



腓三 9『並且給人看出我是在祂裏面,不是有自己那本於律法的義,乃是有那藉着信基督而有的義,就是那基於信、本於神的義。』

羅三 24『但因神的恩典,藉着在基督耶穌裏的救贖,就白白的得稱義。』




〔在腓立比三章九節,〕信基督,直譯,基督的信,或,在基督裏的信。我們這種對基督的信,乃是出於我們對基督的認識和珍賞。藉着我們對祂的珍賞,基督自己就注入我們裏面,成了我們的信—在祂裏面的信。因此,這也是基督的信,將我們帶進與祂生機的聯結裏。基於信、本於神的義,就是神自己從我們活出來,成了我們在基督裏藉着信而有的義。這樣的義乃是活在我們裏面之神的彰顯。這義是基於信,因爲是在信的根基或條件上。信是根基、條件,叫我們接受並得着從神來的義,最高的義,就是基督(林前一 30)(腓立比書生命讀經,一九五至一九六頁)。

基督成爲從神給信徒的義有兩面。第一面是祂作信徒的義,使他們在悔改歸向神並信入基督時,在神面前客觀的得稱義(羅三 24 ~ 26,徒十三 39,加三 24 下、27)。詩歌二百三十七首第一節說,『神的基督是我的義,我的美麗,我的錦衣。』基督是神給我們的美麗,給我們穿上,作我們的衣服,作我們的錦衣。這是外面的、客觀的。

第二面是基督作信徒的義,從他們活出來作神的顯明;這位神就是在基督裏賜給信徒的義,使他們主觀的蒙神稱義(羅四 25,彼前二 24 上,雅二 24,太五20,啓十九 8)。我們原是罪人,如今向神悔改並信入主耶穌;神就立卽將基督賜給我們作錦衣,遮蓋我們,使我們能合乎義的、外在的蒙神悅納。這是客觀的義。並且,當神把基督賜給我們,給我們穿上時,祂就進到我們裏面,作我們的生命和生命的供應,好從我們裏面活出祂自己來。這個活出來就是神在基督裏的顯明。這在神眼中是好的。當然,神不僅是客觀的,更是主觀的稱義我們。現今我們看見了這兩面—外面的和裏面的。我們穿上了基督,基督也進到我們裏面,好從我們裏面活出神來,作我們主觀的義。

這兩面也由詩篇四十五篇十三至十四節王后的兩件衣服所豫表。所羅門有一個王后,那王后有兩件衣服。第一件相當於客觀的義,使我們得稱義。另一件相當於主觀的義(啓十九 8),使我們得勝。這件衣服等於馬太二十二章十一至十二節婚筵的禮服(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第一册,三一六、三一八頁)。


WEEK 5 — DAY 3

Morning Nourishment

Phil. 3:9 And be found in Him, not having my own righteousness which is out of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is out of God and based on faith.

Rom. 3:24 Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.

In Philippians 3:9 Paul does not speak merely in a general way but in a very definite way…He wanted to live not in his own righteousness but in the righteousness of God, and to be found in such a transcendent condition, expressing God by living Christ, not by keeping the law.

Before Paul was saved, he had no idea that Christ could be his righteousness. The righteousness out of the law is the righteousness that comes from man’s own effort to keep the law…Formerly, Paul lived in that righteousness which was according to the law…But now Paul’s desire was to be observed as a person living in Christ and having Christ as his righteousness. (Life-study of Philippians, 2nd ed., p. 162)

Today’s Reading

[In Philippians 3:9], the expression faith in Christ implies our believing in Christ. Such faith issues from our knowing and appreciating Christ. It is Christ Himself, infused into us through our appreciation of Him, who becomes our faith—the faith in Him. Hence, it is the faith of Christ that brings us into an organic union with Him. The righteousness which is out of God and based on faith is that righteousness which is God Himself lived out of us to be our righteousness through our faith in Christ. Such righteousness is the expression of God, who lives in us. It is based on faith because it is on the basis, or condition, of faith. Faith is the basis, the condition, on which we receive and possess the righteousness out of God, the highest righteousness, which is Christ (1 Cor. 1:30). (Life-study of Philippians, 2nd ed., p. 163)

There are two aspects of Christ being righteousness from God to the believers. The first aspect is that He is the believers’ righteousness for them to be justified before God objectively at the time of their repenting unto God and believing into Christ (Rom. 3:24-26; Acts 13:39; Gal. 3:24b, 27). The first stanza of Hymns, #295 says, “God’s Christ, who is my righteousness, / My beauty is, my glorious dress.” Christ is our beauty given by God to us to be put on us as our clothing, our glorious dress. This is outward, objective.

The second aspect is that Christ is the believers’ righteousness lived out of them as the manifestation of God, who is the righteousness in Christ given to the believers for them to be justified by God subjectively (Rom. 4:25; 1 Pet. 2:24a; James 2:24; Matt. 5:20; Rev. 19:8). We were sinners who repented to God and believed into the Lord Jesus. Right away God gave Christ to us as a glorious dress to cover us, so we are acceptable to God righteously, outwardly. This is objective righteousness. Also, when Christ was given to us to be put on us, He entered into us to be our life and life supply to live Himself out of us. This living out is the manifestation of God in Christ. This is pleasant in the eyes of God. Surely, God would justify us subjectively, not just objectively. Now we can see the two aspects—outward and inward. Christ is put on us, and Christ enters into us to live God out of us to be our subjective righteousness.

These two aspects of Christ as righteousness are also typified by the two garments of the queen in Psalm 45:13-14. Solomon had a queen, and that queen had two garments. The first one corresponds with the objective righteousness, which is for our justification. The other garment corresponds with the subjective righteousnesses (Rev. 19:8), which are for our victory. This garment is equivalent to the wedding garment in Matthew 22:11- 12. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “Crystallization-study of the Epistle to the Romans,” pp. 259-260)

Further Reading: Life-study of Philippians, msgs. 20, 51; CWWL, 1994- 1997, vol. 1, “Crystallization-study of the Epistle to the Romans,” ch. 5




