



出三三14 ~ 15『耶和華說,我的同在必和你同去,我必使你得安息。摩西對祂說,你的同在若不和我們同去,就不要把我們從這裏領上去。』


在出埃及三十三章十二至十七節,摩西與神討價還價,要求神的同在與他和百姓同去。神的同在就是祂的道路,是『地圖』,將祂的百姓當行的路指示他們。(參約十四6…,來十一8…。)(聖經恢復本,出三三14 註1。)

按豫表,雲表徵那靈;(林前十1 ~ 2 與1 註4…;)照亮的火表徵神的話。(詩一一九105。)因此,神所給卽時、活的帶領,乃是藉着靈或話臨到的。雲柱和火柱象徵神自己,因爲神是靈也是話。(約四24,一1。)不僅如此,話也是靈。(六63,弗六17。)因此,神、話、靈乃是一,日夜不斷的帶領並引導我們。在基督徒的生活中,白晝和黑夜並無兩樣,因爲火柱所發的光,使黑夜變爲白晝。(出十三21 註1。)






耶和華的使者就是基督作爲神所差遣者。神所差遣者在以色列營前行走,這指明基督乃是帶領百姓的那一位。當神的使者行動時,柱子也動,表明使者和柱子乃是一。基督和帶領的靈是不能分開的。(約十四17 ~ 20,十六13,林後三17,啓五6。)(聖經恢復本,出十四19 註1。)


WEEK 10 — DAY 5

Morning Nourishment

Exo. 33:14-15 And He said, My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest. And he said to Him, If Your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.

       13:21 And Jehovah went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them on the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might go by day and by night.

In Exodus 33:12-17 Moses bargained with God for His presence to go with him and the people. God’s presence is His way, the “map” that shows His people the way they should take (cf. John 14:6…; Heb. 11:8…). (Exo. 33:14, footnote 1)

In typology the cloud signifies the Spirit (1 Cor. 10:1-2 and footnote 4 of v. 1…), and the fire, for enlightening, signifies the Word of God (Psa. 119:105). Hence, the instant, living leading from God comes through either the Spirit or the Word. The two pillars symbolize God Himself, for He is both the Spirit and the Word (John 4:24; 1:1). Furthermore, the Word is also the Spirit (John 6:63; Eph. 6:17). Thus, God, the Word, and the Spirit are one to lead and guide us continually, whether by day or by night. In the Christian life there is no difference between day and night, for the light from the pillar of fire causes the night to become day. (Exo. 13:21, footnote 1)

Today’s Reading

The first governing principle is the presence of the Lord in the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire…In these pillars, the presence of the Lord is the first governing principle. This factor relates to the gathering and to the activity or movement of the Lord’s people. When, how, and where the Lord’s people should move and act depend on the presence of the Lord revealed to them in the pillar of cloud and in the pillar of fire. In other words, if we would go on to possess the land, we must do so by the presence of the Lord. If the presence of the Lord goes with us, we can enter and enjoy the land. You remember how the Lord promised Moses, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exo. 33:14). This means that He would bring the people into the possession of the land by His presence. So Moses said to the Lord, “If Your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here” (v. 15). Moses demanded that the Lord’s presence must go with them; otherwise, he would not go.

“My presence shall go with you.” This is quite a peculiar word. The presence shall go. It does not mean that He will go. He will go is one thing, and His presence shall go is another. Do you realize the difference?

Let me illustrate with a story. One time four or five of us who were serving the Lord together were going to a certain place. We all traveled together. One brother at that time, however, was not happy with us, yet he had no choice but to go. We all traveled on the same train: all but this one brother sat in car number one, and he sat by himself in car number two. He went with us, but his presence did not go with us. He left with us, he traveled with us, and he arrived with us, but his presence was not with us.

Many times the Lord will go with you, but His presence will not. Many times the Lord will truly help you, but be assured, He is not happy with you. You will receive His help, but you will lose His presence. He will bring you to your destination and He will bless you, but throughout the whole trip you will not sense His presence. He will go with you, but His presence will not. (The All-inclusive Christ, pp. 120-121)

The Angel of Jehovah is Christ as God’s sent One. The fact that God’s sent One went before the camp of Israel indicates that Christ was the One who was leading the people. When the Angel of God moved, the pillar moved also, showing that the Angel and the pillar were one. Christ and the leading Spirit cannot be separated (John 14:17-20; 16:13; 2 Cor. 3:17; Rev. 5:6). (Exo. 14:19, footnote 1)

Further Reading: The All-inclusive Christ, chs. 10-11; Life-study of Exodus, msg. 28




