
 第十週   神人的神聖權利—有分於神的神性


讀經:約三15,羅八14,16,23,29 ~ 30,林後三18,弗一4 ~ 5,約壹三2


壹 我們需要看見,我們這些神人有神聖的權利,能有分於神的神性,就是有分於神—約三15,彼後一4:

一 成爲神人的第一步是:我們在靈裏由是靈的基督而生,有祂神聖的生命和性情—約三6,彼後一4。

二 我們旣是神人,由神所生,成爲神的兒女,就有權利有分於神的所是,甚至在生命、性情和彰顯上(但不在神格上)成爲神—約一12 ~13,羅八16,約壹三1。


貳 我們這些神人能有分於神的神性不同的方面:

一 我們能有分於神的生命—弗四18,約一4,十10,十一25:

1 生命就是神的內容和神的流出;神的內容乃是神的所是,神的流出就是神自己作生命分賜給我們—啓二二1。

2 神的生命是神聖的,有神的性質,也是永遠的,是非受造、無始無終、自有永有、絕不改變的—約三15,約壹二25,五13,20。

3 神永遠的生命是不能毀壞、不能消除、不能朽壞的,也是經過死亡和陰間之試驗,征服死,還要吞滅死的復活生命—來七16,徒二24,啓一18。

4 生命乃是經過過程並終極完成的三一神分賜到我們裏面,並活在我們裏面—羅八6,10 ~ 11。

二 我們能有分於神的性情—弗一4,彼後一4:

1 神聖的性情乃指神所是的,就是神之所是的構成成分。

2 神是聖別的,聖別是祂的性情,並且祂在基督裏揀選我們,使我們也成爲聖別,像祂是聖別的一樣—弗一4,彼前一15 ~ 16:

a 成爲聖別就是有分於神的聖別性情—弗一4。

b 神揀選我們,使我們成爲聖別;祂使我們成爲聖別,乃是藉着將祂自己這聖別者分賜到我們裏面,使我們全人被祂聖別的性情浸透並充滿—彼前一15 ~ 16。

3 有分於神的神聖性情,就是有分於神所是的元素、成分—弗三8。

4 一天過一天我們該有分於神的性情,享受神所是的構成成分—彼後一4。


三 因着我們藉着重生成了神人,所以我們有權利有分於神的心思—約壹二27,腓二5,林前二16:

1 我們是在神裏面,並且有神的成分;我們仍然有自己的心思,但我們裏面也有神的心思—腓二5。

2 當膏油在我們裏面塗抹時,就把神塗抹到我們裏面,又向我們啓示神的心思—約壹二27。

3 我們若讓基督的心思成爲我們的心思,我們就可以有基督的心思—腓二5:

a 我們不僅有基督的生命,也有基督的心思—林前二16。

b 基督必須從我們的靈浸透我們的心思,使我們的心思與祂的心思成爲一—16 節,弗四23。

四 神人有權利有分於神的所是—林後三18:

1 我們說這點的根據,乃是保羅在林後三章十八節的話,那裏說到我們憑神自己的所是而被變化。

2 基督追測不盡的豐富分賜到我們裏面,意思就是我們不僅有分於神的生命、性情和心思,更有分於祂的所是—弗三8。


五 我們這些神人有權利有分於神的形像—林後三18:

1 基督乃是神的像,彰顯神所是的—西一15,林後四4。

2 按照林後三章十八節,我們正『漸漸變化成爲與祂同樣的形像』。

3 變化成爲與祂同樣的形像,就是模成神長子這復活之基督的形像,成爲與祂一式一樣—羅八29。

六 至終,我們要被帶進神的榮耀,有分於神的榮耀—來二10:

1 神是榮耀的神;榮耀是神的彰顯,是神在輝煌中彰顯出來—徒七2,林前二7,林後三18,四6。

2 神永遠的目標是要領祂許多的兒子進榮耀裏去—來二10。

3 包羅萬有的基督住在我們裏面乃是榮耀的盼望—西一27。

4 我們觀看並返照主的榮光,就漸漸變化成爲主的形像,從榮耀到榮耀—林後三18。


七 神人之神聖權利的另一面,乃是有分於神兒子的名分—弗一5,羅八23:

1 在創立世界以前,就是在已過的永遠,神豫定我們得兒子的名分—弗一5。

2 在時間開始以前,神就有意並定意,要我們有分於祂兒子的名分—5 節。

3 基督的救贖將我們帶進神兒子的名分裏,並且我們得着了兒子名分的靈—我們蒙重生之人的靈調和着神兒子的靈—加四6,羅八15。

八 神人有權利有分於神的神性,這包括有權利有分於神的顯出—19 節:

