
第八週 在生命中作王



讀經:羅五10,17,21,十二5 ~ 7,十六1 ~ 16,20


壹 神完整的救恩是要我們憑洋溢之恩,並洋溢之義的恩賜,在生命中作王—羅五17,21:

一 在生命中作王乃是對神生機救恩完滿的經歷—10,17,21 節。

二 義的恩賜是爲着神法理的救贖;恩典是爲使我們經歷神生機的救恩—一17,五10:

1 義的恩賜乃是神法理的救贖實際的應用在我們身上—三24,26。

2 恩典是神自己作我們全豐全足的供應,爲着我們生機的救恩—林前十五10,林後十二9。

三 追求基督最高的成就,乃是藉着基督的洋溢之恩,在祂神聖的生命裏與祂一同作王—腓三13 ~ 14,羅五17,21:

1 在生命中作王,就是勝過、征服、並轄管撒但、世界、罪、肉體、己、和一切環境遭遇—八2,35 ~ 37。

2 所有接受了洋溢之恩並洋溢之義恩賜的信徒,都需要在神聖的生命中操練受約束和限制—參太八9。


貳 我們需要進入在生命中作王的經歷—羅五17,21:

一 我們蒙了重生,得着神聖、屬靈、屬天、君王和君尊的生命;這生命使我們登寶座作王掌權,管理萬有—約一12 ~ 13,三3,5,啓五10。

二 在經歷上,在生命中作王就是在神聖生命的管治之下—太八9:

1 基督是在生命中作王的榜樣,祂一直在父神聖生命的管治之下—參5 ~ 13 節。

2 保羅是一個榜樣,他在生活和職事上都在神聖生命的管治之下—林後二12 ~ 14。

3 我們在神聖生命的管治之下,藉此在生命中作王,就蒙拯救脫離黑暗的權勢—西一13 上。

4 我們在神聖生命的管治之下,就活在神愛子的國裏,在愛的甜美中受管理和約束—13 節下。

三 在生命中作王就是征服各樣的不順從—羅五17 ~ 18,21:

1 一個掌權的靈必定是剛強、活潑的;是主動的,不是被動的;是積極的,不是消極的;是殷勤的,不是鬆懈的。

2 有這樣靈的人,不只守住等次的地位,服神的權柄,也是信心剛強,一直在升天的地位上運用神的權柄—太二八18,弗二6。

四 在生命中作王就是使我們的心受主引導—箴二一1,帖後三5。

五 我們旣如同神一樣在生命中作王,就在生命、性情、彰顯和功用上成爲神,只是無分於神格—羅五17,21,西三4,彼後一4。


叁 羅馬五章裏的在生命中作王,乃是開啓六至十六章裏一切事的鑰匙:

一 我們必須在這光中來看六至十六章裏的一切事。

二 在生命中作王在六至十六章得着說明;其中所闡述的一切事,不是我們努力的結果,乃是我們接受洋溢之恩的結果—五21。

三 我們若在生命中作王,就在六至十六章裏所陳明的一切事上有分。


肆 我們在生命中作王,在神聖生命的管治之下,其結果乃是真實並實際的身體生活,顯在召會生活中—五17,21,十二5 ~ 8:

一 羅馬十二至十三章中過身體生活的每一項,都需要我們受神聖生命的管治而向主活—參林後五14 ~ 15:

1 我們必須將身體獻上,當作活祭—羅十二1 中。

2 我們不該模倣這世代,反要藉着心思的更新而變化—2 節。

3 我們不該看自己過於所當看的,乃要照着神所分給各人信心的度量,看得清明適度—3 節。

4 我們應當承認我們在基督身體上有好些肢體,但所有的肢體不都有一樣的功用—4 ~ 5 節。

二 我們需要藉着在生命中作王,爲着身體的生活,活出最高美德的生活:

1 我們愛人不可假冒,並且愛弟兄要彼此親熱—9 節
上,10 節上。

2 我們殷勤不可懶惰,要靈裏火熱,常常服事主—11 節。

3 我們在患難中應當忍耐—12 節中。

4 我們應當與喜樂的人同樂,與哀哭的人同哭—15 節。

5 若是可能,我們總要盡力與眾人和睦—18 節。


伍 我們需要在生命中作王,效法使徒保羅將各地的召會帶進基督身體的交通裏—十六1 ~ 16:

一 在組成基督一個宇宙身體的眾召會之間沒有組織,卻有基督身體的交通—腓一5。

二 眾召會中間的交通乃是基督身體的交通—林前十16:

1 主的恢復是基於這真理:基督只有一個身體,這身體彰顯於許多地方,作爲眾地方召會—弗一22 ~23,四4,啓一11。

2 因着靈是一位,所以只有一個身體,身體裏也只有一個生命的循環;這循環就是基督身體的交通—弗四4,約壹一3,7。

3 基督身體的交通就是那靈的循環;當那靈在基督身體裏面循環時,神性、人性、基督的人位、基督的死、以及基督的復活都在循環。

4 神聖的交通乃是活在基督身體裏的實際—林前一9,十二12 ~ 13,27。


三 憑着眾召會在基督身體裏的交通,平安的神就要將撒但踐踏在我們的腳下—羅十六20。

陸 羅馬十六章給了我們使徒保羅絕佳的榜樣,他將眾聖徒帶到基督身體全體相調的生活中;乃是在這樣的生活中,我們纔能真正的在生命中作王—五17:

一 保羅對聖徒一一題名問安,至少有二十七個名字;這給我們看見,他對每一位聖徒都相當的認識、了解、關心—十六1 ~ 16。

二 保羅的推薦與問安表達眾聖徒之間相互的關切,以及眾召會之間相互的交通—參西四15 ~ 16。

Week Eight

Reigning in Life


Hymns: 947

Scripture Reading: Rom. 5:10, 17, 21; 12:5-7; 16:1-16, 20

§ Day 1

I. Gods complete salvation is for us to reign in life by the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness—Rom. 5:17, 21:

A. Reigning in life is the full experience of the organic salvation of God—vv. 10, 17, 21.

B. The gift of righteousness is for Gods judicial redemption; grace is for us to experience Gods organic salvation—1:17; 5:10:

1. The gift of righteousness is Gods judicial redemption applied to us in a practical way—3:24, 26.

2. Grace is God Himself as our all-sufficient supply for our organic salvation—1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 12:9.

