讀經:西一18,27 ~ 28,二2 ~ 3,三1 ~ 4
壹 我們能認識並經歷歌羅西書中所啓示包羅萬有的基督,乃是祝福:
一 基督是『召會身體的頭;…使祂可以在萬有中居首位』—一18:
1 在舊造和新造中,基督都是第一的,並且居首位。
2 在宇宙中並在召會中,基督都是居首位者。
二 『基督在你們裏面成了榮耀的盼望』—27 節:
1 這位住在我們靈裏作我們生命和人位的基督,乃是我們榮耀的盼望。
2 當祂來時,我們就要在祂裏面得榮耀。
3 這指明內住的基督要浸透我們全人,叫我們的身體改變形狀,同形於祂榮耀的身體。
三 在歌羅西書中有許多重要的辭句指向我們對基督的經歷:
1 『基督在你們裏面』—27 節。
2 『在基督裏成熟』—28 節。
3 『在祂裏面行事爲人』—二7。
4 『照着基督』—8 節。
5 『一同與基督活過來』—13 節。
6 『與基督同死』—20 節。
7 『持定元首』—19 節。
8 『本於祂』—19 節。
9 『以神的增長而長大』—19 節。
10 這些發表給我們一幅正確經歷基督的完整圖畫。
11 『神的奧祕,就是基督;一切智慧和知識的寶藏,都藏在祂裏面』—2 ~ 3 節:
a 歌羅西書是講神的奧祕,就是元首基督。
b 一切真智慧、真知識的寶藏,都藏在基督裏面—3 節。
c 這是關於基督與召會之神聖經綸的屬靈智慧和知識。
d 智慧與我們的靈有關,知識與我們的心思有關—弗一8,17。
12 『神格一切的豐滿,都有形有體的居住在基督裏面,你們在祂裏面也得了豐滿』—西二9 ~ 10:
a 那居住在基督裏面的,不僅是神格的豐富,乃是神所是之豐富的彰顯。
b 神格一切的豐滿都居住在這位有屬人身體的基督裏面。
四 『所以你們若與基督一同復活,就當尋求在上面的事,那裏有基督坐在神的右邊』—三1:
1 一至四節含示,我們與基督有同一的地位、生命、生活、定命和榮耀。
2 在諸天之上的神,該是我們生活的範圍;我們該與基督一同活在神裏面。
貳 『持定元首;本於祂,全身…得了豐富的供應,…就以神的增長而長大』—二19:
一 長大就是有基督加到我們裏面—林前三6 ~ 7,加四19。
二 基督身體的長大在於出自元首基督的東西—弗四15 ~ 16:
1 當身體藉着持定元首而得着供應,身體就以神的增長而長大—西二19。
2 身體是從元首長出來的,因爲一切的供應都是來自於元首—弗四15。
三 基督身體的長大在於我們裏面神的增長,神的加添,神的增多—西二19:
1 神使我們生長,乃是以主觀的方式把祂自己賜給我們。
2 神越加到我們裏面,就越使我們生長;這就是神叫人生長的路—林前三6 ~ 7。
3 惟有神能叫人生長;惟有神纔能把祂自己賜給我們;沒有祂,我們就無法長大—6 ~ 7 節:
a 神加到我們裏面,就是祂使我們生長。
b 神使我們生長,事實上乃是把祂自己賜給我們—羅八11。
四 基督身體的長大就是基督身體的建造—弗四16,西二19:
1 以弗所四章十二至十六節在新約裏佔有特別的地位,因爲這段經文顯示建造基督身體的奧祕。
2 基督身體的長大,就是基督在召會裏的加增,結果叫基督的身體把自己建造起來—三17 上:
a 當基督進到聖徒裏面,活在他們裏面,眾聖徒裏面的基督就成爲召會—西三10 ~ 11。
b 基督的身體因着基督在我們裏面的長大而長大,也就得着了建造—一18,二19。
3 基督的身體在愛裏把自己建造起來,這愛不是我們自己的愛,乃是在基督裏面神的愛,成了在我們裏面基督的愛;藉着這愛,我們愛基督和祂身體上同作肢體者—約壹四7 ~ 8,11,16,19,羅五5,八39:
