林後十4 ~ 5『我們爭戰的兵器,本不是屬肉體的,乃是在神面前有能力,可以攻倒堅固的營壘,將理論和各樣阻擋人認識神而立起的高寨,都攻倒了,又將各樣的思想擄來,使它順從基督。』
WEEK 3 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
Cor. 10:4-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly but powerful
before God for the overthrowing of strongholds, as we overthrow
reasonings and every high thing rising up against the knowledge of God,
and take captive every thought unto the obedience of Christ.
third problem that life encounters in us is rebellion. Christ operates
and moves in us in order to make us clear about His will and
requirements for us and about His leading and dealing with us. However,
if we do not obey but go against the feeling within, not accepting His
leading or paying the price, this unwillingness and opposition are
rebellion…We may have our freedom and choice, but we will not have the
way of life.
times we think that we are obeying the Lord, but actually we are
rebelling against the Lord. For example, we may want to preach the
gospel, but the Lord’s operation in us is to pray. Since we do not like
to stay at home and pray, but instead prefer to speak to gospel friends
and fellowship with the brothers and sisters, we may simply act
according to our desires. This is to act in rebellion…If we visit people
in this way, they will certainly not be able to sense God’s presence
with us, because we have disobeyed the living Christ in us. At such a
time we should realize that our outward work of preaching the gospel is
merely a religious activity.
The sin that we commit the most frequently and most severely is not an outward and visible sin; rather, it is the sin of disobeying the sense of Christ in us. Christ is living in us, and He is constantly giving us an inward sense of life. We should obey Him, but we often disobey Him…We often rebel against Him. Rebellion continually creates obstacles for His life in us. (CWWL, 1953, vol. 1, “Knowing Life and the Church,” pp. 138-139)
Today’s Reading
The fourth problem that life encounters in us is our natural capability. Our natural being, disposition, and self are all problems that prevent God’s life from coming out of us. However, the problem of our natural capability and ability is even more serious, and it is a strong obstacle that prevents God’s life from flowing out of us. Many brothers and sisters truly love the Lord, are zealous for the Lord, and are very godly. Nevertheless, their greatest problem is the strength and greatness of their capabilities and abilities. Consequently, Christ has no ground or way in them.
all know that some people have a problem with sin, others have a
problem with the world, and still others have a problem with their
disposition. However, it is not easy for us to be aware of the problem
of our natural capability. For example, a group of brothers and sisters,
who are very strong in their natural capability and ability, may truly
love and pursue the Lord. But when a person touches them, he only senses
their capability and ability because they have never been broken in
their capability and ability…This is because the Lord is unable to get
through in them when He encounters their capability.
brothers and sisters…among us…are capable and talented, but they do not
consider these things as sin or filthiness. They even think that these
are good and useful things to the church. They think that they need such
capabilities and talent in order to serve God…If these capabilities
remain unbroken in them, they will become a problem to Christ’s life.
the Lord have mercy on us so that we would be enlightened to see how
many obstacles there are in us and how much these obstacles restrict
God’s life. Actually, the obstacles in us are not limited only to these
things. Nevertheless, there is one solution to all these obstacles in
us—we must pass through the cross and let the cross break us. If we want
Christ’s life to be unhindered in us, we must experience the breaking
of the cross and allow these obstacles to be dealt with and removed.
This will allow Christ’s life to be lived out from us. (CWWL, 1953, vol.
1, “Knowing Life and the Church,” pp. 139-140)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1953, vol. 3, “The Knowledge of Life,” chs. 6, 13