




讀經:申八7 ~ 10,十二6 ~ 7,11 ~ 12,18,十六15 ~ 17,弗三8,約四23 ~ 24


壹 我們用『富餘』這辭,因爲以色列人將他們在美地上經營的一分出產積存起來,目的是爲着敬拜神—申十二5 ~ 15,17 ~18,20 ~ 22,26 ~ 27, 十四22 ~ 23,十五19 ~ 20,十六16 ~ 17:

一 美地出產的富餘豫表基督—八7 ~ 10。

二 以色列人將迦南地的出產獻給神並與神同享。

三 享受美地出產的富餘,豫表對基督團體的享受,作我們對神的敬拜—弗三8。

四 照着這豫表在新約的應驗,我們團體的來敬拜神時,必須將我們所經歷的基督帶來—弗三17 ~ 18,西一27,三3 ~ 4,11。


貳 我們若忠信的經營包羅萬有的基督,就會得着基督的豐富作爲出產,可以在召會聚會中展覽基督—弗三8,林前十四26:

一 正確的基督徒生活乃是每天經營基督,然後就會得着基督豐富的富餘帶到聚會中,作基督豐富的展覽—26 節:

1 我們在召會聚會中來在一起,爲要展覽基督—西一18,27。

2 藉着我們天天經歷基督的豐富,這些豐富就會成爲基督之出產的展覽—弗三8,17 ~ 18,西二6 ~ 7,9 ~ 10,17。

3 我們的聚會應當總是一個展覽,展示基督的所是、基督的所有、以及基督的所作—來一3,二9,14,約壹三8,四9,15,徒二24,32 ~ 33,啓一17 下~ 18。

二 我們聚集不只是展覽神所給我們的基督,也是展覽我們所出產的基督,我們所經營、所經歷的基督;這就是我們來在一起所要展覽的基督—西一12 ~ 13,腓三10。

三 我們若一直經營基督,就會得着基督豐富的富餘帶到聚會中,作基督豐富的展覽—林前一24,30,十3 ~ 4,十四26。


四 每當我們來在一起,無論是甚麼聚會,我們都該帶着所經歷的基督而來,作爲富餘獻上給神,並向全宇宙展示,也向仇敵展示而羞辱他—約四23 ~ 24,弗三10,17,四15:

1 我們的聚會就會得以豐富並加強,因爲其中滿了基督—西三4,10 ~ 11。

2 這樣的召會生活乃是基督的展覽,基督的彰顯—弗三21。

3 我們需要將基督的富餘帶到每一個聚會中,爲要展覽基督—8 節。

4 我們需要在日常生活中享受基督,並且來在一起展覽祂—彼前一8。

五 我們要有正確的基督徒聚會,就需要每天在我們個人的生活中接觸主,然後來聚會時要認識並領會,我們是來展覽基督並與別人分享基督—林前十四26。

六 『每逢聚集帶來基督,將祂所賜有餘豐富,同來獻上作神食物,如此展覽基督。前來展覽基督,前來展覽基督;共同帶來祂的豐富,前來展覽基督』—詩歌六二四首,第一節及副歌。


叁 我們需要經營包羅萬有的基督,好得着基督的富餘帶到召會聚會中,而團體的敬拜我們的父神—約四23 ~ 24,弗三21:

一 『四十多年來〔講於一九八二年〕,我一直爲着真正對神的敬拜爭戰。這場爭戰還沒有贏得勝利』—李常受文集一九八二年第二册,約翰著作中帳幕和祭物的應驗,第十五章,二二九頁。

二 父要我們帶着基督的收成來敬拜父;所以我們需要帶着基督的豐富來到召會的聚會裏—約四23 ~ 24,弗三8。

三 我們應當天天經營基督,好得着基督豐富的收成,帶到召會的聚會中,而團體的敬拜父神;基督會得高舉並得榮耀,父也會感到喜悅並滿意—申十二6,十六15 ~ 17,林前十四26,約四23 ~ 24。

四 要緊的是我們在基督身上殷勤經營,使我們的手滿了基督,然後我們就來到召會聚會,與神的兒女們,並與父神自己一同享受這豐富又榮耀的基督—林前十31,十四26,約四23 ~ 24,羅十五6。

