






使徒甚至在基督的心腸,基督裏面柔細的各部分裏,與基督是一,切切的想念聖徒。這指明,保羅經歷基督乃是與基督裏面的各部分聯爲一(聖經恢復本,腓一8 註1)。











WEEK 3 — DAY 4

Morning Nourishment


Phil. 1:8 For God is my witness how I long after you all in the inward parts of Christ Jesus.

Col. 3:12 Put on therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, inward parts of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, long-suffering.

Philem. 12 Him I have sent back to you—him, that is, my very heart.

In longing after the saints, the apostle was one with Christ even in thebowels, the tender inward parts, of Christ. This indicates that for Paul to enjoy Christ meant that he was one with Christ’s inward parts. (Phil. 1:8, footnote 1)

Since we are the members of the Body of Christ, we should have a feelingfor the Body…We must take the feeling of the Head as our own feeling… [According to Philippians 1:8], Paul took the inward parts of Christ Jesus as his own inward parts in caring for the church. This also means that he took care of the Body of Christ by taking Christ’s feeling as his own feeling…We all should be like Paul, taking the feeling of the Head as our own feeling. This is most necessary for our living the Body life.

We should deny ourselves and should identify ourselves with the Body. By doing this, there will be no separation or disconnection from the Body. The life that we live will fully be the Body life, and the Lord will gain the expression of His Body. (CWWL, 1990, vol. 2, p. 94)

Today’s Reading

We who believe in the Lord Jesus are joined to Him and are one with Him; hence, His inward parts are our inward parts… After we are saved, the Lord Jesus enters into our being, and we have His inward parts. Hence, we no longer walk or conduct ourselves according to our inward parts but according to His inward parts.

Paul’s longing after the saints was in the Lord, even in the inward parts of the Lord Jesus. Therefore, it was not his longing in himself alone; rather, itwas his longing in the Lord, in his union with the Lord. (CWWL, 1983, vol. 1, “The Subjective Experience of the Indwelling Christ,” pp. 259-260)

During his imprisonment, Paul begot Onesimus through the Spirit with the eternal life of God (John 3:3; 1:13). In Greek the name Onesimus means “profitable, useful, helpful”; it was a common name for slaves. He was Philemon’s purchased bondslave, who, according to Roman law, had no human rights. He ran away from his master, committing a crime which could bring the death penalty. While he was in prison at Rome with the apostle, he was saved through him. Now the apostle sends him back with this Epistle to his master.

The word useless in Philemon 11 also means “not of service, profitless.” This refers to Onesimus’s running away from Philemon…Onesimus became of service because he had been converted and was willing to return to Philemon. Literally, the Greek word for heart [in verse 12] means “bowels”… It signifies inward affection, tenderheartedness, compassions. Paul’s inward affection and compassions went with Onesimus to Philemon.

After begetting this child, Paul did not neglect him or leave him as an orphan in the care of others…He even referred to him as “my very heart.” Mothers often feel this way toward their child… Do you have this kind of feeling concerning one whom you have brought to the Lord?… Paul considered Onesimus not only his child, but also his heart. For Paul to send his child to Philemon meant that he also sent his heart to him.

There are some parents who do not regard their children in the flesh as their own heart. They may say within themselves, “God has given me this child, and it is my duty to take care of him. In this matter I have no choice.” Often Christians who bring others to the Lord have a similar attitude. In contrast to Paul, they lack a deep parental concern for the one saved through them. (Life-study of Philemon, pp. 3, 6)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1983, vol. 1, “The Subjective Experience of the Indwelling Christ,” chs. 4, 6




