





我們的言談不該敗壞別人,卻要建造人(聖經恢復本,弗四29 註2)。

恩典乃是基督作我們的享受和供應。我們的話應當將這恩典載送給人。建造人的話,總是將基督當作恩典供應聽見的人。…使徒在以弗所四章十七至三十二節的勸勉,以恩典和實際(21、24、29)作基本元素。他要我們的生活像耶穌的生活一樣,充滿了恩典和實際(約一14、17)。恩典是所賜給我們的神,爲着我們的享受;實際是所啓示給我們的神,作我們的實際。當我們活實際並說實際(弗四21、24),我們就彰顯神作我們的實際,別人就接受神作恩典,給他們享受(29)(弗四29 註3)。


閒話就是沒有作用、無效的話,是沒有積極功用的、無用的、無益的、不結果的、不生育的。說這種話的人,在審判的日子,必須把所說的都供出來。旣是這樣,我們惡毒的話豈不更要句句供出來!(聖經恢復本,太十二36 註1)。

馬太十二章三十六節…是不是說凡人所說污穢的話?不是。是不是說凡人所說毀謗的話?不是。是不是說凡人所說的惡言?不是。這裏是說,凡人所說的『閒話』。閒話就是多餘的話、不相干的話、不必說的話、播弄是非的話。閒話,『在審判的日子,都必須供出來。因爲要憑你的話,稱你爲義;也要憑你的話,定你有罪。』〔36 ~ 37〕這是主耶穌說的。我們要看見,不只說毀謗的話是嚴重的,就是隨便說話也是嚴重的;不只說污穢的話是嚴重的,就是說閒話也是嚴重的。我們要看見,有的東西,有的罪,我們有方法賠償,但是,有的東西,有的罪,是沒有方法賠償的。閒話得罪了人,就是沒有方法賠償的。你能去向人認罪,你也能對人說把自己的話收回,但是聲音已經到了別人裏面,是不能收回的。偷人的東西能賠償,但是閒話得罪了人,沒有方法賠償。這一個罪要擺在神面前,所以主說,『人所說的每句閒話,在審判的日子,都必須供出來。因爲要憑你的話,稱你爲義;也要憑你的話,定你有罪。』



WEEK 5 — DAY 5

Morning Nourishment


Eph. 4:25 Therefore having put off the lie, speak truth each one with his neighbor…

           29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but only that which is good for building up, according to the need, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Our conversation should not corrupt others but should build them up. (Eph. 4:29, footnote 2)

Grace is Christ as our enjoyment and supply. Our word should convey such grace to others. The word that builds up others always ministers Christ as grace to the hearer. The apostle’s exhortation in Ephesians 4:17-32 took grace and reality (vv. 21, 24, 29) as its basic elements. The apostle wanted us to live, as Jesus did, a life full of grace and reality (John 1:14, 17). Grace is God given to us for our enjoyment, and reality is God revealed to us as our reality. When we live and speak reality (Eph. 4:21, 24), we express God as our reality, and others receive God as grace for their enjoyment (v. 29). (Eph. 4:29, footnote 3)

Today’s Reading

An idle word is a non-working word, an inoperative word, a word that has no positive function and is useless, unprofitable, unfruitful, and barren. Those who have spoken such words will render an account concerning every one of them in the day of judgment. Since this is the case, how much more must we account for every wicked word! (Matt. 12:36, footnote 1)

Does Matthew 12:36 say “every filthy word”? No. Does it say “every blasphemous word”? No. Does it say “every evil word”? No. It says “every idle word.” Idle words are redundant words, incongruous words, unnecessary words, and gossiping words. “Every idle word which men shall speak, they will render an account concerning it in the day of judgment. For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned.” This is what the Lord Jesus said. We have to realize that not only are blasphemous words serious, but loose words are also serious. It is a serious thing to speak idle words as well as filthy words. We have to realize that we can make recompense for certain sins, but we cannot make recompense for other things and sins. If we offend anyone through idle words, there is no way to make a recompense for this. We can confess to others, and we can retract our words, but the sound has reached others’ ears, and we cannot take it back. It is possible to make a recompense if we have stolen from others. But it is impossible to make a recompense if we have offended others with idle words. This sin will have to go before the Lord. Therefore, the Lord said, “Every idle word which men shall speak, they will render an account concerning it in the day of judgment. For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned.”

Idle words leak away life. What then should we do? In order to keep our mouth, we must first deal with our heart. The Lord says, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matt. 12:34). When the heart has something, the mouth speaks it out. If we have something in our heart, sooner or later, it will come out of our mouth. If we do not speak it here, wewill speak it elsewhere. If we do not speak it in this house, we will speak it in another house. Whatever is in the heart, the mouth will speak out. Therefore, in order to learn before the Lord to stop our idle words, we must start by dealing with our heart. If we do not deal with our heart, our mouth can never be dealt with properly. It is the heart that is first filled with all kinds of thingsbefore the mouth speaks of them. Never think that a word can be said in a heartless way…Because there is a heart for something, the mouth speaks. Hence, in order to deal with idle words, we must first deal with the heart. (CWWN, vol. 37, pp. 54-55)

Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 50, “Messages for Building Up New Believers (3),” ch. 36; Life-study of Matthew, msg. 33; Life-study of James, msg. 12