1 當我們的生命—基督—顯現的時候,我們也要與祂一同顯現在榮耀裏—西三4。

2 當神顯現時,我們這些神的眾子也要有分於那個顯現—羅八19。

3 神要與祂的眾子一同顯現,(來二10,)他們在生命、性情、心思、所是、形像和榮耀上,將要與祂一式一樣—羅八19。


九 神人有神聖的權利有分於神的神性,這包括有權利有神的樣式—約壹三2:

1 約壹三章二節說,『我們曉得祂若顯現,我們必要像祂;因爲我們必要看見祂,正如祂所是的。』

2 當基督顯現時,三一神就要顯現出來;當我們看見祂時,我們就要看見三一神;當我們像祂時,我們就要像三一神—2 節:

a 這清楚啓示,我們要有神的樣式。

b 我們不僅要有分於神的生命和性情,也要有神的樣式—弗四18,彼後一4,約壹三2。

十 最後,神人有神聖的權利成爲神類—神的種類—約一12 ~ 13,羅八14,16:

1 神成爲人,進到人的種類裏;而人在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成爲神,進到神的神聖種類之範圍裏—約一1,12 ~ 14,彼後一4。

2 我們要進入神聖的範圍,就是神聖種類的範圍,就必須從神而生,有神聖的生命和神聖的性情—約一12 ~ 13,三3,5 ~ 6,15,彼後一4:

a 我們已經重生成爲神的種類,成爲神人類—約一12 ~ 13。

b 我們第二次的出生,重生,使我們進入神的國,成爲神的種類—三3,5 ~ 6。

c 神所有的兒女都是在神聖種類的神聖範圍裏—一12 ~ 13,三3,5。

d 在約翰福音裏,我們看見信徒活在神聖種類之範圍裏的許多方面—一16,十五4 上,9,11,四23 ~24,十四2,20,23,十七22 ~ 24。

3 我們無論在那裏,都需要記得我們是神人,有神聖的權利有分於神的神性—西三4,弗一4 ~ 5,林後三18,彼後一4。

Week Ten

The God-men’s Divine Right to Participate in God’s Divinity

Hymns: Es151

Scripture Reading: Rom. 8:14, 16, 23, 29-30; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 1:4-5; 1 John 3:2

§ Day 1

I. We need to realize that, as God-men, we have the divine right to participate in God's divinity, that is, to participate in God—John 3:15; 2 Pet. 1:4:

A. The first step in becoming a God-man is that we are born of the pneumatic Christ in our spirit with His divine life and nature—John 3:6; 2 Pet. 1:4.

B. As God-men, those who have been born of God to be children of God, we have the right to participate in what God is and even to become God in life, nature, and expression but not in the Godhead—John 1:12-13; Rom. 8:16; 1 John 3:1.

§ Day 2

II. As God-men, we can participate in various aspects of God's divinity:

A. We can participate in God's life—Eph. 4:18; John 1:4; 10:10; 11:25:

1. Life is the content of God and the flowing out of God; God's content is God's
being, and God's flowing out is the impartation of Himself as life to us—Rev. 22:1.

2. The life of God is divine, having the nature of God, and is eternal, being uncreated, without beginning and ending, self-existing, ever-existing, and never changing—John 3:15; 1 John 2:25; 5:13, 20.

3. The eternal life of God is indestructible, indissoluble, and incorruptible, and it is resurrection life that passed through the test of death and Hades, conquered death, and will swallow up death—Heb. 7:16; Acts 2:24; Rev. 1:18.

4. Life is the processed and consummated Triune God dispensed into us and living in us—Rom. 8:6, 10-11.

B. We can participate in God's nature—Eph. 1:4; 2 Pet. 1:4:

1. The divine nature is what God is, that is, the constituents of God's being.

2. God is holy; holiness is His nature, and He chose us in Christ to make us holy,
even as He is holy—Eph. 1:4; 1 Pet. 1:15-16:

a. To be holy is to participate in God's holy nature—Eph. 1:4.

b. Having chosen us to be holy, God makes us holy by imparting Himself, the Holy One, into our being so that our whole being will be saturated and permeated with His holy nature—1 Pet. 1:15-16.

3. To be a partaker of God's divine nature is to be a partaker of the elements, the
ingredients, of God's being—Eph. 3:8.

