
 第五週   得着基督作公義冠冕的國度賞賜



讀經:提後四 7 ~ 8,18,三 2 ~ 5,林前九 25,腓三 9,詩四五 13 ~ 14


壹 我們要享受基督作我們國度的賞賜,就必須愛主的顯現,就是祂今天向我們的顯現,以及祂第二次來時與祂子民的同在;這是藉着留在狹路上,在生命上儆醒,在服事上忠信,好被構成基督的新婦—提後四7 ~ 8,徒二六 16,羅八 19,帖前五 23,帖後一 9,約十四 21,23,太七 13 ~ 14,二四 3,45 ~ 51,二五 9,13,21:

一 愛主的顯現和愛主自己是分不開的—林前二9,提後四 8,約十四 21。

二 提後三章二至五節所陳明豫言的圖畫,描繪敗落的基督教,題到四類愛者:愛自己者、愛錢財者、愛宴樂者和愛神者;人無論是那一類的愛者,他的全心,甚至全人,都是擺在所愛的上面,被其霸佔並得着;這是極爲緊要的!

三 召會究竟會不會有得勝的榮耀日子,還是敗落的艱難日子,完全在於我們是那一類的愛者;歷史告訴我們,召會敗落的根源,乃是失去對主起初的愛—啓二 4。


四 我們要維持召會得勝的標準,就必須是愛神者,好成就神的經綸;主應許要給那些愛祂之人生命的冠冕,並且他們要承受國度—雅一 12,二 5。

五 不能壞的華冠象徵榮耀與華美,是在主的救恩之外,當作獎賞賜給奔跑基督徒賽程的得勝者—林前九 25,彼前五 4,賽二八 5:

1 這獎賞乃是本於公義並藉着行爲,(太十六 27,啓二二 12,林後五 10,)不像救恩是本於恩典並藉着信。(弗二 8。)

2 公義的冠冕要賞賜給信徒,不是照着主的恩典,乃是照着主的公義;這冠冕的賞賜者,乃是主這公義的審判者——提後四 8。


貳 我們要在來世得着基督作我們公義冠冕的賞賜,就必須在今世經歷並享受祂作我們主觀、活出的義—腓三 9:

一 基督成爲信徒的義有兩面:

1 基督作我們客觀的義,使我們在悔改歸向神並信入基督時,在神面前得稱義—羅三 24 ~ 26,徒十三 39,加三 24 下,27。

2 基督也作我們主觀的義,作基督的活出並真實的彰顯,就是藉着活基督而彰顯神之超越的光景—腓三 9,一 21 上。

二 這兩面的義是由詩篇四十五篇十三至十四節王后的兩件衣服所豫表:


1 第一件衣服相當於客觀的義,使我們得救—『她的衣服是用金線交織成的』—13 節下:

a 這表徵藉着許多的受苦並藉着死與復活受了對付的基督,成爲召會的義,滿足神義的要求,使召會在神面前得稱義—林前一 30,路十五 22,耶二三 6。

b 王后被金子遮蓋,表徵召會顯在神聖的性情裏—詩四五 9 下,彼後一 4。

2 另一件衣服相當於主觀的義,使我們得勝—『她要穿刺繡的衣服,被引到王前』—詩四五 14 上,參啓十九 8,太二二 11 ~ 12:

a 得勝的信徒乃是基督團體的王后,以基督爲他們君尊的住處,使他們給人看出是在基督裏面,並使祂成爲他們主觀的義—詩四五 13 上,約十五 4 上。

b 刺繡的衣服,另一件衣服,是王后的第二層遮蓋,表徵召會要在婚娶時被引到基督面前,穿着聖徒所行的義,以滿足基督的要求,使他們成爲婚配—啓十九 8。

c 刺繡的衣服乃是主觀的基督編織到我們的性格裏,刺繡到我們的所是裏,成爲我們活出的義。

d 這刺繡表徵聖靈變化的工作;聖靈正天天作工,將基督一針針的繡到我們裏面,成爲我們的婚筵

e 恢復後又墮落的召會需要付代價活基督,作她主觀的義,使她穿上基督作她蒙神稱許的行爲—三 18。


叁 『主必…救我進入祂屬天的國』—提後四 18:

