














WEEK 3 — DAY 3


Morning Nourishment

Phil. 2:2 Make my joy full, that you think the same thing, having the same love, joined in soul, thinking the one thing.

      3:8 But moreover I also count all things to be loss on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, on account of whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as refuse that I may gain Christ.

[The Philippians] were to obey Paul’s word regarding thinking the one thing and being joined in soul [Phil. 2:12,2]. The one thing that they were to think is the experience of Christ for the Body life. We may also say that it is the enjoyment of Christ for the Body life. Paul was imploring the Philippians to think this one thing.

This one thing is clearly revealed in Philippians 3, where Paul speaks of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord (v. 8). To experience Christ as our enjoyment for the church is excellent… Anything other than this one thing is refuse, food for dogs, not something for us Christians. As children of God, we should not feed on dog food. Rather, we should eat at the table. (CWWL, 1978, vol. 1, “The Experience of Christ,” p. 355)

Today’s Reading

Although the Philippians had been transformed from dogs into children of God, at a certain point they turned away to dog food. We can easily do the same thing today. The trash can, the place where the dog food, the refuse, is cast, is primarily in the mind in the case of the brothers and in the emotion in the case of the sisters. Therefore, to think the one thing and to be one in soul eliminates the trash can and all the dog food that is in it. We were reborn as children of God, not in our mind or in our emotion but in our spirit…When we get into our spirit, we find ourselves at the dining table where Christ is. The Lord Jesus Christ is our food, and the dining table is in our spirit.

In Philippians 2 Paul was encouraging the Philippians to think the one thing and to be one in soul. The one thing is not merely the objective Christ but the subjective experience of Christ as our enjoyment for the church life. This one thing should occupy our mind all the time. We should constantly be thinking about how to experience Christ as our rich enjoyment so that we may have the proper church life. The Body life is the issue of the experience and enjoyment of Christ. When we enjoy Christ, the church life spontaneously issues forth. Thus, the church life comes out of our experience of Christ. In the church life we help all the saints to think one thing— the enjoyment of Christ for the church life. We all think of the experience of Christ for the Body life.

To think something other than the one thing is to rebel against God’s economy. God’s economy is that we think the one thing. Has a certain brother offended you? You should not think about that offense, for God’s economy does not allow you to do so…This is a serious matter. Murmuring is also rebellious. God’s economy does not allow us to murmur. To do so is to be disobedient.

We all have our disposition, and we all are accustomed to murmuring, reasoning, and complaining. But if we are enlightened concerning reasoning and murmuring, we will say, “Lord, forgive my rebellion. I don’t want to be a rebel in Your economy. Rather, I want to be obedient, obeying Your economy to think the one thing. Although certain ones have offended me, I do not want to think about the offenses. Instead, I want to think only of the enjoyment and experience of Christ.”

Paul’s word [in 2:2] about having the same love is a weighty word. It is a strong indication that the Philippians had a love that was on different levels. Our situation today is the same… For some, our love is too cold; for others, it is too hot. Our love should be moderate toward everyone. Whether or not our love is proper depends on whether or not we enjoy Christ in our loving of others. (CWWL, 1978, vol. 1, “The Experience of Christ,” pp. 356, 363, 344)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1967, vol. 1, pp. 142-146





