





保羅在林後四章三節…說,『如果我們的福音真的受蒙蔽,也是蒙蔽在滅亡的人身上。』在有些人身上,福音爲老舊觀念,特別爲律法觀念所蒙蔽。(三14 ~ 15。)原則上,凡攔阻人領畧基督福音的,如哲學、宗教、文化傳統等,都是帕子。因此,傳揚基督必須揭開這些帕子,正如我們攝影時,要從鏡頭拿開鏡蓋,纔能拍攝景物。…〔在四章四節,〕這世代的神就是那迷惑者撒但,現今世代的管轄者;他統治着今天的世界,弄瞎人的思想和心思,獵取人的敬拜。在這一節,弄瞎的意思就是蒙蔽人的悟性。此外,這一節的心思是指悟性或思想。(哥林多後書生命讀經,八八至八九頁。)







WEEK 2 — DAY 2


Morning Nourishment

2 Cor. 4:4 In whom the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of the unbelievers that the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine on them.

            6 Because the God who said, Out of darkness light shall shine, is the One
who shined in our hearts to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

In 2 Corinthians 4:3 Paul [says], “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled in those who are perishing.” In some the gospel is veiled by old concepts, especially the concept concerning the law (3:14-15). In principle, anything such as philosophy, religion, or cultural traditions that hinders people from apprehending the gospel of Christ is a veil. Hence, the preaching of Christ must unveil them, just as in photography the cover is removed from the lens in order to take a picture. The god of this age in [4:4] is Satan, the deceiver, the ruler of this present age. He dominates today’s world and hunts for man’s worship by blinding his mind and his thoughts. In this verse blinded means to veil a person’s understanding. Furthermore, the thoughts here denote “the understanding” or “the mind.” (Life-study of 2 Corinthians, second edition, pp. 77-78)

Today’s Reading

Those who are blinded or veiled think that they do not worship anything. Actually, their god is Satan. Atheists worship Satan without knowing what they are doing. All people today, whether primitive or highly cultured, have been blinded by the god of this age.

If we would receive the revelation of the Son of God, we need to drop our concepts. Every concept, whether spiritual or carnal, is a veil. I have spent many years groping in my search to learn how to have revelation. Eventually I discovered that to have revelation we need to drop our concepts. God today is shining everywhere. This age of grace is an age of light. God is shining, and the Bible is shining also. The Bible is full of light, and it has been printed in hundreds of languages. Moreover, the all-inclusive Spirit moving on earth is full of grace. But although the Bible is shining and the Spirit is moving, many still do not receive revelation. The reason is that they hold to certain concepts and are veiled by these concepts. With respect to receiving revelation, there is no problem on God’s side...The problem is altogether on our side. We need to drop the veils, that is, to drop our concepts. It is important for us to pray, “Lord, help me to drop everything that is a veil.”...If you drop your concepts as you read the Word, you will read it with an unveiled face. Then the light will shine into you subjectively.

Today many of us earnestly desire to live Christ. But to live Christ we need revelation. As we have pointed out again and again, the only way revelation can come to us is if we drop our concepts. We also need to pray, “Lord, I trust in You to defeat the god of this age. Apart from You, I do not worship anything. Lord, I turn my heart to You, and I drop all my concepts. I don’t want to worship anyone other than You.” If you pray in this way, the light will shine, and you will  receive revelation. If you drop your concepts and turn your heart to the Lord, the veils will be taken away, and the god of this age will have no ground in your being.

If we would see such a revelation of the living person, we must begin by dropping our veils, our concepts. Second, we need to turn our hearts to the Lord. According to 2 Corinthians 3:16, when the heart turns to the Lord, the veil will be taken away. The more you turn your heart to the Lord, the less ground the god of this age will have in your life and in your being. Then you will be under the shining of the heavenly light, and you will receive the revelation of the living person...Let us all drop the veils and, by His mercy and grace, turn our hearts to Him. (Life-study of Galatians, second edition, pp. 31-34)

Further Reading: Life-study of Galatians, msg. 4; The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 324; Life-study of John, msg. 36




