


M. C. 詩歌:588

讀經:西三15 ~ 16,四2



壹 我們需要讓基督的平安在我們心裏作仲裁—西三12 ~ 15,弗二14 ~ 18,羅五1,太十八21 ~ 35:

一 『作仲裁』一辭的希臘文也可譯爲『作裁判』,『作主席』,或『登位作每件事的管治者和決斷者』;基督那作仲裁的平安,消除我們與任何人的嫌隙—西三13。

二 我們常常發現我們裏面有三派:一派是積極的,另一派是消極的,還有一派是中立的;因此,需要內裏的仲裁來解決我們裏面的爭執:

1 每當我們感覺我們裏面各派在爭執或爭吵時,我們需要讓基督的平安作主席,並讓這平安,就是新人的一,在我們裏面管治並下最後的斷語。

2 我們需要把我們的意見、觀念擺在一邊,聽內住之裁判的話。


三 我們若讓基督的平安在我們心裏作仲裁,這平安會解決我們中間所有的爭執,我們就會與神有縱的平安,並與聖徒有橫的平安:

1 藉着基督的平安作仲裁,我們的難處解決了,聖徒之間的摩擦也消失了;然後召會生活就能甜美的得保全,新人也實際的得以維持。

2 基督的平安作仲裁,就是基督在我們裏面作工,好在我們身上施行管治,來作結論,下最後的決斷—參賽九6 ~ 7。

3 如果我們一直讓基督的平安登位施行管治,我們就不會得罪別人或破壞別人;我們反而會靠着主的恩典並有祂的平安,把生命供應給別人。

4 這平安應當將所有的信徒聯結一起,成爲他們的聯索—弗四3。


貳 我們需要讓基督的話豐豐富富的住在我們裏面—西三16:

一 我們需要讓主的話在我們裏面居首位,並且居住在我們裏面,使我們經歷神話語的功用在我們裏面運行,並將基督的豐富供應到我們這人裏面:

1 神的話光照(詩一一九105、130)、餧養(太四4,提前四6)並滋潤我們,解我們的乾渴(賽五五1、8 ~ 11)。

2 神的話加強(約壹二14 下,箴四20 ~ 22)、洗滌(弗五26)並建造我們(徒二十32)。

3 神的話使我們完備,使我們完全(提後三15 ~ 17),並且聖別我們,帶我們進入三一神裏的一(約十七14 ~ 21)。


二 歌羅西三章十六節說到讓基督的話豐豐富富的住在我們裏面,『用詩章、頌辭、靈歌,彼此教導,互相勸戒,心被恩感歌頌神』:

1 要讓基督的話豐豐富富的住在我們裏面,歌唱神的話是一條路;我們不僅要禱讀神的話,更要學習唱讀並頌詠神的話—詩一一九54。

2 頌詠神的話包含專注思想、默想、享受神的話,從而給這話更多的機會來浸透我們(15);要運用我們的靈並被帶進那靈裏,上好的路就是歌唱並頌詠神的話(林前十四15,詩四七6 ~ 7)。

3 在歌唱並頌詠神的話時,我們可用任何一種曲調,甚至用我們自己作的自來調;我們需要建立天天歌唱並頌詠神的話的習慣。

4 我們越歌唱並頌詠主的話,就越給話機會住在我們裏面,深深浸沉在我們裏面,並用神聖的元素浸潤我們,然後我們就會自然而然的活基督—參約六57、63。

三 每一天我們都需要按照以下的生命原則,實行讀神寫出來的話而來到基督這活的話跟前,讓祂向我們個人說話,而成爲那靈應用的話,好使祂得以注入我們裏面—啓十九13,太四4,約五39 ~ 40,六63,八31 ~ 32,十五7,申十七18 ~ 19:

1 我們必須全人向主敞開,好得着神聖之光內裏的照耀和神聖生命的供應;經歷最多變化的人,乃是絕對向主敞開的人—詩一一九105,箴二十27,詩一三九23 ~ 24。

2 我們必須全心尋求主—一一九2,可十二30。

3 我們必須對付使我們與主分開的任何事物—徒二四16,提後一3 上,約壹一9,參結一22、26。

4 我們必須在主面前謙卑自己,將我們的自信、自恃撇在一旁,並仰望祂的憐憫和恩典—賽六六1 ~ 2,彼前五5。

5 我們必須運用靈禱告神的話,且用神的話禱告,並運用全人歌唱、頌詠、默想祂的話—弗六17 ~18,詩一一九15 ~ 16,參利十一3。

四 我們讓神的話居住在我們裏面,藉此就能成爲屬神的人,被神的氣充滿,使我們被神的話裝備齊全,這話乃是對抗召會敗落的抗毒劑—提後三14 ~ 17。


叁 我們需要堅定持續的禱告—西四2 ~ 3:

