



歌二8 ~ 9『聽阿,是我良人的聲音;看哪,他躥山越嶺而來。我的良人好像羚羊,或像小牡鹿。他站在我們牆壁後,從窗戶往裏觀看,從窗櫺往裏探視。』




『我的良人好像羚羊,或像小牡鹿。』(歌二9上)詩篇二十二篇標題的朝鹿這辭,與復活有關,表徵在復活裏的基督。基督好像小牡鹿,表徵祂的能力乃是復活的大能。…『他站在我們牆壁後。』(歌二9 中)良人站在『我們牆壁』後,表徵佳偶內顧自己,在她的己裏產生問題,使她與基督隔開。…『我的佳偶,我的美人,起來,與我同去。』(13 下)這…話指明,基督熱切的要祂的佳偶從內顧自己的光景出來,與祂同在。然而,人不容易從內顧自己出來。…有時候這樣的人需要一年或更久,纔能得着幫助,不再內顧自己。


基督要祂的尋求者不斷的駐留於十字架,駐留於釘十字架的光景中(加二20 上,林前十五31,林後四10 ~ 11)。然而,駐留於十字架是件難事,如同走崎嶇的路進到高山上的磐石穴中和陡巖的隱密處。爲要加強並鼓勵祂的佳偶起來,脫離內顧自己的下沉光景,基督就向她顯示祂復活的大能(歌二8 ~ 9 上),好加強她,又藉着祂復活繁茂的豐富(11 ~ 13)鼓勵她。我們這些愛基督的人乃是藉着基督復活的大能,不是藉着自己天然的生命,纔定意否認己,背起十字架(太十六24)。我們也是藉着基督復活的大能,纔能與祂的十字架成爲一,而模成祂的死(腓三10)。復活的實際就是那是靈的基督(約十一25),祂乃是終極完成的靈,住在我們重生的靈裏,與我們的靈調和爲一(林前六17 與註)。我們乃是在這樣一個調和的靈裏,有分於並經歷基督的復活,這使我們與十字架成爲一,得拯救脫離己,並被變化成爲神新造裏的新人,以建造基督生機的身體,完成神的經綸(聖經恢復本,歌二14 註1)。


WEEK 4 — DAY 2


Morning Nourishment

S. S. The voice of my beloved! Now he comes, leaping 2:8-9 upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. My beloved is like a gazelle or a young hart. Now he stands behind our wall; he is looking through the windows, he is glancing through the lattice.

In the Bible, both the mountains and the hills refer to difficulties and barriers. He comes “leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills” [S. S. 2:8]. This means that nothing is too high or too great to stop Him. The Lord is the Lord of resurrection. Christ has resurrected; He has overcome all difficulties and barriers. Difficulties and barriers are things of yesterday. He is living in the next day. All difficulties are beneath His feet. (CWWN, vol. 23, “The Song of Songs,” p. 32)

All the troubles concerning our fellowship with Christ come from our side. Many “hills” and “mountains” frustrate us from coming to Him, but He is never frustrated, for He can “leap” and “skip.” (Life-study of Song of Songs, p. 19)

Today’s Reading

“My beloved is like a gazelle or a young hart” (S. S. 2:9a). The word hind in the title of Psalm 22, which is concerned with resurrection, signifies Christ in resurrection. Christ’s being like a young hart signifies that His power is the power of resurrection. “Now he stands behind our wall” (S. S. 2:9b). His standing behind “our wall” signifies that the lover’s introspection as the problem in her self is a separation between her and Him. “Rise up, my love, / My beauty, and come away” (v. 13b). This…word indicates Christ’s eagerness in asking His lover to get away from her introspection of the self to be with Him. However, it is not easy for one to come out of introspection…Sometimes it takes a year or more before such a one can be helped to get away from the introspection of the self.

“My dove, in the clefts of the rock, / In the covert of the precipice, / Let me see your countenance, / Let me hear your voice; / For your voice is sweet, / And your countenance is lovely “ (v. 14). Here Christ, considering her His simple lover (My dove), wants to see His lover’s lovely countenance and hear her sweet voice in her oneness, union, with the cross (the clefts of the rock and the covert of the precipice). Here we see Christ’s call for His lover to be in oneness with the cross. This point on the cross is the central stress in this section on deliverance from the self. If I had been the lover, I might have said, “My beloved, I cannot get to the clefts of the rock. The clefts are too high and the way is too rugged. I do not have enough power to go there.” But here Christ was indicating to His lover that she could enter into the experience of the cross by the power of His resurrection. (Life-study of Song of Songs, pp. 20-23) 

Christ wants His seeker to remain in the cross, in a crucified condition, continually (Gal. 2:20a; 1 Cor. 15:31; 2 Cor. 4:10-11). However, to remain in the cross is a difficult matter, like entering into the clefts of the rock and the covert of the precipice high in the mountains by a rugged road. In order to empower and encourage His lover to rise up and come away from her low situation in her introspection of the self, Christ empowers her by showing her the power of His resurrection (S. S. 2:8-9a), and He encourages her by the flourishing riches of His resurrection (vv. 11-13). It is by the power of

Christ’s resurrection, not by our natural life, that we, the lovers of Christ, determine to take the cross by denying our self (Matt. 16:24). It is also by the power of Christ’s resurrection that we are enabled to be conformed to His death by being one with His cross (Phil. 3:10). The reality of resurrection is the pneumatic Christ (John 11:25), who as the consummated Spirit indwells and is mingled with our regenerated spirit (1 Cor. 6:17 and footnotes). It is in such a mingled spirit that we participate in and experience the resurrection of Christ, which enables us to be one with the cross to be delivered from the self and to be transformed into a new man in God’s new creation for the fulfillment of God’s economy in the building up of the organic Body of Christ.
(S. S. 2:14, footnote 1)

Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 23, “The Song of Songs,” secs. 1-5




