



啓一4 ~ 5『…願恩典與平安,從那今是昔是以後永是的,從祂寶座前的七靈,…歸與你們…。』

二4 ~ 5『然而有一件事我要責備你,就是你離棄了起初的愛。…要悔改,行起初所行的。不然,我就要臨到你那裏;你若不悔改,我就把你的燈臺從原處挪去。』




基督作爲七倍加強的靈,拯救信徒脫離與召會墮落有關的事物。…在以弗所的召會失去了四樣事物:真正、正確的召會生活,對主起初的愛,燈臺照耀的性能,以及對基督作生命的享受。…七倍加強的靈拯救信徒脫離在以弗所召會中形式的召會生活,以及失去了對主起初的愛、燈臺照耀的性能、以及對基督作生命的享受。(啓二1 ~ 7。)…這是很嚴肅的一件事。在主的恢復裏,有些召會可能失去了這四樣事物。這些召會裏的聖徒沒有真實、真正的召會生活,只有形式的召會生活。聖徒們仍然彼此相愛,但他們的愛很形式化。他們對弟兄沒有真實、真正的愛。不僅如此,這些召會裏的聖徒雖然仍舊來聚會,卻僅僅是形式化的參加聚會。好些聖徒都有這種形式。我們需要真,要真就是要在靈裏,並在靈裏作一切事。


信徒也需要蒙拯救,脫離在別迦摩召會中,與世界聯婚而帶進的世俗,以及巴蘭和尼哥拉黨的教訓。(啓二12 ~ 17。)…信徒也需要蒙拯救脫離在非拉鐵非的召會所表徵弟兄會的情形,就是失去已經得着的冠冕。(三7 ~ 13。)

最後,基督作七倍加強的靈,拯救信徒脫離在老底嘉的召會所表徵墮落的弟兄會中,不冷不熱和沒有基督的光景。(14 ~ 22。)我們知道在老底嘉的召會沒有基督,因爲基督站在召會的門外叩門。(20。)這指明我們可能名義上有基督,實際上卻沒有。我們需要小心,免得這成了我們今天的光景。我們都該爲自己,不是爲別人思想這些事。(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第四册,三七五至三七八頁。)


WEEK 9 — DAY 5


Morning Nourishment

Rev. 1:4 …Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is coming, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne.

    2:4-5 But I have one thing against you, that you have left your first love… Repent and do the first works; but if not, I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place, unless you repent.

For His ministry in the stage of His inclusion, Christ became the lifegiving Spirit, the pneumatic Christ, to carry out His organic salvation for the producing of the church and the building up of His Body to consummate the New Jerusalem. However, on the way of His ministry in the stage of His inclusion, before He had attained His purpose, the church became degraded; such degradation frustrates the accomplishment of God’s eternal economy. Hence, Christ as the one life-giving Spirit was intensified sevenfold to become the seven Spirits of God (Rev. 1:4; 4:5; 5:6; 3:1).

The book of Revelation refers to the seven Spirits of God. The seven Spirits are not seven individual Spirits, but the one Spirit who is intensified sevenfold. This is the proper interpretation of the Word…Christ became the sevenfold intensified Spirit in order to intensify the organic salvation of God sevenfold for the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate God’s eternal goal, which is the New Jerusalem. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “How to Be a Coworker and an Elder and How to Fulfill Their Obligations,” pp. 253-254)

Today's Reading

As the sevenfold intensified Spirit, Christ saves the believers from the things related to the degradation of the church…The church in Ephesus had lost four things: the genuine and proper church life, the first love toward the Lord, the shining capacity of the lampstand, and the enjoyment of Christ as life. The sevenfold intensified Spirit saves the believers from the formal church life, the loss of the first love to the Lord, the loss of the shining capacity of the lampstand, and the loss of the enjoyment of Christ as life in the church in Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7)…Such [losses are] very serious. Some of the churches in the Lord’s recovery may have lost these four things. Instead of a real and genuine church life, the saints in these churches have only a formal church life. The saints still love one another, but their love is quite formal. They do not have the real and genuine love toward the brothers. Furthermore, the saints in these churches still come to the meetings, but they attend the meetings merely in a formal way. A good number of saints have this kind of formality. We need to be genuine, and to be genuine is to be in the spirit and do everything in the spirit.

If we have lost our first love to the Lord, we will not be warm toward Him. Although we may continue to serve Him, we will be cold in our serving. We need to be saved from a formal church life and serve the Lord with a burning spirit (Rom. 12:11).

The believers need to be saved also from the worldliness in union with the world as a marriage and the teaching of Balaam and the Nicolaitans in the church in Pergamos (Rev. 2:12-17). The believers need to be saved from the losing of the crown, which has been gained already in Brethrenism, signified by the church in Philadelphia (3:7-13).

Finally, Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit saves the believers from the lukewarmness and the Christlessness in degraded Brethrenism, signified by the church in Laodicea (vv. 14-22). We know that the church in Laodicea was Christ-less by the fact that He was outside the church, standing at the door and knocking (v. 20). This indicates that we may have Christ in name but not in reality. We need to be careful lest this becomes our situation today. We all should consider these matters not for others but for ourselves. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 4, “The Secret of God’s Organic Salvation—’the Spirit Himself with Our Spirit,’” pp. 290-291)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “The Vital Groups,” ch. 8




