



弗一4 ~ 5『就如祂在創立世界以前,在基督裏揀選了我們,使我們在愛裏,在祂面前,成爲聖別、沒有瑕疵;按着祂意願所喜悅的,豫定了我們,藉着耶穌基督得兒子的名分,歸於祂自己。』

聖別的意思不僅是成聖,分別歸神,也是與一切凡俗的不同、有別。只有神與一切不同,與一切有別。因此,祂是聖別的,聖別是祂的性情。祂揀選我們,使我們也成爲聖別。神使我們成爲聖別的方法,乃是將祂自己這聖別者分賜到我們裏面,使我們全人被祂聖別的性情充滿並浸透。對我們這些神所揀選的人,成爲聖別就是有分於神的性情,(彼後一4,)並使我們全人被神自己所充滿。這與僅僅無罪的完全,或無罪的純潔不同。這使我們全人在神的性情和特性上聖別,像神自己一樣。(聖經恢復本,弗一4 註6。)



我們要成爲聖別並成爲兒子, 都需要神的分賜。…惟有神是聖別的。我們要成爲聖別,就需要一種聖別的元素分賜到我們裏面。當聖靈進到我們裏面時,祂就將神聖別的性情帶到我們裏面;那個聖別的性情就成爲聖靈用以聖別我們的聖別元素。詩歌三百八十一首第一節說,『你的聖別性情,使我能成聖;你的復活大能,使我能得勝。』祂的聖別性情使我們成聖,祂的復活大能使我們得勝。我們得着神聖別的性情分授到我們裏面,這聖別的性情就成了用來使我們聖別的聖別元素。我們成爲聖別,就是使我們成爲神的兒子。神聖別的性情分授到我們裏面,以及祂來生我們,這都是祂的分賜。




WEEK 1 — DAY 2


Morning Nourishment

Eph. 1:4-5 Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love, predestinating us unto sonship through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.

Holy means not only sanctified, separated unto God, but also different, distinct, from everything that is common. Only God is different, distinct, from all things. Hence, He is holy; holiness is His nature. He chose us that we should be holy. He makes us holy by imparting Himself, the Holy One, into our being, that our whole being may be permeated and saturated with His holy nature. For us, God’s chosen ones, to be holy is to partake of God’s divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4) and to have our whole being permeated with God Himself. This is different from mere sinless perfection or sinless purity. This makes our being holy in God’s nature and character, just like God Himself. (Eph. 1:4, footnote 3)

Today’s Reading

Sanctification is to separate God’s people unto God for God to work on them and to work in them to make them His sons. God had an intention and made an economy to get many sons. Then the Spirit came to separate the chosen ones unto God so that God could beget them. First, they were sanctified unto God; then...God came to beget them, making them His sons, and this was through the sanctification of the Spirit. Verse 4 of Ephesians 1 says that God chose us to be holy. Then verse 5 says that He did this by predestinating us unto sonship. Thus, sanctification is unto sonship, for sonship.

For us to be holy and for us to be sons both require God’s dispensing...God is the only One who is holy. For us to be holy we need a holy element dispensed into us. When the Holy Spirit comes into us, He brings God’s holy nature into us, and that holy nature becomes the holy element with which the Holy Spirit sanctifies us. Stanza 1 of Hymns, #841 says, “By Thy holy nature / I am sanctified; / By Thy resurrection, / Vict’ry is supplied.” His holy nature makes us holy, and His resurrection power makes us victorious. We have God’s holy nature imparted into our being, and this holy nature becomes the holy element with which we are made holy. Our being made holy is for us to be sons. The imparting of God’s holy nature into us and His begetting us are His dispensing.

Both sanctification and the sonship are always carried out by the Spirit. This is why Ephesians 1:3 calls this a spiritual blessing, a blessing by the Spirit. Today we must learn to live by the Spirit, to act according to the Spirit, to have our being altogether by the Spirit, with the Spirit, and according to the Spirit (Rom. 8:4). As long as we have our being by the Spirit and act according to the Spirit, we are ready to grow in the divine life. Then we need some nourishment. We can be nourished in these three ways: by reading the holy Word, by listening to the spiritual speaking, and by coming to the meetings. This nourishment causes us to grow.

It is the Spirit who sanctifies us unto sonship. It is the Spirit who begets us that we may be born of God (John 3:6)...To be sanctified unto sonship is altogether a matter by the Spirit, in the Spirit, and with the Spirit. I am concerned when I see a number of dear saints who have been in the recovery for many years with no growth. Although they may meet, read the Bible, and listen to the messages, they do not care for the Spirit...Although they say that they love the Lord, love the recovery, and love the church life, they do not care a bit for the Spirit. This is wrong. We have to take care of the Spirit. Today this Spirit, who is wrapped up with sanctification and with God’s sonship, is in our spirit (Rom. 8:16; 1 Cor. 6:17). If we desire to take care of the Spirit, we should first take care of our spirit. (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Issue of the Dispensing of the Processed Trinity and the Transmitting of the Transcending Christ,” pp. 479-481)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “The High Peak of the Vision and the Reality of the Body of Christ,” chs. 1-3




