




20 ~ 21『但你們並不是這樣學了基督;如果你們眞是聽過祂,並在祂裏面,照着那在耶穌身上是實際者,受過教導。』



在馬槽裏的那個小耶穌,乃是一個神人,但誰能明白這事?祂不僅過人的生活,也過神的生活。因此,祂的生活是神人的生活。祂向祂的門徒和百姓顯爲真正的人。許多聽到祂說話的人驚訝說,『這人從那裏得來這些事?所賜給祂的是甚麼樣的智慧!這樣的異能竟然經祂的手行出來!這不是那木匠麼?不是馬利亞的兒子…麼?』(可六2 ~ 3。)他們希奇,一個人怎能作這些事,彰顯出人類中最高的美德。



這樣的生命起初只是在個人的耶穌基督裏。然而,這生命現今已經在許多人身上被重複、複製出來,這些人蒙了救贖、重生,如今在他們裏面有神的生命。他們都得着滋養、聖別、變化、成全,不僅成爲成熟的基督徒,更是成爲神人。基督身體的實際乃是被成全之神人所過的團體生活,他們是真正的人,但他們不憑自己的生命,乃憑經過過程之神的生命而活;經過過程之神的屬性藉着他們的美德彰顯出來。…得成全就是藉着不斷操練棄絕己,憑另一個生命活着,而得着成熟。…保羅活着,是藉死而活。〔加二20 上。〕他向他天然的人死,而憑他的新人同神聖的生命活着。所以他說,藉着耶穌基督之靈全備的供應,他活基督,並顯大基督。(腓一19 ~ 21 上。)(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第一册,一五八至一六○頁。)


WEEK 4 — DAY 4


Morning Nourishment

Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ.

     20-21 But you did not so learn Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him as the reality is in Jesus.

In brief, the reality of the Body of Christ is a kind of corporate living, not a living by any individual. This corporate living is the aggregate of many saints who have been redeemed, regenerated, sanctified, and transformed by the processed and consummated God within them. By this indwelling consummated God, these redeemed saints have been made actual God-men. In regeneration a person is made a God-man, but he is not a matured Godman… We have been regenerated, but many of us are still like…little babes. We need to be nourished and perfected so that we can grow in life and become mature. The procedure in the church work is to beget, to nourish, and then to teach and perfect so that the saints may be mature to be built in the local churches for the building up of the Body of Christ. (CWWL, 1994- 1997, vol. 1, “The Practical Points concerning Blending,” pp. 127-128)

Today's Reading

That little Jesus in the manger was a God-man, but who could realize this? He lived not only a life of man but also a life of God. Thus, His life was a life of a God-man. He appeared to His disciples and to the people as a genuine man. Many who heard Him were astounded and said, “Where did this man get these things? And what is this wisdom given to this man, and how is it that such works of power take place through His hands? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary…?” (Mark 6:2-3). They wondered how a man could do these things, displaying the top virtues among mankind.

Who is He? He is God becoming a man…Yet this man would not live by Himself, by His own human life. Rather, He rejected His human life. He denied Himself. He lived as a man by another life, by the life of God. He told us that whatever He did and whatever He spoke were not of Himself but of the Father who sent Him (John 14:10, 24). He was a real man living there, yet He was dying to His natural life…That dying to His natural life is the cross, and His living by the divine life is in resurrection.

Jesus…was a genuine man, but He lived not by man’s life but by God’s life… The crucifixion mentioned in the New Testament transpired on the wooden cross on Mount Calvary. But you have to realize that before Christ was there in the physical crucifixion, He was being crucified every day for thirty-three and a half years. Was not Jesus a human being, a genuine man? Yes. But He did not live by that genuine man. Instead, He kept that genuine man on the cross. Then, in the sense of resurrection, He lived God’s life. God’s life with all its attributes was lived within this God-man Jesus and expressed as this Godman’s virtues.

Such a life was there originally just in an individual man, Jesus Christ. But this life has now been repeated, reproduced, in many men who have been redeemed and regenerated and who now possess the divine life within them. All of them have been nourished, sanctified, transformed, and perfected not just to be matured Christians but to be God-men. The reality of the Body of Christ is the corporate living by the perfected God-men, who are genuine men but are not living by their life but by the life of the processed God, whose attributes have been expressed through their virtues. To be perfected…is to be matured by continually exercising to reject the self and live by another life…Paul lived by dying to live [Gal. 2:20]. He was dying to his natural man and living by his new man with the divine life. So he said that by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, he lived and magnified Christ (Phil. 1:19- 21a). (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “The Practical Points concerning Blending,” pp. 128-129)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “The High Peak of the Vision and the Reality of the Body of Christ,” chs. 1-4




