





我們要對安息日的安息有正確的領會,就必須來看聖經第一次怎樣題到這事。聖經首次題到安息日,是在人被造之後。(創二2 ~ 3。)





按照聖經的曆法,一日的開始不是在早晨,乃是在傍晚。我信人是在第六日末了造的。當人從神創造的手出來,就立卽進入第七日。對神來說,第七日是安息日。(創二2 ~ 3。)神的第七日是人的第一日,這意思是神已經爲人的享受豫備了一切。人被造以後,並沒有加入神的工作,乃是進入神的安息。…不要想你一定要作些甚麼。…你若想要作工,神要說,『傻孩子,我沒有工給你作,卻有許多豐富給你享受。來罷,與我同享安息!』…人就這樣作了。





WEEK 6 — DAY 1

Morning Nourishment


Gen. 1:26 …Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

        2:2 And on the seventh day God finished His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

In order to have the proper understanding of the Sabbath rest, we need to consider the first mention of it in the Bible. The first time that the Bible mentions the Sabbath is after the creation of man (Gen. 2:2-3).

If man had not been created on the sixth day, God would have been unable to rest on the seventh day even though everything else had been created. It was not the completion of the work that caused God to rest—it was the creation of man. After God created man, He was satisfied and was able to rest.

In all the days of creation, except for the second day, God looked at His work and said, “Good.” But at the end of the sixth day, after man had been created, God saw everything that He had made and said, “Very good” (1:31). When He said, “Very good,” it meant that He was satisfied. At the end of the sixth day, seeing man in His image to express Him and committed with His authority to represent Him, God was satisfied and said, “Very good.”

God’s heart is satisfied by having man on the earth expressing and representing Him. When God had this, He rested on the seventh day. (Lifestudy of Hebrews, second edition, pp. 187-189)

Today’s Reading

According to the calendar of the Bible, a day does not start in the morning, but in the evening. I believe that man was made late on the sixth day. When man came out of God’s creating hand, he immediately entered the seventh day. The seventh day was to God the day of rest (Gen. 2:2-3). God’s seventh day was man’s first day. This means that God had prepared everything for man’s enjoyment. After man was created, he didn’t join in God’s work; he entered into God’s rest…Don’t think that you must do something…If you try to work, God will say, “Foolish child, I have no work for you to do, but I do have great riches for you to enjoy. Come, join Me in My rest”…Man did.

I have spent a good deal of time to find out what man did after he was created. I found out that he did nothing but eat and rest…After people are saved, they always think that they must do something. Forget about doing. Come to eat Jesus. Come to be satisfied. Come to join God in His rest.

In 1936, I was working in north China, very burdened for the Lord’s work. The work was hard and testing and circumstances were difficult. I would ride by bicycle to the suburbs, throw it down, fall flat on the ground and cry, “Lord, help me!” I was bothered and tested. One day, before giving a message, the word came to me and said, “Do you know that man’s first day is God’s seventh day? God’s seventh day was man’s first day. Why do you labor so hard? Stupid child, give up. Throw away your work. Just come to Me and join Me in My rest.” On that Sunday morning I gave a message that God’s seventh day was man’s first day. I told people, “Hallelujah! Today is my first day. For months I have been laboring very hard, but now I am throwing away my work. I will labor no longer. Today I have begun to rest with God. His seventh day is my first day.”

Whenever God is satisfied, you are satisfied. Whenever you are satisfied, that is a proof that God is at rest. He is satisfied. Don’t work. Just take care of one thing: to let God reach His goal…God’s goal is to have His image expressed and to have His dominion exercised. As long as you have God’s image expressed and God’s dominion exercised to deal with His enemy, God has reached His goal. God will say, “I am satisfied.” Then you will say, “God, I am satisfied too.” Thus, you rest with God. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 114-115)

Further Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msg. 9