4. Day by day we should partake of God's nature and enjoy the constituents of His being—2 Pet. 1:4.

§ Day 3

C. Because we have become God-men through regeneration, we have the right to participate in God's mind—1 John 2:27; Phil. 2:5; 1 Cor. 2:16:

1. We are in God, and we have the elements of God; we still have our mind, but
we also have God's mind in us—Phil. 2:5.

2. When the anointing is moving within us, it anoints God into us and reveals God's mind to us—1 John 2:27.

3. If we let Christ's mind be our mind, we may have Christ's mind—Phil. 2:5:

a. We have not only the life of Christ but also the mind of Christ—1 Cor. 2:16.

b. Christ must saturate our mind from our spirit, making our mind one with His—v. 16; Eph. 4:23.

D. The God-men have the right to participate in God's being—2 Cor. 3:18:

1. Our basis for saying this is Paul's word in 2 Corinthians 3:18 about our being
transformed with God's very being.

2. The dispensing of the unsearchable riches of Christ into us means that we participate not only in God's life, nature, and mind but also in His being— Eph. 3:8.

§ Day 4

E. As God-men, we have the right to participate in God's image—2 Cor. 3:18:

1. Christ is God's image, expressing what He is—Col. 1:15; 2 Cor. 4:4.

2. According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, we are being "transformed into the same image."

3. To be transformed into the same image is to be conformed to the resurrected
Christ as the firstborn Son of God, to be made the same as He is—Rom. 8:29.

F. Eventually, we will be brought into God's glory to participate in His glory—Heb. 2:10:

1. God is a God of glory; glory is the expression of God, God expressed in splendor—Acts 7:2; 1 Cor. 2:7; 2 Cor. 3:18; 4:6.

2. God's eternal goal is to bring His many sons into glory—Heb. 2:10.

3. The all-inclusive Christ dwells in us as the hope of glory—Col. 1:27.

4. As we behold and reflect the glory of the Lord, we are being transformed into
the Lord's image from glory to glory—2 Cor. 3:18.

§ Day 5

G. Another aspect of the God-men's divine right is to participate in God's sonship—Eph. 1:5; Rom. 8:23:

1. Before the foundation of the world—in eternity past—God predestinated us unto sonship—Eph. 1:5.

2. Before time began, God intended and determined that we should participate in His sonship—v. 5.

3. Christ's redemption brings us into the sonship of God, and we have received a spirit of sonship—our regenerated human spirit mingled with the Spirit of the Son of God—Gal. 4:6; Rom. 8:15.

H. The God-men's right to participate in God's divinity includes the right to participate in God's manifestation—v. 19:

1. When Christ our life is manifested, we will be manifested with Him in glory—
Col. 3:4.

2. When God is manifested, we, the sons of God, will participate in that manifestation—Rom. 8:19.

3. God will be manifested with His sons (Heb. 2:10), who will be the same as He
in life, in nature, in mind, in being, in image, and in glory (Rom. 8:19).

§ Day 6

I. The God-men's divine right to participate in God's divinity includes the right to bear God's likeness—1 John 3:2:

1. First John 3:2 says, "We know that if He is manifested, we will be like Him because we will see Him even as He is."

2. When Christ is manifested, the Triune God will be manifested; when we see Him, we will see the Triune God; and when we are like Him, we will be like the Triune God—v. 2:

a. This clearly reveals that we will bear His likeness.

b. We will not only participate in God's life and nature but also bear his likeness—Eph. 4:18; 2 Pet. 1:4; 1 John 3:2.

J. Finally, the God-men have the divine right to be God-man kind, God's species—John 1:12-13; Rom. 8:14, 16:

1. God became man to enter into the human species, and man becomes God in
life and nature but not in the Godhead to enter into the realm of God's divine
species—John 1:1, 12-14; 2 Pet. 1:4.

2. In order to enter into the divine realm—the realm of the divine species—we need to be born of God to have the divine life and the divine nature—John 1:12-13; 3:3, 5-6, 15; 2 Pet. 1:4:

a. We have been regenerated to be God's species and become God-man kind—John 1:12-13.

b. Our second birth, regeneration, caused us to enter into the kingdom of God to become the species of God—3:3, 5-6.

c. All the children of God are in the divine realm of the divine species—1:12-13; 3:3, 5.

d. In the Gospel of John we see many aspects of the believers living in the realm of the divine species—1:16; 15:4a, 9, 11; 4:23-24; 14:2, 20, 23; 17:22-24.

3. Wherever we may be, we need to remember that we are Godmen with the ivine right to participate in God's divinity—Col. 3:4; Eph. 1:4-5; 2 Cor. 3:18; 2 Pet. 1:4.




