帖前二4 ~ 5『但神怎樣驗中了我們,把福音託付我們,我們就照樣講,不是要討人喜歡,乃是要討那察驗我們心的神喜歡。因爲我們從來沒有用過諂媚的話,就如你們所知道的;也沒有藉掩飾而貪婪,這是神可以作見證的。』
參讀: 倪柝聲文集第二輯第二十四册, 第九十八、一百零四篇。
WEEK 7 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Thes. 2:4-5 But even as we have been approved by God to be entrusted
with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men but God, who proves
our hearts. For neither were we found at any time with flattering
speech, even as you know, nor with a pretext for covetousness; God is
word approved in 1 Thessalonians 2:4 implies being tested. God tested
the apostles before He approved them. Based upon this approvedness, God
entrusted them with the gospel. God did this in a careful way, for He
knows our hearts.
to our opinion, since God already knows everything, it is not necessary
for Him to test us. Yes, before we were born, He already knew what kind
of person we would be. Why, then, does God test us? God’s testing is
not mainly for Himself; it is primarily for us. God knows us, but we do
not know ourselves. Because we do not know ourselves adequately, we may
think that we are upright, honest, and faithful. However, when we are
put to the test, we will see what we really are and discover that in
ourselves we are not honest, faithful, or trustworthy...Only after God
proves us in this way will we have approvedness. (Life-study of 1
Thessalonians, 2nd edition, p. 96)
Today’s Reading
I would encourage the young people not to have confidence in themselves, for they have not yet been tested. I have the assurance that God will use the young people. But God’s using of them will come after His testing of them. God cannot entrust anything to us until we have the approvedness that comes from His testing. God’s entrusting is based on our approvedness. But we cannot approve ourselves. Only after God has tested us will He grant us approvedness. Then He will entrust something to us and begin to use us.
was in this way that God entrusted the apostles with the gospel.
Because the apostles had been entrusted with the gospel, they spoke not
as pleasing men but as pleasing God, who proves our hearts. Their
speaking was based on God’s entrusting. Because He had entrusted them
with the gospel, they spoke as pleasing God. In 1 Thessalonians 2:4 we
see that we must be approved and then have something entrusted to us.
Then we need to speak as pleasing God, the One who proves us. This
indicates that we need to pass through testing, approving, and
entrusting. Then we will have something to preach and teach.
Greek word rendered “pretext” [in verse 5] also means “pretense,
cloak.” To have any pretext for covetousness is to peddle or adulterate
the word of God (2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2). It is also to pretend to be godly
for the sake of gain (1 Tim. 6:5;
Titus 1:11; 2 Pet. 2:3).
to 1 Thessalonians 2:5, the apostles were never found with flattering
speech. We all must avoid flattery, never speaking in a way to flatter
others. In this verse Paul also says that the apostles did not have a
pretext, a cloak, for covetousness. They did not have an evil motive
that was covered in some way. Because they did not have any pretext or
pretense, they did not peddle the word of God or adulterate it. To
adulterate something is to mix it with an inferior material, for
example, to mix gold with copper or wine with water, and then to sell it
as if it were pure. Throughout the centuries many preachers and
teachers have adulterated the word of God in this way. They preached
under a pretext in order to make gain for themselves.
verse 5 we learn to avoid flattery and a pretext for covetousness. In
our Christian work we must give no place to such unclean things. No
servant of the Lord should use flattery or have some kind of pretext for
covetousness. May the Lord have mercy on us and purify us from all
these things. May we be able to say that God is our witness that we do
not speak words of flattery or have any pretext for covetousness.
(Life-study of 1 Thessalonians, second edition, pp. 96-98)
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 44, “The Mystery of Christ,” chs. 98, 104