













WEEK 5 — DAY 6

Morning Nourishment


John 14:13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

16:24 Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be made full.

26 In that day you will ask in My name…

There are a great number of Christians who do not know that it is necessary to pray in the name of the Lord. Many Christians often say that they pray by the precious blood of the Lord or by the Lord’s merits. The Bible clearly states, however, that we should pray in the name of the Lord.

To pray in the name of the Lord means that we are united with the Lord, and we allow God to be manifested through us. Never consider in the name of the Lord as a phrase or a form that you have to use at the end of every prayer…To add in the name of the Lord does not necessarily mean that there is the reality, and not adding it does not mean that the reality of it is missing. It is not a matter of formality but a matter of reality. A person who truly prays in the name of the Lord is one with the Lord. His prayer, therefore, is the Lord’s asking. He has been united with the Lord to such an extent that the two have become one. (CWWL, 1959, vol. 4, “Lessons on Prayer,” pp. 209, 211)

Today’s Reading

To pray in the name of the Lord means that you, the praying one, are in union with the Lord. When you pray in the name of the Lord, the Lord prays together with you. Brothers and sisters, when we have prayed, many times we were unable to say that we prayed in the name of the Lord, for we know that it was just our prayer; the Lord would not have prayed that way. So, at the end we should have said, “O God, we are praying in our own name,” for in practice, it is we ourselves, not the Lord praying in us. In order to be in the reality of praying in the Lord’s name, we need to be praying in the Lord. And when we pray thus, the Lord also prays in us.

In John 14 through 16 the Lord Jesus clearly pointed out that prayers in the name of the Lord by those who live in the Lord are prayers that accomplish God’s will. When we first heard that we needed to pray in the name of the Lord, we thought that we could pray for anything in the Lord’s name. But as we learn the lesson, we discover that out of ten matters we want to pray for, we are able to pray for only two. We realize that the other eight are not the Lord’s will and, therefore, the Lord cannot pray together with us. All real prayers in the name of the Lord are surely in accordance with God’s will.

From John 14 through 16 we can see that doing God’s will and praying in the Lord’s name are almost the same thing. When you are praying in the Lord’s name, it is equal to doing God’s will. Because you are one who lives in the Lord and by the Lord, your living is the Lord’s living. Please consider, can such a person still have goals or inclinations outside the Lord? Of course he cannot. Therefore, we would like to mention once again that of all the places in the Bible that are concerned with God’s promise in relation to prayer, none seems as broad as the one here in the Gospel of John. Here the Lord Jesus said, “Ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you” (15:7). In one sense this promise is really broad. But actually speaking, this prayer is also very narrow, because the kind of prayer referred to in John 14 through 16 is a prayer in the Lord. On the one hand, it says that whatever you want will begiven to you, but on the other hand, it says that such prayer needs to be in the Lord’s name. Although you may have many desires when you are in yourself, once you turn and get into the Lord’s name, you will see that your desires become restricted and that there are many things for which you simply cannot ask. (CWWL, 1959, vol. 4, “Lessons on Prayer,” pp. 212-214)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1970, vol. 1, “Fulfilling God’s Purpose by Growing in Life and Functioning in Life to Build Up the Church,” ch. 4




