





名,指人位。主的人位就是那靈(林後三17 上)。在主的名裏行事,就是在那靈裏行動。這就是活基督(聖經恢復本,西三17 註1)。

在主耶穌的說話裏,第一次給我們看見在主耶穌的名裏是在約翰福音裏,就是在十四、十五、十六章裏。…祂說,『你們在我的名裏無論求甚麼,我必作成,…你們若在我的名裏求我甚麼,我必作成。』(十四13 ~ 14)祂從十四章起,直到十五、十六章,一直在那裏對門徒說到『在我的名裏』。這告訴我們,不只祂有一天在神面前要得着一個超乎萬名之上的名,並且祂這一個名是門徒所能用的,是你也能用,我也能用的。這一個名是神賜給祂兒子耶穌的名,祂兒子耶穌基督又把這一個名轉過來交在你手裏,交在我手裏,交在他手裏,是你、我、他都可以用的。…不只有祂的名,並且還有在祂的名裏。耶穌基督的名,是祂在神面前所得着的;在主耶穌基督的名裏,是神的兒女有分於祂這一個名。所以,在主耶穌的名裏就是有分於主耶穌的名,就是我們能用這一個名。弟兄姊妹,你要知道,這是神,這是主耶穌對我們一個最大的信託(倪柝聲文集第二輯第二册,二○七至二○八頁)。



在主耶穌的名裏, 就是神將祂的兒子托給我們。…在主耶穌的名裏,…就是說主耶穌敢把祂的名交在我們的手裏給我們去用。主信託我們到了一個地步,敢把祂的名字交在我們手裏給我們去用,這叫作在主耶穌的名裏。在主耶穌的名裏的意思就是說,主耶穌將祂自己賜給了我們,同時祂肯承認我們在祂的名裏所產生的一切結果,祂肯負責我們在祂的名裏所產生的一切關係(倪柝聲文集第二輯第二册,二○八至二○九頁)。




WEEK 5 — DAY 2

Morning Nourishment


Col. 3:17 And whatever you do in word or in deed, do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

1:27 To whom God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

The name denotes the person. The Lord’s person is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17a). To do things in the name of the Lord is to act in the Spirit. This is to live Christ. (Col. 3:17, footnote 1)

The first time the Lord Jesus mentioned being in His name was in John 14—16…He said, “Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do… If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it” (14:13-14). All the way from chapters 14 through 16, He repeatedly told the disciples to ask “in My name.” This shows us not only that He would one day receive a name above every name but also that the disciples could use this name. It is also a name you and I can use. This name is the name God gave to His Son Jesus, which has, in turn, been put in our hands…You and I and everyone else can now use this name…Not only is there His name, but there is also such a thing as being in His name. The name of Jesus Christ is the name He received before God, and being in the name of Jesus Christ is for God’s children to partake of this name. Hence, being in the name of the Lord Jesus is to partake of His name. It means that we can use this name. Brothers and sisters, we have to realize that this is the greatest thing committed to us from God and the Lord Jesus. (CWWN, vol. 22, “The Prayer Ministry of the Church,” pp. 179-180)

Today’s Reading

Being in the name of the Lord Jesus means that God has committed His Son to us. [Here], God is not committing us to do a work; He has committed His Son to us. God is not charging us to go; He is charging us to take His Son with us. This is the meaning of being in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Being in the name of the Lord Jesus is for God to commit His Son to us… To be in the name of the Lord Jesus…means that the Lord is bold enough to commit His name to our hand, and He is allowing us to use this name. The Lord trusts us to the extent that He dares to commit His name to our hands and allow us to use this name. This is the meaning of being in the name of the Lord Jesus. Being in the name of the Lord means that the Lord Jesus has given Himself to us and that He is willing to acknowledge everything that we do in His name. He is willing to bear all the consequences of us doing things in His name. (CWWN, vol. 22, “The Prayer Ministry of the Church,” pp. 179-181)

It is vital for us to see that to be in the name of the Lord Jesus means that we are one with Him, that we are in Him and He in us. As the Son is in the Father and the Father in the Son in the way of coinherence, we also must be one with the Lord in this way. We and the Lord Jesus should coinhere; that is, we need to be in Him and have Him in us. Then truly we shall be in the Lord’s name.

According to the basic truth revealed in John 14 and 15, to be in the Lord’s name means to be one with the Lord, to live by the Lord, and to let the Lord live in us. The Lord came in the name of the Father and did things in the Father’s name (5:43; 10:25). This means that He was one with the Father (v. 30) and lived by the Father (6:57), and the Father worked in Him (14:10). In the Gospels, the Lord as the expression of the Father did things in the Father’s name. In the Acts, the disciples as the expression of the Lord did even greater things (John 14:12) in His name. Therefore, to be in the Lord’s name means to be one with Him in actuality. All these verses indicate that, according to biblical usage, to be in a person’s name means to be one with that person. Thus, the name is not merely a signature, stamp, or seal used as an endorsement to conclude a prayer. (Life-study of Philippians, pp. 372, 370)

Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 22, “The Prayer Ministry of the Church,” ch. 3; Life-study of Philippians, msgs. 37, 42