五 每逢我們來到擘餅聚會記念主和敬拜父,我們必須帶着我們天天經營基督所出產之基督的豐富而來—申十六15 ~ 17:

1 帶着基督來敬拜神,乃是與神所有的兒女一同集體的敬拜祂,彼此分享並與神同享基督—林前十四26。

2 我們需要出產彀多的基督,纔有富餘可與別人分享,並將出產最好的部分獻給父神,叫祂喜樂、喜悅並滿足—申十五11,十八3 ~ 4,十二11。

六 在這末後的日子,主要恢復對基督真實的經歷,好在聚會中展覽祂豐富的富餘,爲要建造召會作基督的身體,並使新婦爲着新郎的來臨將自己豫備好。


肆 按照約翰四章二十三至二十四節,我們必須在靈和真實裏敬拜我們的父神:

一 真實乃是啓示出來的神聖實際—三一神在子耶穌基督裏分賜到人裏面—成了我們的真實與真誠,使我們過一種與神聖之光相符的生活,(約壹一5,)並且按着神的所是,照神所尋找的敬拜祂。(約貳1,約叁1。)

二 出於對神聖實際的享受,就產生人的真實、真誠和真摯—約四23 ~ 24,約壹三18,約貳1,約叁1。

三 真實就是人的真摯、真誠、誠實、可靠、信實,作爲神聖實際流出的人性美德—約十四6。

四 約翰四章二十三至二十四節的『真實』,是指神聖的實際成了人的真實和真誠,爲着對神真正的敬拜。

五 神聖的實際乃是基督作爲活水—賜生命之靈—的泉源,給信徒有分並暢飲,成爲他們裏面的實際,至終成了他們的真實和真誠,藉此,他們以神所要的敬拜來敬拜祂—10,14,23 節。

六 在真實裏敬拜父,就是以那浸透我們全人,成爲我們個人實際的基督來敬拜父,這是藉着我們經歷並享受三一神這神聖的實際—23 ~ 24 節。

Week Eleven

The Surplus of the Produce of the Good Land and the Corporate Worship of God the Father in Truthfulness

Hymns: 864

Scripture Reading: Deut. 8:7-10; 12:6-7, 11-12, 18; 16:15-17; Eph. 3:8; John 4:23-24

§ Day 1

I. We use the word surplus because the people of Israel put aside a certain portion of their produce from the labor on the good land for the purpose of worshipping God—
Deut. 12:5-15,17-18, 20-22, 26-27; 14:22-23; 15:19-20; 16:16-17:

A. The surplus of the produce of the good land typifies Christ—8:7-10.

B. The people of Israel offered Canaan's produce to God and enjoyed it with God.

C. The enjoyment of the surplus of the produce of the good land typifies the corporate enjoyment of Christ as our worship to God—Eph. 3:8.

D. According to the New Testament fulfillment of this type, when we come to worship God in a corporate way, we must bring the Christ whom we have experienced—Eph. 3:17-18; Col. 1:27; 3:3-4, 11.

§ Day 2

II. If we faithfully labor on the all-inclusive Christ, we will have the riches of Christ as the produce to exhibit Christ in the church meetings—Eph. 3:8; 1 Cor. 14:26:

A. The proper life of Christians is to labor on Christ every day and thus have the rich surplus of Christ to bring to the meetings for a rich exhibition of Christ—v. 26:

1. We come together in the church meetings to have an exhibition of Christ— Col. 1:18, 27.

2. Through our daily experiences of the riches of Christ, these riches will become an exhibition of the produce of Christ—Eph. 3:8, 17-18; Col. 2:6, 9-10, 17.

3. Our meetings should always be an exhibition to show forth what Christ is, what Christ has, and what Christ does—Heb. 1:3; 2:9, 14; 1 John 3:8; 4:9, 15; Acts 2:24, 32-33; Rev. 1:17b-18.

B. We meet to exhibit not only the Christ given to us by God but also the Christ we have produced, the Christ on whom we have labored and whom we have experienced; this is the Christ whom we come together to exhibit—Col. 1:12-13; Phil. 3:10.

C. If we continually labor on Christ, we will have the rich surplus of Christ to bring to the meetings for a rich exhibition of Christ—1 Cor. 1:24, 30; 10:3- 4; 14:26.

