神的經綸乃是祂心頭願望的目的,神把這個目的作成一個定旨。…聖別是完成神聖經綸的主持線(holding line)。…我們說聖別是主持線,因爲神在我們身上經綸的工作,每一步都是使我們聖別。
神在已過的永遠裏立了一個經綸,在那個經綸裏祂定規要得着許多兒子。…我們失落在亞當裏、在罪裏、並在死裏。我們是在崩潰的亂堆中,滿了罪和死。但那靈來把我們尋找出來,祂找着我們,又使我們知罪自責。然後祂激動我們的靈悔改。這是我們初步的聖別,使我們悔改。(路十五8 ~ 10。)這是尋找的聖別,結果使我們悔改,將我們帶回歸神。(17 ~ 21。)
救贖的聖別,也就是地位上的聖別,是藉着基督的血,(來十三12,)把我們從亞當遷到基督裏。這改變了我們原來所在的地方。…重生〔的聖別,也就〕是性質上之聖別的開始,從我們的靈更新我們。(林後五17。)…在神的救恩裏,祂先摸着我們的靈,以重生、更新我們的靈。這使我們這些曾作神仇敵的罪人成爲神的兒子。(約一12 ~ 13。)…更新的聖別,是從我們的心思到我們魂的各部分,更新我們的魂,(羅十二2 下,弗四23,)藉此繼續在性質上聖別我們。…我們不該只是日日被更新,也該時時,甚至每分每秒不斷的被更新。我們整個的環境,包括我們周圍的人,乃是神用來更新我們的最好工具。祂時時以神聖的元素,在我們裏面新陳代謝的變化我們。…變化的聖別乃是日常的聖別,新陳代謝的用基督的元素把我們重新構成,使我們成爲新的構成,作基督生機身體的一部分。(林前三12。)(李常受文集一九九三年第二册,二九四至二九七頁。)
WEEK 1 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
1 Thes. 5:23 And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rom. 12:2 And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind…
God’s economy is the intention of His heart’s desire, and God made this intention a purpose…Sanctification…is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy…We say that sanctification is the holding line because every step of God’s economy in His work with us is to make us holy.
We were in the “ocean” of humanity, but this line reached us, and we have been “hooked.” Our being hooked will be consummated when we are transfigured…When someone came and spoke something about Christ to us,…a “hook” got into us. We were convicted, and we repented and believed. Then we were regenerated in order for us to continue on the holding line of the divine sanctification. (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” pp. 219, 221)
Today's Reading
The divine sanctification holds all our spiritual experiences from our repentance to our glorification. It goes through our regeneration, renewing, transformation, and conformation unto the redemption of our body (Eph. 1:14; 4:30). Unto means “resulting in.” The redemption of our body is the consummation of the divine sanctification.
Such a sanctification is to “sonize” us divinely, making us sons of God in order that we may become the same as God in His life and in His nature (but not
in His Godhead) so that we can be God’s expression. Hence,
sanctification is the divine sonizing…We do not have and we cannot have
God’s Godhead, but we do have God’s life and nature so that we may be God’s expression. A son, in principle, is the expression of the father. God the Father sanctifies us to sonize us, to make us His sons for His expression…After being regenerated we need to grow to reach maturity. We become mature when our soul is fully sonized. Eventually, our body, which is still full of weakness, sickness, lust, and sinfulness, will be transfigured, glorified in full.
God in eternity past made an economy, and in that economy He decided to have many sons…We were lost in Adam, in sin, and in death. We were in a heap of collapse, full of sin and death. But the Spirit came to seek us out, and He found us. Then He convicted us and stirred up our spirit to repent. This was our initial sanctification unto repentance (Luke 15:8-10). This seeking sanctification resulted in our repentance to bring us back to God (vv. 17-21).
The redeeming sanctification, the positional sanctification, is through the blood of Christ (Heb. 13:12) to transfer us from Adam to Christ. This changed the place where we were. Regeneration is the beginning of the dispositional sanctification to renew us from our spirit (2 Cor. 5:17)…In God’s salvation He first touches our spirit to regenerate it, that is, to renew it. This makes us, the sinners who were the enemies of God, sons of God (John 1:12-13).
The renewing sanctification continues our dispositional sanctification by renewing our soul from our mind through all the parts of our soul (Rom. 12:2b; Eph. 4:23). We should be renewed not merely day by day but also hour by hour and even minute by minute, continuously. Our entire environment, including the people around us, is the best instrument used by God to renew us. He is transforming us inwardly and metabolically with the divine element all the time. The transforming sanctification is the daily sanctification, which reconstitutes us with the element of Christ metabolically to make us a new constitution as a part of the organic Body of Christ (1 Cor. 3:12). (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” pp. 221-223)