we must also rise up every morning to be revived by the Lord… We should follow the sun to be revived and to have a new start every morning [cf. Prov. 4:18]. Our path is like the dawning light that shines more and more until the full day. I like Paul’s expression in 2 Corinthians 4:16—”day by day.” The Christian life does not only have one day. We are being renewed day by day. This means that day after day we have to be revived by the Lord. Yesterday morning we may have had a revival, but this morning we need another one, and tomorrow we need another one. Every year we need three hundred sixty-five revivals to be renewed day by day. (CWWL, 1989, vol. 2, “Being Renewed Day by Day,” p. 351)

Today’s Reading

Every day we need a renewal, and this renewal has to be refreshed day by day [cf. 2 Cor. 4:16]. What we need today is this kind of renewal in the inner life as opposed to a renewal in outward actions or expression. God has set up a natural law that the rising of the sun affords a new beginning and a fresh renewal every day…The same is true with our Christian life. Every morning we should allow the Lord Jesus, our Sun, to rise up in us so that we can be renewed. 

In order to achieve this, all of you should rise up early in the morning. But to rise up early, one must go to bed early… Early rising affords tremendous benefits for a Christian. Every morning when the sun rises up, it is time for us to rise up to fellowship with the Lord. We should pray to the Lord, “Thank You, Lord, for a new beginning. May this day be a memorable day in my life.” On the one hand, we have such a fresh consecration and waiting before the Lord; on the other hand, we receive from Him fresh bestowals and enlightenings. With all this freshness, we will naturally have a revival. This is what we call a morning-by-morning revival. It is also what Paul described as the renewing day by day. This renewal happens early every morning. I hope that this matter would be practiced properly among us. All the co-workers with the elders should trumpet this call in all the places, awakening all the saints to go to bed early and rise up early. As soon as we get up, we should have a good touch with the Lord. No matter how busy we are or how important other things are, we must put them aside until we have a touch with the Lord.

This touch with the Lord should preferably be for half an hour. At the very least, it should be for fifteen minutes. This should be something very easy for us to do. Leviticus 6:12 tells us that “the priest shall burn wood on it [the altar] every morning, and he shall lay the burnt offering in order upon it.” This indicates that every morning we should offer up Christ as our burnt offering based upon His being our sin offering so that we may have a new beginning. Not only must we do this every day; we must also do it with sweetness and depth. The fifteen minutes in the morning is not mainly for prayer or supplication; rather, it is for a direct touch with the Lord by which we speak to Him and He speaks to us. For this reason, the best way is to spend this time on a few verses so that we may be filled by the Lord through pray-reading His Word in an enjoyable way. In this way we will have a new beginning and a fresh revival. (CWWL, 1988, vol. 4, “A Timely Trumpeting and the Present Need,” pp. 39-40)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1989, vol. 2, “Being Renewed Day by Day,” chs. 1-2; CWWL, 1988, vol. 4, “The Present Advance of the Lord’s Recovery,” chs. 2-3




