〔馬太十三章八節的〕好土象徵好的心,沒有爲屬世的交通往來所硬化,沒有隱藏的罪,也沒有今世的思慮和錢財的迷惑。這樣的心讓出每一寸的地土,接受主的話,使主的話可以長大,結出果實,甚至結了百倍。(23。)(聖經恢復本,太十三8 註1。)
WEEK 3 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
36:26 I will also give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put
within you; and I will take away the heart of stone out of your flesh,
and I will give you a heart of flesh.
Matt. 13:8 But others fell on the good earth and yielded fruit, one a hundredfold, and one sixtyfold, and one thirtyfold.
good earth [in Matthew 13:8] signifies the good heart that is not
hardened by worldly traffic, that is without hidden sins, and that is
without the anxiety of the age and the deceitfulness of riches. Such a
heart gives every inch of its ground to receive the word that the word
may grow, bear fruit, and produce even a hundredfold (v. 23). (Matt.
13:8, footnote 1)
Today’s Reading
the heart is so vitally related to life, God has no other alternative
but to deal with our heart so that His life might be regulated out from
us. Toward God, our heart has four great problems: hardness, impurity,
unlovingness, and unpeacefulness. Hardness is a matter of the will,
impurity is a matter not only of the mind but also of the emotion,
unlovingness is a matter of the emotion, and unpeacefulness is a matter
of the conscience…[God] deals with these four aspects so that our heart
may be soft, pure, loving, and at peace.
First, God wants our heart to be soft. To be soft means that the will of the heart toward God is submissive and yielding, not stiff-necked and rebellious. When God deals with our heart so that our heart is soft, He takes away the heart of stone out of our flesh and gives us a heart of flesh (Ezek. 36:26). This means that He softens our hard, stony heart so that it becomes a soft heart of flesh.
When we are newly saved, the heart is always softened. But after a
certain time the heart of some turns back and becomes hard again. Not
being submissive to the Lord and not even fearing the Lord, they
gradually fall away from the Lord’s presence. Whenever our heart is
hardened, we have a problem before God. If we desire the condition of
our spiritual living before God to be right, our heart must not be
hardened; on the contrary, it must be continually softened…We ought to
be fearful of offending God. Fear not heaven, and fear not earth; only
fear to offend God. Our heart must be dealt with until it is soft to
this extent; then it is all right. It is indeed sad that many brothers
and sisters are soft in many things; yet as soon as God and the will of
God are mentioned, they become very hard…There are also brothers and
sisters who are hard toward everything; yet when God and the will of God
are mentioned, they become soft. Such people have soft hearts. We
should ask God to make our heart soft like this.
does God make our heart soft? How does He soften our heart? Sometimes
He uses His love to move us, and sometimes He uses chastisement to
strike us. God often uses His love first to move us; if love cannot move
us, He uses His hand through the environment to strike us until our
heart is softened. Once our heart is softened, His life can work within
God wants our heart to be pure. A pure heart means a heart that sets
its mind specifically on God. It is also a heart in which the emotion is
exceedingly pure and simple toward God. (See 2 Cor. 11:3.) It only
loves God and wants God; besides God, it has no other love, inclination,
or desire. Matthew 5:8 says, “The pure in heart…shall see God.” Thus,
if the heart is not pure, we cannot see God. If our thought is a little
concerned with things outside of God, or if our emotion has a little
love toward things outside of God, our heart is no longer pure; the life
in our spirit is also hindered because of this. Therefore, we must
pursue “with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart” (2 Tim.
2:22), and be those who love the Lord and want God with a pure heart;
then we can let the life of God work freely within us. (CWWL, 1953, vol.
3, “The Knowledge of Life,” pp. 110-111)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1953, vol. 3, “The Knowledge of Life,” ch. 10