



出二九40 ~ 41『和這一隻羊羔同獻的,要用細麵一伊法的十分之一,與搗成的油一欣的四分之一調和;又用酒一欣的四分之一,作爲奠祭。那一隻羊羔要在黃昏的時候獻上,要像在早晨的時候一樣,與素祭和奠祭一同獻上…。』







奠祭乃是在利未記一至六章所啓示的基本祭物之外附加的。(民十五1 ~ 10,二八7 ~ 10。)基本的祭物豫表基督的各方面,奠祭豫表獻祭的人所享受的基督。基督這屬天的酒充滿獻祭的人,甚至使他們成爲獻給神的酒。使徒保羅因着這樣享受基督,就成了這樣的奠祭,(提後四6,)使他能藉着流血,澆奠在信徒的信心這獻給神的祭物上。



WEEK 5 — DAY 4

Morning Nourishment

Exo. 29:40-41 And with the one lamb a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mingled with a fourth of a hin of beaten oil, and a fourth of a hin of wine for a drink offering. And the other lamb you shall offer at twilight…with the meal offering and its drink offering as in the morning…

Phil. 2:17 But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering…

According to the Bible, God drinks. I have even been considering the need for a tract entitled “God Drinks.” Exodus 29:40 and 41 mention the drink offering. This drink offering was not for the priests. Rather, it was altogether for God. Thus, because the drink offering was poured out for God, we can rightly say that God drinks…According to Exodus 29, we should not only serve God with food, but we should also give Him something to drink. We need to pour out the drink offering for Him to drink. Eventually, we should serve Him with both food and the wine of the drink offering. (Life-study of Exodus, p. 1527)

Today’s Reading

The wine of the drink offering was for God’s satisfaction; it was poured out to God for Him to drink…The drink offering typifies Christ as the One poured out as real wine before God for His satisfaction. Christ poured out His very being unto God. Isaiah 53:12 says, He “poured out His life unto death.” Thus, Christ is the heavenly, spiritual wine poured out to God for His pleasure. Furthermore, the drink offering typifies not only Christ Himself but also the Christ who saturates us with Himself as heavenly wine until He and we become one to be poured out for God’s enjoyment and satisfaction.

Hebrews 10:1-12 indicates that Christ is the fulfillment of all the offerings. He came to do the will of God (vv. 7, 9), that is, to replace the sacrifices and offerings, which were types, with Himself in His humanity as the unique sacrifice and offering for the sanctification of God’s chosen people. As this unique offering, Christ is the reality of the burnt offering, meal offering, peace offering, sin offering, trespass offering, wave offering, heave offering, and drink offering. In His death Christ offered Himself to God as the offering that fulfills all the types of the offerings. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 462)

Since everything Paul covers in the book of Philippians is related to the experience of Christ, this must also be true of the drink offering referred to in 2:17. If our experience of Christ has not come to the point where we have been constituted as a drink offering, we have not yet experienced Christ to the uttermost. When we experience Christ to an exceedingly high degree, we will become a drink offering.

The drink offering was additional to the basic offerings revealed in Leviticus 1 through 7 (Num. 15:1-10; 28:7-10). The basic offerings are types of various aspects of Christ. The drink offering is a type of Christ as enjoyed by the offerer, an offering that fills him with Christ as the heavenly wine and even causes him to become wine to God. The apostle Paul became such a drink offering by so enjoying Christ that he could be poured out by the shedding of his blood upon the believers’ faith as a sacrifice to God.

If we read Numbers 15:1-10 and 28:7-10, we will see that the drink offering was something additional [to the basic offerings]. If one of the basic offerings was offered without the drink offering, this was an indication that there was something lacking with the presentation of the basic offering… The offerer [cannot] be…a drink offering according to his own natural constitution. Rather, he must enjoy Christ to such an extent that Christ fills him, saturates him, and permeates him. Christ is the heavenly wine for our enjoyment. When we enjoy Him by taking Him into us, we will become filled with Him and thoroughly saturated with Him. In this way we will become the wine to be poured out as a drink offering upon the offerings we present to God. (Life-study of Philippians, second edition, pp. 113-114)

Further Reading: Life-study of Philippians, msg. 14




