




提後三16 ~ 17『聖經都是神的呼出,對於教訓、督責、改正、在義上的教導,都是有益的,叫屬神的人得以完備,爲着各樣的善工,裝備齊全。』













WEEK 6 — DAY 3

Morning Nourishment


Col. 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God.

2 Tim. 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.

We need the arbitrating peace of Christ to preserve us in oneness that the Lord may speak to us. Then we need to give first place to the word of God. If we do this, we shall experience the functions of the word of God.

First, the word of God enlightens us…Because God’s word is full of light and it enlightens us, it can make us very clear about many different things.

Second, the word of God is food, full of nourishment. This means that God’s word nourishes us while it enlightens us.

The word of God also quenches our thirst. Thirst is even more serious than hunger…If we do not have water, we simply have no way to live.

The word of God [also] strengthens us. Christians are weak because they are thirsty and undernourished. No one who is hungry and thirsty can be strong. (Life-study of Colossians, pp. 575, 571)

Today’s Reading

If we experience the word of God nourishing us and strengthening us, we shall be strong not only in spirit, but also in our soul. In other words, we shall be strong psychologically as well as spiritually. Furthermore, God’s word will even strengthen us physically…God’s word in my spirit makes myspirit strong and happy. This strength and happiness help me to be healthy physically. It is a fact that when we are happy spiritually and psychologically, we shall be healthy in body. The word of God makes us strong in spirit and also in soul. Strengthened in spirit and soul, we shall be healthy in body. The word of God is the best cure; it strengthens us and it heals us.

The word of God also washes us. It washes our being organically and metabolically.

Furthermore, the word of God builds us up. As members of the church, the Body, we all need to be built up. Because we are peculiar, it is difficult for anyone to deal with us, much less to build us together. However, the word of God can touch us inwardly and make it possible for us to be built up in the church. Because we are peculiar in ourselves, we cannot be built up inthis way unless the word of Christ inhabits us. Although the peace of Christ arbitrates within us, it is not the peace which builds us up. The peace keeps us in the proper situation for the building work to be done by God’s word… It is the word of Christ which builds us up…The more the word of God is released among us, the more building up there will be.

The word of God also completes and perfects…A baby is complete in organs, but not in functions. In order for a child’s bodily organs to function properly, the child needs to grow. Perfection always comes by the way of growth. The more a child grows, the more his functions are completed and perfected. The same is true in spiritual experience. As members of the Body, we all should function. But if we would function, we first need to be perfected by the word of God. Because God’s word nourishes us, we have growth. Then through the growth, the functions come forth. The nourishment we receive from the word of God completes us and perfects us as members of the Body. For this reason, we say that the word of God perfects us.

The word of God truly edifies us in the matter of virtues. The more we have of the word of God, the more virtues we shall have. Our kindness, patience, wisdom, and humility will all be increased by the word of God. (Life-study of Colossians, pp. 571-573)

Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msg. 59




