











〔在腓立比四章七節,保衞也指〕守衞。平安的神在基督裏,在我們的心懷意念前巡查,保守我們平靜安寧。(聖經恢復本,腓四7 註2。)

參讀: 帖撒羅尼迦前書生命讀經, 第二十至二十二篇。

WEEK 3 — DAY 3


Morning Nourishment

1 Tim. 1:5 But the end of the charge is love out of a pure heart…

Phil. 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses every man’s understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

Third, God wants our heart to be loving. A loving heart means a heart in which the emotion loves God, wants God, thirsts after God, yearns for God, and has affection toward God. In the Bible there is a book that speaks specifically of the love of the saints toward the Lord—Song of Songs in the Old Testament. It says that as the Lord’s people, we should love the Lord as a woman loves her beloved. This love is so deep and unchanging and is as strong as death (8:6-7). Because this book speaks especially of our love toward the Lord, it also shows forth especially our growth in the life of the Lord. Then in the New Testament, in John 21, the Lord asked Peter three times, “Do you love Me?” This means that the Lord desired to lead the emotion of Peter to so love the Lord that he could be one who has a loving heart toward the Lord. The Lord did this because He wanted Peter to afford His life an opportunity to work and grow within him…If our heart has such love toward the Lord, the life of the Lord within us can move smoothly and do as it pleases. (CWWL, 1953, vol. 3, “The Knowledge of Life,” pp. 111-112)

Today’s Reading

The function of the heart is to love the Lord, for it is the loving organ of our being. This is proved by Mark 12:30: “You shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart.” The heart was created for the purpose of loving the Lord…Love is a matter of the heart…The heart is the only organ to exercise love…Everyone loves something—either the Lord Himself or something else. The more we turn our heart to the Lord, the more we will exercise our heart to believe the Lord, and the more our heart will be sprinkled from an evil conscience and renewed. Then it will have a greater capacity to love the Lord. This is the function of a renewed heart. Every morning we must renew our heart so that we may love the Lord more and more.

All spiritual experiences start with love in the heart. If we do not love the Lord, it is impossible to receive any kind of spiritual experience. In fact, the first experience of our Christian life, salvation, involves the heart loving the Lord Jesus. Not one person who really repents is without love in his heart toward the Lord. Perhaps he does not have the language to express it, but he has the sweet sense of love within. He does not have the knowledge, but his initial ex perience of salvation is a reaction or reflection of love in his heart to the Lord.

We all must learn how to continually turn and exercise our heart in order to have our heart purged from an evil conscience and renewed again so that we may love the Lord more and more. It was the loss of its first, fresh love to the Lord that was the cause of the church’s fall and degradation. When our heart is not fresh in loving the Lord, we have fallen. We must turn our heart back to the Lord again and again and have it continually renewed that we may have a new and fresh love toward the Lord. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 3, “The Economy of God,” p. 204)

Fourth, God wants our heart to be at peace. A heart at peace means a heart in which the conscience has no offense (Acts 24:16), no condemnation or reproach; it is safe and secure. The conscience within us represents God to govern us. If our conscience blames us, God is greater than our conscience and knows all things (1 John 3:20); He would even condemn us more. Thus, we must deal clearly with all the offenses, condemnation, and reproach; so we “will persuade our heart before Him” (v. 19). When our heart is thus at peace, God can pass through, and the law of the life of God can continue to work within us. (CWWL, 1953, vol. 3, “The Knowledge of Life,” p. 112) [Guard in Philippians 4:7 means] “mount guard over.” The God of peace patrols before our hearts and thoughts in Christ, keeping us calm and tranquil. (Phil. 4:7, footnote 2)

Further Reading: Life-study of 1 Thessalonians, msgs. 20-22




