






基督在祂的身位裏對信徒是喜樂。…〔約翰十五章十一節〕的上下文是主說到葡萄樹和枝子乃是一個生機體,彰顯神聖生命的豐富以榮耀父。(1 ~ 11。)我們成爲神聖葡萄樹的枝子,並結果子以彰顯神聖的生命,乃是喜樂的事,也是喜樂的生活。我們若住在主裏面,並藉着住在祂的愛裏而持續的住在祂裏面,以致多結果子彰顯祂生命的豐富,叫父得榮耀,我們就要被喜樂充滿。我們的喜樂總是來自我們住在主裏面,來自我們住在祂的愛裏,來自我們在祂豐富的生命裏結果子,並來自父的彰顯與得榮。在這種生活裏我們滿了喜樂;這喜樂實際上就是基督自己。(新約總論第三册,四六至四七頁。)






參讀: 新約總論, 第五十三、八十三、三百八十二篇。

WEEK 2 — DAY 1


Morning Nourishment

Rom. 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit.

John 15:11 These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.

Romans 15:13 [indicates] that joy is one of God’s attributes. God is the God of enjoyment. In our experience, if we enjoy God as grace, we shall have peace, and if we have peace, we shall have joy.

In His person Christ is joy to the believers…The context of John 15:11 is the Lord’s word concerning the vine and the branches being an organism to glorify the Father by expressing the riches of the divine life (vv. 1-11). For us to be branches of the divine vine and to bear fruit to express the divine life is a matter of joy—a joyful life. If we abide in the Lord and keep abiding in Him by abiding in His love so that we may bear much fruit to express the riches of His life for the glorification of the Father, we shall be filled with joy. Our joy always comes from our abiding in the Lord, from our abiding in His love, from our fruit-bearing in His rich life, and from the expression and glorification of the Father. In this kind of life we are full of a joy that is actually Christ Himself. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 106, 575)

Today’s Reading

In John 17:13 the Lord Jesus again speaks concerning His joy being made full in the believers. In His prayer to the Father, He said, “Now I am coming to You, and these things I speak in the world that they may have My joy made full in themselves.” The fullness of joy is in the real oneness. When we are one in the Father’s name by the Father’s life, enjoying the Father together, we shall have the Lord’s joy made full in us. This is the reason that when we are truly one, we are filled with praise to the Father. This praise is the overflow of the inner joy.

In Philippians 3:1 Paul says, “Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, for me it is not irksome, but for you it is safe.” Here Paul charges the saints to rejoice in the Lord. His word indicates that rejoicing in the Lord is a safeguard, a security…There must have been a situation in Philippi that required a safeguard, some kind of protection. The situation Paul had in mind was the trouble caused by the Judaizers. As a protection from that trouble, Paul encouraged the saints to rejoice in the Lord.

In Philippians 4:4 Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” All believers need to rejoice in the Lord…This rejoicing affords us the strength for the oneness spoken of in Philippians 4:2 and 3. If believers are to think the same thing, it is necessary for them to learn to rejoice. Rejoicing in the Lord is also the secret of having the excellent characteristics listed in Philippians 4:5-9. If we would have the virtues found in these verses, we need to rejoice in the Lord. Therefore, rejoicing in the Lord is very important. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 575-576)

Whether the Lord’s joy can remain in us depends on whether we make the Lord joyful. If we do not love the Lord and abide in Him, if the Lord’s words do not abide in us, and if we do not obey the commandments given by the Lord, can the Lord be joyful in us?…Those who do not abide in the Lord often have a sad face and are without joy. At times they may joke around and appear joyful, or they may be joyful when they make money or get promoted, but in quiet moments they are not joyful. Therefore, they cannot render praises in the Lord’s table meeting or open their mouth in the prayer meeting, because the Lord in them is sorrowful and without joy (Eph. 4:30). However, if we love the Lord, learn to abide in Him continually, allow His words to abide in us, abide in His love, receive His commandments, and obey His words, the
Lord’s joy will remain in us, and our joy will be made full. (CWWL, 1959, vol. 1, p. 374)

Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 53, 83, 382