a 愛是神內在的本質;當我們進到神這內在的本質裏,我們就享受是愛的神,並在這甜美的神聖之愛裏享受祂的同在,而像基督一樣的愛別人—弗五25。
b 我們在這樣的愛裏持守着真實,就是持守基督同祂的身體,不受教訓之風的影響,也不帶進異於身體的元素—四14 ~ 15。
Week Four
Knowing the All-inclusive Christ and Growing with the Growth of God
Hymns: 189
Scripture Reading: Col. 1:18, 27-28; 2:2-3; 3:1-4
§ Day 1
I. It is a blessing that we can know and experience the allinclusive Christ as revealed in Colossians:
A. Christ is “the Head of the Body, the church;…that He Himself might have the first place in all things”—1:18:
1. In both the old creation and the new creation, Christ is the first and occupies the first place.
2. Both in the universe and in the church, Christ is the preeminent One.
B. “Christ in you, the hope of glory”—v. 27:
1. Christ, who dwells in our spirit to be our life and person, is our hope of glory.
2. When He comes, we will be glorified in Him.
This indicates that the indwelling Christ will saturate our entire
being so that our physical body may be transfigured and conformed to the
body of His glory.
§ Day 2
C. In Colossians a number of important phrases point to our experience of Christ:
1. “Christ in you”—v. 27.
2. “Full-grown in Christ”—v. 28.
3. “Walk in Him”—2:6.
4. “According to Christ”—v. 8.
5. “Made alive together with Him”—v. 13.
6. “Died with Christ”—v. 20.
7. “Holding the Head”—v. 19.
8. “Out from whom”—v. 19.
9. “Grows with the growth of God”—v. 19.
10. These expressions give us a complete picture of the proper experience of Christ.
§ Day 3 & Day 4
11. “The mystery of God, Christ, in whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden”—vv. 2-3:
a. Colossians concerns the mystery of God, which is Christ the Head.
b. All the treasures of genuine wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ—v. 3.
c. This is the spiritual wisdom and knowledge of the divine economy concerning Christ and the church.
d. Wisdom is related to our spirit, and knowledge is related to our mind—Eph. 1:8, 17.
12. “In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and you have been made full in Him”—Col. 2:9-10:
a. What dwells in Christ is not only the riches of the Godhead but the expression of the riches of what God is.
b. All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ as One who has a human body.
“If therefore you were raised together with Christ, seek the things
which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God”—3:1:
1. Verses 1 through 4 imply that with Christ we have one position, one life, one living, one destiny, and one glory.
2. God in the heavens should be the sphere of our living; with Christ we should live in God.
§ Day 5
II. “Holding the Head, out from whom all the Body, being richly supplied…, grows with the growth of God”—2:19:
A. To grow is to have Christ added into us—1 Cor. 3:6-7; Gal. 4:19.
B. The growth of the Body depends on what comes out of Christ as the Head—Eph. 4:15-16:
1. When the Body is supplied by holding the Head, the Body grows with the growth of God—Col. 2:19.
2. The Body grows out from the Head, for all the supply comes from the Head— Eph. 4:15.
§ Day 6
C. The growth of the Body depends on the growth of God, the addition of God, the increase of God, within us—Col. 2:19:
1. God gives the growth by giving Himself to us in a subjective way.
2. The more God is added into us, the more growth He gives to us; this is the way God gives the growth—1 Cor. 3:6-7.
3. Only God can give growth; only God can give us Himself, and without Him, we
cannot have growth—vv. 6-7:
a. The addition of God into us is the growth He gives.
b. For God to give us growth actually means that He gives us Himself— Rom. 8:11.
D. The growth of the Body is the building up of the Body—Eph. 4:16; Col.
Ephesians 4:12-16 occupies a special place in the New Testament because
it shows the mystery concerning the building up of the Body of Christ.
The growth of the Body of Christ is the increase of Christ in the
church, which results in the building up of the Body by the Body
a. When Christ enters into the saints and lives within them, the Christ within the saints becomes the church—Col. 3:10-11.
b. The Body of Christ grows by the growth of Christ within us and is built up this way—1:18; 2:19.
The love in which the Body builds itself up is not our own love but the
love of God in Christ, which becomes the love of Christ in us, by which
we love Christ and the fellow members of His Body—1 John 4:7-8, 11, 16,
19; Rom. 5:5; 8:39:
Love is the inner substance of God; when we enter into Gods inner
substance, we enjoy God as love and enjoy His presence in the sweetness
of the divine love, and thereby love others as Christ did—Eph. 5:25.
b. It is in such a love that we hold to truth, that is, to Christ with His Body, and are kept from being influenced by the winds of teaching and from bringing in elements that are foreign to the Body—4:14-15.