



弗五26 ~ 27『好聖化召會,藉着話中之水的洗滌潔淨召會,祂好獻給自己,作榮耀的召會,沒有斑點、皺紋、或任何這類的病,好使她成爲聖別、沒有瑕疵。』

現在我們要來看主聖化我們的路。保羅在以弗所五章二十六節說,基督聖化召會,是藉着話中之水的洗滌潔淨召會。照着神聖的觀念,這裏的水是指神湧流的生命,由湧流的水所豫表。(出十七6,林前十4,約七38 ~ 39,啓二一6,二二1,17。)這水的洗滌與基督救贖之血的洗淨不同。救贖的血,洗去我們的罪;(約壹一7,啓七14;)而生命的水,乃洗去我們舊人天然生命的瑕疵,就如『斑點、皺紋、或任何這類的病』。(弗五27。)主聖別並聖化召會,首先用祂的血洗去我們的罪,(來十三12,)然後用祂的生命洗去我們天然的瑕疵。我們現今正在這洗滌的過程中,使召會能『成爲聖別、沒有瑕疵』。(弗五27。)(以弗所書生命讀經,五五一至五五二頁。)


潔淨就是聖化。生命水洗滌的潔淨乃是在話裏。這指明話裏有生命的水,這是由祭壇和帳幕之間的洗濯盆所豫表的。(出三八8,四十7。)以弗所五章二十六節的『洗滌』,原文的意思是,洗濯盆。(七十士譯本用這個希臘字,繙譯希伯來文的『洗濯盆』。)…舊約那洗濯盆洗去祭司屬地的污穢。(出三十18 ~ 21。)現今這洗濯盆,就是洗滌的水,也洗去我們的污穢。因此我們乃是藉着話中之水的洗濯盆而得潔淨。…舊約裏的祭司如何先來到祭壇,然後再到洗濯盆,我們也是先來到十字架得拯救、蒙救贖、並得稱義,然後來就近主的話而得潔淨。一天過一天,在早晨在晚間,我們都需要來就近聖經,藉着話中之水的洗濯盆而得潔淨。…在你爲人的生活中,每當你接觸世界,你就需要來就近主的話,好得着潔淨。




WEEK 1 — DAY 4


Morning Nourishment

Eph. 5:26-27 That He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word, that He might present the church to Himself glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things, but that she would be holy and without blemish.

Now we must see the way the Lord sanctifies us. In Ephesians 5:26 Paul says that Christ sanctifies the church by cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word. According to the divine concept, water here refers to the flowing life of God, which is typified by flowing water (Exo. 17:6; 1 Cor. 10:4; John 7:38- 39; Rev. 21:6; 22:1, 17). The washing of the water here is different from the washing of the redeeming blood of Christ. The redeeming blood washes away our sins (1 John 1:7; Rev. 7:14), whereas the water of life washes away the blemishes of the natural life of our old man, such as “spot or wrinkle or any such things” (Eph. 5:27). In separating and sanctifying the church, the Lord first washes away our sins with His blood (Heb. 13:12) and then washes away our natural blemishes with His life. We are now in such a washing process, that the church may be holy and without blemish. (Life-study of Ephesians, second edition, p. 445)

Today’s Reading

The cleansing is the sanctifying. The cleansing by the washing of the water of life is in the word...This indicates that in the word there is the water of life, which is typified by the laver between the altar and the tabernacle (Exo. 38:8; 40:7). In Greek the word rendered “washing” in Ephesians 5:26 means “laver.” This Greek word is used in the Septuagint to translate the Hebrew word for laver. In the Old Testament, the priests washed themselves from earthly defilement in the laver (Exo. 30:18-21). Now the laver, the washing of the water, washes us from defilement. Therefore, we are cleansed by the laver of the water in the word. As the priests in the Old Testament came first to the altar and then to the laver, so we come first to
the cross to be saved, redeemed, and justified, and then we come to the word to be cleansed. Day by day, morning and evening, we need to come to the Bible and be cleansed by the laver of the water in the word...Whenever you contact the world in the course of your human living, you need to come to the word to be cleansed.

Christ gave Himself up for the church so that “He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word” (Eph. 5:26). After the Lord Jesus gave Himself for us in the flesh, He was resurrected and in resurrection became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45). As the life-giving Spirit, He is the speaking Spirit. Whatever He speaks is the word that washes us. The Greek word rendered “word” in Ephesians 5:26 is not logos, the constant word, but rhema, which denotes the instant word, the word the Lord presently speaks to us. As the life-giving Spirit, the Lord is not silent; He is constantly speaking. If you take Him as your person, you will discover how much He desires to speak within you...No one who takes Christ as his life and his person can remain silent. On the contrary, he will be constrained by Christ to speak.

Because such an inward transformation is taking place within us, there is no need for outward correction in the church life. God’s way in His economy is not to change us outwardly. His way is for Christ to give Himself up for us and then to come into us as the life-giving Spirit. In a very practical sense, the Lord’s presence is one with His speaking. Whenever He speaks, we realize His presence within us. This speaking of the life-giving Spirit within is the water that cleanses our inner being. This cleansing water deposits a new element into us to replace the old element in our nature and disposition. This metabolic cleansing causes a genuine change in life. This change is what we mean by transformation. Outward correction has no value. What the church needs is the inward metabolic cleansing that comes from allowing Christ as the life-giving Spirit to be our life and our person. (Life-study of Ephesians, second edition, pp. 446-447, 453-455)

Further Reading: Life-study of Ephesians, msgs. 54-55; CWWN, vol. 34, “The Glorious Church,” ch. 3




