
第五週 週四



多三5 祂便救了我們,並不是本於我們所成就的義行,乃是照着祂的憐憫,藉着重生的洗滌,和聖靈的更新。

弗四23 而在你們心思的靈裏得以更新。

26 好聖化召會,藉着話中之水的洗滌潔淨召會。









WEEK 5 — DAY 4


Morning Nourishment

Titus 3:5 Not out of works in righteousness which we did but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit.

Eph. 4:23 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind.

5:26 That He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word.

God has the best provisions to help us to receive the renewing. The first provision is the cross, the putting to death of Jesus. According to 2 Corinthians 4, Paul was always under the killing of the cross, the Lord’s death.

The second provision is the Holy Spirit… We have the Holy Spirit within us. His main work is first to regenerate us and then to renew us every day [cf. Titus 3:5]. We are receiving the new supply of the Spirit daily to renew us metabolically. Thank the Lord that we have such a renewing Spirit. The third provision God gave us is our mingled spirit, our human spirit mingled with the divine Spirit. In our human spirit, the Holy Spirit dwells, works, and renews us. Ephesians 4:23 says that we need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind. Our spirit is the place where we receive the renewing. Our mingled spirit spreads into our mind, thus becoming the spirit of our mind. It is in such a spirit that we are renewed for our transformation. (CWWL, 1989, vol. 2, “Being Renewed Day by Day,” pp. 351-352)

Today’s Reading

Many Christian teachers tell people that if they are careful to obey the Lord, they will have less suffering, but the experiences of many spiritual people throughout the history of the church have been just the opposite. While we are in the midst of suffering, we need to receive the renewing. Otherwise, the suffering we pass through means nothing to us. Within us there is a refuge. This refuge is our spirit. We need to turn from our mind to our spirit. Then we are safeguarded, hidden, and concealed from any attacks. It is in our spirit that we will be renewed.

In addition to the cross, the Holy Spirit, and our spirit, we have the holy Word. The Head of the Body cleanses the church, His Body, by the washing of the water in the word (Eph. 5:26)…When I think about Romans 8:4—to walk according to the spirit—I get washed. We all need to receive the washing of the water in the word daily.

When we come to the Word, regardless of what chapter or verse, the word will wash us. There is water in the word to wash us. Washing is a synonym of renewing. By these four items—the cross, the Holy Spirit, our mingled spirit, and the holy Word—we can receive the renewing.

Whenever we come to the Lord’s table, we need renewing. When the Lord Jesus established the table, He said, “I shall by no means drink of this product of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in the kingdom of My Father” (Matt. 26:29). The Lord established a principle here… The table He set up was new, and the table He will take in the kingdom of His Father will be new… We need to realize that anything negative is a cause and a factor of oldness… When we come to the Lord’s table, we first have to make a thorough confession… We have to confess and deal with any negative things between us and God and between us and men [Acts 24:16]. Another thing that makes us old is not forgiving others. Always forgive people (Matt. 18:21-22, 35; Eph. 4:32; 5:2), and always seek to be forgiven (Matt. 5:23- 24)… Offenses are the cause of oldness… We must learn to say to our spouse, “I’m sorry. Forgive me.” We need to pray that [this] fellowship… will become our experience day by day so that we can enter more into the reality of being renewed day by day. (CWWL, 1989, vol. 2, “Being Renewed Day by Day,” pp. 352-353)

Further Reading: Life-study of Leviticus, msg. 23; CWWL, 1988, vol. 1, “Speaking Christ for the Building Up of the Body of Christ,” ch. 3




