



林前二9 ~ 10『只是如經上所記:「神爲愛祂的人所豫備的,是眼睛未曾看見,耳朵未曾聽見,人心也未曾想到的。」但神藉着那靈向我們啓示了,因爲那靈參透萬事,甚至神的深奧也參透了。』

我們若要領畧且有分於神爲我們命定並豫備之深奧、隱藏的事,就不僅需要信祂,也需要愛祂。敬畏神、敬拜神、信神(就是接受神),都還不彀;愛祂是不可缺的。愛神的意思,是把我們全人,靈、魂、體,連同我們的心、心思和力量,(可十二30,)都完全擺在祂身上。這就是說,我們全人都讓祂佔有,消失在祂裏面,以致祂成了我們的一切,我們在日常生活裏,實際的與祂是一。這樣,我們與神就有最親近、最密切的交通,能進入祂的心,領畧祂心中一切的祕密,(詩七三25,二五14,)不僅曉得,更經歷、享受並完全有分於神這些深奧、隱藏的事。(聖經恢復本,林前二9 註1。)






WEEK 1 — DAY 5


Morning Nourishment

1 Cor. 2:9-10 But as it is written, “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard and which have not come up in man’s heart; things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But to us God has revealed them through the Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.

To realize and participate in the deep and hidden things God has ordained and prepared for us requires us not only to believe in Him but also to love Him. To fear God, to worship God, and to believe in God (that is, to receive God) are all inadequate; to love Him is the indispensable requirement. To love God means to set our entire being—spirit, soul, and body, with the heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30)—absolutely on Him, that is, to let our entire being be occupied by Him and lost in Him, so that He becomes everything to us and we are one with Him practically in our daily life. In this way we have the closest and most intimate fellowship with God, and we are able to enter into His heart and apprehend all its secrets (Psa. 73:25; 25:14). Thus, we not only realize but also experience, enjoy, and fully participate in these deep and hidden things of God. (1 Cor. 2:9, footnote 3)

Today’s Reading

Life is not knowledge, it is not gifts, neither is it power. Life is a wonderful, unique, and strong person. Since Jesus as our life is a person, we must contact Him…You may have known Jesus for over twenty years and yet today miss His presence. Perhaps I came to know Him just five minutes ago, but I am in His presence. Thus, I get Him, and you miss Him. We must forget about our knowledge and past experiences. We even need to forget all that we know about Jesus. It means little. We need the present presence of Jesus. We need His presence at this very moment and day by day. We need the present person all the time, no matter how much we have known Him and experienced Him in the past. We need a new contact with Christ all day, moment by moment. He is a living person within us, so we must contact Him. We must tell Him, “Lord Jesus, I love You! O Lord Jesus, I love You! I hate and repudiate myself. I put myself aside so that I may take You as my life, moment by moment and day by day.” (CWWL, 1972, vol. 1, “Life and Building as Portrayed in the Song of Songs,” pp. 229-230)

In 2 Corinthians 5:14 Paul says that “the love of Christ constrains us.” Because the love of Christ constrained him, Paul was a person who lived to the Lord (v. 15). Another item which equips us to be the ambassadors of Christ is the constraining love of Christ. We must be persons carried away by the love of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Paul tells us that the dying love of Christ is like the rushing of great waters toward us, impelling us to live to Him beyond our own control…The love of Christ is as strong as a tide of water which overcomes us and carries us away. We need to be flooded by the love of Christ. We need to be constrained by His love so that we have no choice. We should be able to say, “I have no other way to go. I have to love the Lord because His love has constrained me. What can I do?” When the flood waters come, we do not have a choice as to whether we will receive them or not…We all have to be constrained by the love of Christ in such a way.

I must confess that I have prayed day by day for years that the Lord would show me His love so that I could be constrained by the love of Christ. I prayed in this way: “Lord, constrain me with Your love. O Lord, flood me with Your love.” All of us need to pray in this way. The young saints among us need to realize that although they love the Lord today, they are still at the crossroads of their Christian experience. There are many directions for them to choose, to take. They may have many choices, but once they are flooded by the love of Christ, they lose all the choices. (CWWL, 1967, vol. 2, “An Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit,” pp. 173-174)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1972, vol. 1, “Life and Building as Portrayed in the Song of Songs,” ch. 1; CWWL, 1967, vol. 2, “An Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit,” ch. 6