C. The highest attainment of pursuing Christ is to reign with Christ in His divine life through His abounding grace—Phil. 3:13-14; Rom. 5:17, 21:

1. To reign in life is to conquer, subdue, and rule over Satan, the world, sin, the flesh, ourselves, and all the environmental circumstances—8:2, 35-37.

2. There is the need for all the believers who have received the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness to practice the restriction and limitation in the divine life—cf. Matt. 8:9.

§ Day 2

II. We need to enter into the experience of reigning in life— Rom. 5:17, 21:

A. We were regenerated with a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life; this life enthrones us to reign as kings over all things—John 1:12-13; 3:3, 5; Rev. 5:10.

B. In experience, to reign in life means to be under the ruling of the divine life—Matt. 8:9:

1. Christ is a pattern of reigning in life by being under the ruling of the divine life of the Father—cf. vv. 5-13.

2. Paul is an example of one who, in his life and ministry, was under the ruling of the divine life—2 Cor. 2:12-14.

3. When we reign in life by being under the ruling of the divine life, we are delivered from the authority of darkness—Col. 1:13a.

4. When we are under the ruling of the divine life, we live in the kingdom of the Son
of Gods love, where we are ruled and restricted in the sweetness of love—v. 13b.

C. To reign in life is to subdue all kinds of insubordination—Rom. 5:17- 18, 21:

1. A reigning spirit must be strong and living, active and not passive, positive and not negative, diligent and not loose.

2. One who has such a spirit not only keeps the position of order and submits to Gods authority but also has strong faith and exercises Gods authority consistently in the position of ascension—Matt. 28:18; Eph. 2:6.

D. To reign in life is to have our hearts directed by the Lord—Prov. 21:1; 2 Thes. 3:5.

E. Since we reign in life as God does, we become God in life, nature, expression, and function but not in the Godhead—Rom. 5:17, 21; Col. 3:4; 2 Pet. 1:4.

§ Day 3

III. Reigning in life in Romans 5 is the key to everything in Romans 6—16:

A. We need to see everything in chapters 6 through 16 in this light.

B. Reigning in life is defined in chapters 6 through 16; all the matters expounded in these chapters are the issue not of our endeavoring but of our receiving the abundance of grace—5:21.

C. If we reign in life, we are in all the matters presented in chapters 6 through 16.

§ Day 4

IV. The issue of our reigning in life, under the ruling of the divine life, is the real and practical Body life expressed in the church life—5:17, 21; 12:5-8:

A. Each item of the living of the Body life in Romans 12—13 requires us to be ruled by the divine life to live to the Lord—cf. 2 Cor. 5:14-15:

1. We must present our bodies as a living sacrifice—Rom. 12:1b.

2. We should not be fashioned according to this age, but we should be transformed by the renewing of the mind—v. 2.

3. We should not think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think, but to think so as to be sober-minded, as God has apportioned to each a measure of faith—v. 3.

4. We should consider that in the Body of Christ we have many members, and all the members do not have the same function—vv. 4-5.

B. We need to live a life of the highest virtues for the Body life by reigning in life:

1. We should love without hypocrisy and love one another warmly in brotherly love—vv. 9a, 10a.

2. We should not be slothful in zeal, but we should be burning in spirit, serving the Lord—v. 11.

3. We should endure in tribulation—v. 12b.

4. We should rejoice with those who rejoice, and we should weep with those who weep—v. 15.

5. If possible, as far as it depends on us, we should live in peace with all men—v. 18.

§ Day 5

V. We need to reign in life in imitating the apostle Paul to bring the local churches into the fellowship of the Body of Christ—16:1-16:

A. Among all the churches that compose the one universal Body of Christ , there is no organization, but there is the fellowship of the Body of Christ—Phil. 1:5.

B. The fellowship among the churches is the fellowship of the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 10:16:

1. The Lords recovery is based on the truth that Christ has only one Body, which is expressed in many localities as the local churches—Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4; Rev. 1:11.

2. Because there is one Spirit, there is only one Body, and there is only one
circulation of life in the Body; this circulation is the fellowship of the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:4; 1 John 1:3, 7.

3. The fellowship of the Body of Christ is the circulation of the Spirit; when the Spirit is circulating within the Body of Christ, divinity, humanity, Christs person, Christs death, and Christs resurrection are all circulating.

4. The divine fellowship is the reality of living in the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 1:9; 12:12-13, 27.

§ Day 6

C. It is by the churches fellowship in the Body of Christ that the God of peace will crush Satan under our feet—Rom. 16:20.

VI. Romans 16 gives us an excellent pattern of the apostle Paul in bringing all the saints into the blending life of the entire Body of Christ; it is in such a life that we can truly reign in life—5:17:

A. Paul greeted the saints one by one, mentioning at least twenty-seven names; this shows that he had a considerable amount of knowledge, understanding, and care with regard to every one of them—16:1-16.

B. Pauls recommendations and greetings express both the mutual concern among
the saints and the mutual fellowship among the churches—cf. Col. 4:15-16.