一 我們需要有充分的時間來禱告,這使我們能更多吸取基督這包羅萬有之地的豐富—一12,二6 ~ 7,四2:

1 我們需要花時間吸取主,確定且有功效的接觸祂—路八13,太十四22 ~ 23,六6。

2 早晨遇見神,不僅是在一天的清早遇見祂,並且也是在滿了光的情形裏遇見祂;我們該獨自到神前,不受任何人、事、物打岔或佔有—箴四18,出三三11 上,三四3 ~ 4,可一35。

3 我們來到施恩寶座前禱告的時候,恩典就會像江河一樣,在我們裏面湧流,並供應我們—來四16,參啓二二1。


二 爲了要在神這一邊與撒但爭戰,我們需要堅定持續的禱告—但六10:

1 我們這些與神站在同一邊的人,發現整個墮落的宇宙都在反對我們,尤其是反對我們的禱告;敵擋禱告的不僅在我們外面,也在我們裏面—太二六41。

2 禱告就是反對墮落宇宙中的潮流、趨勢—路十八1 ~ 8。

三 我們需要劃出定時禱告的時間;我們的態度應當把禱告當作我們最重要的事,不讓任何的事打岔—但六10,徒十二5、12。

四 我們需要藉着不斷操練我們的靈,留在禱告的氣氛裏—弗六18,提前四7,提後一7,西一3、9:

1 我們需要不住的禱告,堅定持續的禱告,保持自己親密的聯於主—帖前五17,太二六41,西二19。

2 卽使在最小的事上,我們都需要求問主;這樣作,就是堅定持續的禱告,並因此而活基督—參書九14,腓四7 ~ 8。

肆 我們藉着堅定持續的禱告,受基督的平安管治,並讓基督的話內住,祂就以祂自己浸潤並頂替我們,直到我們一切天然的區別都被消除,我們就有真正的召會生活—西三15 ~ 16,四2,三10 ~ 11。

Week Six

Allowing the Peace of Christ to Arbitrate in Our Hearts, Letting the Word of Christ Dwell in Us Richly, and Persevering in Prayer for the Genuine Church Life

M. C. Hymns: 812

Scripture Reading: Col. 3:15-16; 4:2


§ Day 1

I. We need to allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in our hearts—Col. 3:12-15; Eph. 2:14-18; Rom. 5:1; Matt. 18:21-35:

A. The Greek term for arbitrate can also be rendered "umpire," "preside," or "be enthroned as a ruler and decider of everything"; the arbitrating peace of Christ dissolves our complaint against anyone—Col. 3:13.

B. Often we are conscious of three parties within us: a positive party, a negative party, and a neutral party; hence, there is the need for inward arbitration to settle the dispute within us:

1. Whenever we sense that different parties within our being are arguing or quarreling, we need to give place to the presiding peace of Christ and allow this peace, which is
the oneness of the new man, to rule within us and have the final word.

2. We need to set aside our opinion, our concept, and listen to the word of the indwelling referee.

§ Day 2

C. If we allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in our hearts, this peace will settle all the disputes among us; we will have peace with God vertically and with the saints horizontally:

1. Through the arbitration of the peace of Christ, our problems are solved, and the friction between the saints disappears; then the church life is preserved in sweetness, and the new man is maintained in a practical way.

2. The arbitrating of the peace of Christ is Christ working within us to exercise His rule over us, to speak the last word, and to make the final decision—cf. Isa. 9:6-7.

3. If we stay under the ruling of the enthroned peace of Christ, we will not offend others or damage them; rather, by the Lord's grace and with His peace, we will minister life to others.

4. This peace should bind all the believers together and become the uniting bond—Eph. 4:3.

§ Day 3

II. We need to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly—Col. 3:16:

A. We need to allow the word of the Lord to have the first place in us and to inhabit us so that we may experience the functions of the word of God operating within us and ministering the riches of Christ into our being:

1. The word of God enlightens us (Psa. 119:105, 130), nourishes us (Matt. 4:4; 1 Tim. 4:6), and waters us to quench our thirst (Isa. 55:1, 8-11).

