





燔祭豫表基督,主要的不是在於救贖人脫離罪,乃是在於過一種完全且絕對爲着神並滿足神的生活,(利一9,約五19,30,六38,七18,…)並在於祂是使神子民能過這樣一種生活的生命。(林後五15,加二19 ~ 20。)燔祭乃是神的食物,使神可以享受並得着滿足。(民二八2。)這祭每天早晚都要獻上。(出二九38 ~ 42,利六8 ~13,民二八3 ~ 4。)(聖經恢復本,利一3 註1。)



燔祭牲經過宰殺、剝皮、切塊並洗淨以後,就放在祭壇上焚燒。…〔在利未記一章九節〕『怡爽香氣』,原文意,安息或滿足的香味;亦卽一種獻給神,使神怡爽的香味,藉此蒙神喜悅。這辭是專門術語,用以指燒祭牲時上升的馨香之氣。(S. R.Driver,竇威爾。)這節裏的『燒』字,原文意,『使…在煙中上升,』指明燔祭牲不是很快的燒,乃是慢慢的燒。這樣慢慢的燒,結果就有怡爽的香氣,就是一種帶來滿足、平安與安息的香氣。這樣一種怡爽的香氣對神乃是享受。







WEEK 5 — DAY 3


Morning Nourishment

Lev. 1:3 If his offering is a burnt offering from the herd, he shall present it, a male without blemish; he shall present it at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, that he may be accepted before Jehovah.

          9 But its inward parts and its legs he shall wash with water. Then the priest shall burn the whole on the altar, as a burnt offering, an offering by fire, a satisfying fragrance to Jehovah.

The burnt offering typifies Christ not mainly in His redeeming man from sin but in His living a life that is perfect and absolutely for God and for God’s satisfaction (Lev. 1:9; John 5:19, 30; 6:38; 7:18…) and in His being the life that enables God’s people to have such a living (2 Cor. 5:15; Gal. 2:19-20). It is God’s food that God may enjoy it and be satisfied (Num. 28:2). This offering was to be offered daily, in the morning and in the evening (Exo. 29:38-42; Lev. 6:8-13; Num. 28:3-4). (Lev. 1:3, footnote 1)

Today's Reading

The burnt offering is not a light matter but a very weighty matter. The Hebrew word translated “burnt offering” literally means “that which goes up” and thus denotes something that ascends to God. What is there on this earth that can ascend to God? The only thing that can ascend to God from earth is the life lived by Christ, for He is the unique person to live a life absolutely for God.

After the burnt offering was slaughtered, skinned, cut into pieces, and washed, it was burned on the altar…The Hebrew words translated “satisfying fragrance” [in Leviticus 1:9] literally mean savor of rest or satisfaction, that is, a savor giving satisfaction to the Deity, to whom it is offered, and, therefore, received with favor by Him. The phrase is a technical term for the fragrant steam arising from a burning sacrifice (S. R. Driver). The word burn in verse 9 [smoke in AMP] indicates that the offering was not burned quickly but  slowly. As a result of this slow burning, there was a satisfying fragrance, a savor that brought satisfaction, peace, and rest. Such a satisfying fragrance is an enjoyment to God.

When we offer a burnt offering in smoke to God, a fragrance well pleasing to God will ascend to Him for His satisfaction and rest. Since God is satisfied, He will render His sweet acceptance to us. This is the significance of the burnt offering.

The burnt offering denotes Christ’s being absolute for God’s satisfaction. The way to satisfy God with sweetness, peace, and rest is to live a life that is absolutely for God. Since we cannot live such a life, we must take Christ as our burnt offering. We need to lay our hands on Him to indicate that we desire to be identified with Him, one with Him, and to live the kind of life He lived on earth.

In the Scripture, the laying on of hands always signifies identification, union; it does not signify substitution. To lay our hand on the offering means that we are one with the offering and take the offering as being one with us. Hence, the laying on of hands makes the two parties one.

By laying our hands on Christ as our burnt offering, we are joined to Him. We and He, He and we, become one. Such a union, such an identification, indicates that all our weaknesses, defects, shortcomings, and faults become His and that all His virtues become ours. This is not exchange—it is union.

We may realize that we are altogether unqualified and hopeless. This is our actual situation. But when we lay our hands on Christ, our weak points become His, and His strong points, His virtues, become ours. Furthermore, spiritually speaking, by such a union He becomes one with us and lives in us. As He lives in us, He will repeat in us the life He lived on earth, the life of the burnt offering. In ourselves we cannot live this kind of life, but He can live it in us. By laying our hands on Him we make Him one with us, and we make ourselves one with Him. Then He will repeat His living in us. This is to offer the burnt offering. (Life-study of Leviticus, pp. 71, 39-40, 27-28)

Further Reading: Life-study of Leviticus, msgs. 3-5, 8-9




