






我們不僅需要爲着經歷基督在一個靈裏站立得住,也需要同魂與福音的信仰一齊努力。爲着福音的工作同魂,比在一個靈裏經歷基督難(見腓二20)。這需要我們在靈裏重生以後,進一步在我們的魂,特別在我們的心思,就是我們魂的主要、領先部分裏,得着變化(聖經恢復本,腓一27 註1)。






WEEK 3 — DAY 2

Morning Nourishment


Phil. 1:27 Only, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ…that you stand firm in one spirit, with one soul striving together along with the faith of the gospel.

       2:20 For I have no one like-souled who will genuinely care for what concerns you.

Rom. 12:2 …Be transformed by the renewing of the mind that you may prove what the will of God is…

We need not only to stand firm in one spirit in order to experience Christ but also to strive together with one soul along with the faith of the gospel. To be of one soul for the gospel work is more difficult than to be in one spirit for the experience of Christ (see Phil. 2:20). To be of one soul requires that, after having been regenerated in our spirit, we go further and be transformed in our soul, especially in our mind, which is the main and leading part of our soul. (Phil. 1:27, footnote 1)

Today’s Reading

To be one in soul means to be one in our affection, love, thought, and decisions. Such oneness is very practical. If we want to experience Christ, we need to be one in soul. If we are not one in our affections, thoughts, and decisions, we are not one in soul. As long as we are not one in soul, we are not in the fellowship unto the gospel.

One thought flows from Philippians 1:27 through 2:8… When I read 1:27 years ago, I thought that conduct worthy of the gospel was behavior that was perfect before those to whom we preach the gospel. But this is not Paul’s meaning here… Paul does not speak here of loving our wives, submitting to our husbands, honoring our parents, or behaving in a kind, lovable manner. Rather, he tells us to stand firm in one spirit with one soul. If we are not in one spirit with one soul, then our conduct is not worthy of the gospel. No matter how many of us there may be in a locality or on a campus, in our preaching of the gospel everyone must be fully impressed that we are in one spirit and with one soul. Nothing is more convincing than this. When all the members in the church are in one spirit with one soul, this oneness will be convincing, subduing, and attractive. When we have such a subduing and convincing oneness, we will experience Christ and enjoy Him. We will enjoy Christ by being in one spirit with one soul. By preaching the gospel we express our oneness in spirit and in soul. When we preach the gospel in this way, we have the enjoyment of Christ. The more we preach like this, the more we enjoy Christ. We will be able to say, “We don’t care mainly for how many souls are saved or for how many people are brought to the Lord. We are enjoying the Lord.” We will be full of enjoyment, and the preaching of the gospel will be a feast. If we do not sense that we are feasting on Christ as we preach the gospel, something is wrong. We lack the oneness in spirit and in soul. But if we are in one spirit with one soul, the number of people saved through our preaching of the gospel will be secondary. The primary thing is that in the course of our preaching, we will be feasting on Christ and enjoying Him. We will have not only experience but also enjoyment.

If we would remain in the fellowship unto the gospel by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, we need to be in one spirit with one soul. In Philippians the special point regarding the experience of Christ is this matter of being with one soul. Being one in soul is not only for the experience of Christ but even the more for the enjoyment of Christ. Our experience of Christ should also be an enjoyment of Christ. For example, children may eat food under the threat of being disciplined if they do not eat, but they may not enjoy what they are eating. Likewise, if we are merely in one spirit, we may experience Christ and yet not enjoy Him. To experience Christ with enjoyment we need to be in one spirit with one soul. (CWWL, 1978, vol. 1, “The Experience of Christ,” pp. 334, 342-343, 347)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1980, vol. 2, “The Secret of Experiencing Christ,” ch. 9