2. The word of God strengthens us (1 John 2:14b; Prov. 4:20-22), washes us (Eph. 5:26), and builds us up (Acts 20:32).

3. The word of God completes, perfects (2 Tim. 3:15-17), and sanctifies us to bring us into the oneness in the Triune God (John 17:14-21).

§ Day 4

B. Colossians 3:16 speaks of letting the word of Christ dwell in us richly, "teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace" in our hearts to God:

1. One way to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly is by singing it; in addition to pray-reading the Word, we need to learn to sing-read and psalm the word of God—Psa. 119:54.

2. Psalming the word of God includes dwelling upon it, musing on it, and enjoying it, thereby giving more opportunity for the word to saturate us (v. 15); singing and psalming the word are excellent ways to exercise our spirit and to be ushered into the Spirit (1 Cor. 14:15; Psa. 47:6-7).

3. In singing and psalming God's word, we may use any kind of melody, even a spontaneous one of our own composition; we need to build up the habit of singing and psalming the word day by day.

4. The more we sing and psalm the Lord's word, the more we give opportunity to the word to dwell in us, sink into us, and permeate us with the divine element; then spontaneously, we will live Christ—cf. John 6:57, 63.

C. Daily we need to practice coming to Christ as the living word in God's written word so that He may speak to us personally as the applied word of the Spirit for Him to be infused into us according to the following life principles—Rev. 19:13; Matt. 4:4; John 5:39-40; 6:63; 8:31-32; 15:7; Deut. 17:18-19:

1. We must open our entire being to the Lord for the inner shining of the divine light and the supplying of the divine life; the one who experiences the greatest amount of transformation is the one who is absolutely open to the Lord—Psa. 119:105; Prov. 20:27; Psa. 139:23-24.

2. We must seek the Lord with all our heart—119:2; Mark 12:30.

3. We must deal with anything that separates us from the Lord—Acts 24:16; 2 Tim. 1:3a; 1 John 1:9; cf. Ezek. 1:22, 26.

4. We must humble ourselves before the Lord, putting aside our self-confidence and self-assurance and looking to Him for His mercy and grace—Isa. 66:1-2; 1 Pet. 5:5.

5. We must exercise our spirit to pray over and with God's word and exercise our whole being to sing, psalm, and muse on His word—Eph. 6:17-18; Psa. 119:15-16; cf. Lev. 11:3.

D. By allowing the word of God to inhabit us, we can become a man of God filled with the breath of God so that we can be fully equipped with God's word as the divine antidote against the decline of the church—2 Tim. 3:14-17.

§ Day 5

III. We need to persevere in prayer—Col. 4:2-3:

A. We need to allow adequate time for prayer, which will enable us to absorb more of the riches of Christ as the all-inclusive land—1:12; 2:6-7; 4:2:

1. We need to take time to absorb the Lord, contacting Him in a definite and prevailing way—Luke 8:13; Matt. 14:22-23; 6:6.

2. To meet with God in the morning is not only to meet with Him early in the day; it is also to meet with God in a situation that is full of light; we should go to God alone, without any persons, matters, or things to distract or occupy us—Prov. 4:18; Exo. 33:11a; 34:3-4; Mark 1:35.

3. When we pray, coming forward to the throne of grace, grace will become a river flowing in us and supplying us—Heb. 4:16; cf. Rev. 22:1.

§ Day 6

B. In order to fight on God's side against Satan, we need to persevere in prayer—Dan. 6:10:

1. As those who take sides with God, we find that the whole fallen universe is against us and, in particular, against our prayer; resistance to prayer lies not only outside of us but even within us—Matt. 26:41.

2. To pray is to go against the current, the trend, in the fallen universe—Luke 18:1-8.

C. We need to set aside definite times for prayer; our attitude should be that prayer is our most important business and that nothing should be allowed to interfere with it—Dan. 6:10; Acts 12:5, 12.

D. We need to remain in an atmosphere of prayer by continually exercising our spirit—Eph. 6:18; 1 Tim. 4:7; 2 Tim. 1:7; Col. 1:3, 9:

1. We need to pray without ceasing, to persevere in prayer, keeping ourselves intimately connected to the Lord—1 Thes. 5:17; Matt. 26:41; Col. 2:19.

2. Even in the smallest details we need to inquire of the Lord; to do this is to persevere in prayer and thereby to live Christ—cf. Josh. 9:14; Phil. 4:7-8.

IV. As we are ruled by the peace of Christ and inhabited by the word of Christ through persevering in prayer, He permeates and replaces us with Himself until all our natural distinctions have been eliminated for us to have the genuine church life—Col. 3:15-16; 4:2; 3:10-11.