§ Day 3

D. Whenever we come together, regardless of the kind of meeting we are having, we should come with the Christ experienced by us as the surplus to be offered to God and exhibited to the whole universe and to the enemy, putting him to shame—John 4:23-24; Eph. 3:10, 17; 4:15:

1. Then our meetings will be enriched and strengthened because they are full of Christ—Col. 3:4, 10-11.

2. Such a church life is an exhibition of Christ, an expression of Christ—Eph. 3:21.

3. We need to bring the surplus of Christ to every meeting to exhibit Christ— v. 8.

4. We need to enjoy Christ in our daily life and come together to exhibit Him—1 Pet. 1:8.

E. To have proper Christian meetings, we need to contact the Lord daily in our personal life and then come to the meetings with the realization and understanding that we are coming to exhibit Christ and share Christ with others—1 Cor. 14:26.

F. "Whene'er we meet with Christ endued, / The surplus of His plenitude / We offer unto God as food / And thus exhibit Christ. / Let us exhibit Christ, / Let us exhibit Christ; / We'll bring His surplus to the church / And thus exhibit Christ"—Hymns, #864, stanza 1 and chorus.

§ Day 4 & Day 5

III. We need to labor on the all-inclusive Christ in order to have a surplus of Christ to bring to the church meetings for the corporate worship of God our Father—John 4:23-24; Eph. 3:21:

A. "For more than forty years [spoken in 1982] I have been fighting the battle concerning the genuine worship of God. This battle has not yet been won"—The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John, p. 142.

B. For our worship of Him, the Father requires that we come to Him with a harvest of Christ; thus, we need to come to the church meetings with the riches of Christ—John 4:23-24; Eph. 3:8.

C. Daily, we should labor on Christ to have a harvest of Christ's riches to bring to the church meetings for the corporate worship of God the Father; Christ will be exalted and glorified, and the Father will be pleased and satisfied—Deut. 12:6; 16:15-17; 1 Cor. 14:26; John 4:23-24.

D. It is crucial that we diligently labor on Christ to have our hands full of Christ and then come to the church meetings to enjoy this rich and glorious Christ with God's children and with God the Father Himself—1 Cor. 10:31; 14:26; John 4:23-24; Rom. 15:6.

E. Whenever we come to the Lord's table meeting to remember the Lord and worship the Father, we must come with the riches of Christ produced by our daily laboring on Christ—Deut. 16:15-17:

1. To worship God with Christ is to worship Him collectively with all the children of God by enjoying Christ with one another and with God—1 Cor. 14:26.

2. We need to produce enough of Christ so that there will be a surplus to share with others and to offer the best part of the produce to God the Father for His joy, delight, and satisfaction—Deut. 15:11; 18:3-4; 12:11.

F. In these last days the Lord will recover the genuine experience of Christ for a surplus of His riches in the meetings for the building of the church as the Body of Christ and for the bride making herself ready for the Bridegroom's coming.

§ Day 6

IV. According to John 4:23-24, we need to worship God our Father in spirit and in truthfulness:

A. Truthfulness is the revealed divine reality—the Triune God dispensed into man in the Son, Jesus Christ—becoming our genuineness and sincerity so that we may live a life that corresponds with the divine light (1 John 1:5) and worship God, as God seeks, according to what He is (2 John 1; 3 John 1).

B. Out of the enjoyment of the divine reality issue human truthfulness, sincerity, and genuineness—John 4:23-24; 1 John 3:18; 2 John 1; 3 John 1.

C. Truthfulness is the human genuineness, sincerity, honesty, trustworthiness, and faithfulness as a human virtue and as an issue of the divine reality— John 14:6.

D. Truthfulness in John 4:23-24 denotes the divine reality becoming man's genuineness and sincerity for the true worship of God.

E. The divine reality is Christ as the fountain of living water, the life-giving Spirit, partaken of and drunk by the believers to be the reality within them, which eventually becomes their genuineness and sincerity in which they worship God with the worship He seeks—vv. 10, 14, 23.

F. To worship the Father in truthfulness is to worship Him with the Christ who has saturated our being to become our personal reality through our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God as the divine reality—vv. 23-24.




