









我們必須看見,每逢我們來到聚會中,每逢我們來敬拜神,我們不該空手而來。我們來的時候,必須雙手滿帶着基督的出產。…我們不能僅僅有一點點的基督來滿足自己的需要。我們必須出產祂彀多,纔能有富餘留給別人,給窮人,給缺乏的人。『原來那地上的窮人必不斷絕,所以我吩咐你說,總要向你地上困苦窮乏的弟兄鬆手。』(申十五11。)並且也應該有富餘來應付祭司和利未人的需要:『祭司從百姓所當得的分乃是這樣:凡獻牛或羊爲祭的,要把前腿…給祭司。初收的五穀、新酒和新油,並初剪的羊毛,也要給他。』(十八3 ~ 4。)並且在這一切之上,富餘中最好的必須保留給神。…他們收割田地的出產時,要把初熟的果子保留給神。當牛羊生產時,頭生的要歸給神。我們必須殷勤經營,不僅出產彀自己的需用,還有富餘可應付別人的需要,更把最好的保留給神。這樣我們就在神面前蒙悅納,祂也必喜悅我們。



WEEK 11 — DAY 3

Morning Nourishment

Deut. 12:11 Then to the place where Jehovah your God will choose to cause His name to dwell, there you shall bring all that I am commanding you, your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the heave offering of your hand and all your choice vows which you vow to Jehovah.

Eph. 3:18 …Be full of strength to apprehend with all the saints what the breadth and length and height and depth are.

Whenever we come together, regardless of the kind of meeting we have, we should come with the Christ experienced by us…In this way the surplus of Christ is offered to God and exhibited to the whole universe. Then our meetings will be enriched and strengthened because they are full of Christ. Christ will be expressed through us not only in the building up of the church but also in the church life, in all the meetings of the church. Then we will bear a testimony of being united and built up in Christ to be an expression of Christ.

In all the meetings we should have something of Christ to offer. This depends on our daily labor on Christ. If we daily labor on Christ, we will have something of Christ to bring to our church meetings to contribute to others and offer to God so that we can enjoy Christ with God for the exhibition and exaltation of Christ. Then Christ will be expressed as the rich content of the church life. (CWWL, 1965, vol. 2, “Christ as the Content of the Church and the Church as the Expression of Christ,” p. 379)

Today’s Reading

The Lord told His people that they must come together to worship Him at least three times a year: at the time of the Passover, at the time of Pentecost, and at the Feast of Tabernacles. And He told them that whenever they come together,…they must bring…to Him something of the produce of the good land.

We must realize that whenever we come to the meetings, whenever we come to worship the Lord, we should not come with our hands empty. We must come with our hands full of the produce of Christ…We need more than just a little of Christ to satisfy our own needs. We must produce enough of Him so that there will be a surplus remaining for others, for the poor and for the needy: “You must open your hand to your brother, to the poor one with you and to the needy one with you in your land” (Deut. 15:11). There must also be a surplus to meet the needs of the priests and the Levites: “This shall be the priests’ rightful due from the people, from those who offer a sacrifice, whether an ox or a sheep: They shall give the priest the shoulder…You shall give him the firstfruits of your grain, of your new wine, and of your fresh oil, and the first shearing of your sheep” (18:3-4). And above all, the best of the surplus must be reserved for the Lord…When they harvested the field, they were to reserve the firstfruits for the Lord. When the cattle were brought forth, the firstborn were for the Lord. We must labor diligently, not only to bring forth enough to satisfy our own needs but also to acquire a surplus to meet the needs of others, with the best reserved for the Lord. Then we will be acceptable to the Lord, and He will be pleased with us.

This is the life in the good land. It is a life in which we are continually laboring on Christ, in which we are producing Him in a mass way. We are reaping so much of Christ that we are fully satisfied, and beyond that we have a surplus to share with others and to worship God. To worship God with Christ does not mean to worship Him individually but to worship Him collectively with all the children of God by enjoying Christ with one another and with God…Everyone brings a portion of Christ from his laboring on Him, and there is a rich enjoyment of Christ, not only by all the saints but most of all by God, to whom the best is offered. (CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The Allinclusive Christ,” pp. 344-345)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1965, vol. 4, “The Way of the Lord’s Recovery,” chs. 2, 4; CWWL, 1963, vol. 4, “The Life and Way for the Practice of the Church Life,” ch. 14