一 屬天的國等於公義的冠冕,乃是『他們父的國』,(太十三 43,)『我父的國』,(二六 29,)『基督和神的國』,(弗五 5,)以及『我們主和救主耶穌基督永遠的國』;(彼後一 11;)這國是給得勝聖徒的賞賜。(啓二十 4。)

二 得勝的信徒要有分於屬天的國,就是諸天之國的實現——太七 21:

1 得勝者乃是『義人』,是國度之子,要在他們父的國裏,發光如同太陽—十三 43。

2 在屬天的國裏,得勝者要與他們的主重新喝新約的杯—二六 29。


3 得勝的信徒要在他們父的國裏,與舊約的得勝者一同坐席—八 11。

4 屬天的國將是得勝者歡樂承受的產業—林前六9 ~ 10。

5 在屬天的國裏,得勝者要承受永遠的生命,因而對神聖生命有更完滿的享受—路十八 29 ~ 30。

6 在屬天的國裏,得勝者要進去享受主的快樂,並因此得着他們的魂,救他們的魂,並享受他們魂的救恩—太十 39,十六 25 ~ 26,二五 21,23,路九24,來十 39,彼前一 5,9。

7 在屬天的國裏,得勝的信徒要與基督一同作王,轄管列國—啓二十 4,二 26 ~ 27。

Week Five

Receiving the Kingdom Reward of Christ
as the Crown of Righteousness

Hymns: 295

Scripture Reading: 2 Tim. 4:7-8, 18; 3:2-5; 1 Cor. 9:25; Phil. 3:9; Psa. 45:13-14

§ Day 1

I. In order for us to enjoy Christ as our kingdom reward, we must love the Lords appearing, which is His appearing and manifestation to us today and His presence with His people at His second coming, by staying on the constricted way of being watchful in life and faithful in service to be constituted as the bride of Christ—2 Tim. 4:7-8; Acts 26:16; Rom. 8:19; 1 Thes. 5:23; 2 Thes. 1:10; John 14:21, 23; Matt.
7:13-14; 24:3, 45-51; 25:9, 13, 21:

A. Loving the Lords appearing and loving the Lord Himself are inseparable—1 Cor. 2:9; 2 Tim. 4:8; John 14:21.

B. In the prophetic picture presented in 2 Timothy 3:2-5 of Christianity in decline, four particular kinds of lovers are mentioned: lovers of self, lovers of money, lovers of pleasure, and lovers of God; whatever one loves, his whole heart, even his entire being, is set on and occupied and possessed by; this is crucial!

C. Whether there would be a day of glory in the churchs victory or grievous days of the churchs decline depends altogether on what kind of lovers we are; history tells us that the root of the churchs decline was the loss of her first love toward the Lord—Rev. 2:4.

§ Day 2

D. To maintain the victorious standard of the church, we must be lovers of God for the fulfillment of Gods economy; the Lord has promised to give the crown of life and the inheritance of the kingdom to those who love Him—James 1:12; 2:5.

E. The incorruptible crown is a symbol of glory and beauty given as a prize, in addition to the Lords salvation, to the triumphant runner of the Christian race—1 Cor. 9:25; 1 Pet. 5:4; Isa. 28:5:

1. This prize is neither of grace nor by faith, as salvation is (Eph. 2:8), but of righteousness through works (Matt. 16:27; Rev. 22:12; 2 Cor. 5:10).

2. The crown of righteousness will be awarded not according to the grace of the Lord but according to His righteousness, and the One who awards it will be the Lord as the righteous Judge—2 Tim. 4:8.

§ Day 3

I. In order to be awarded with Christ as our crown of righteousness in the next age, we must experience and enjoy Him as our subjective, lived-out righteousness in this age—Phil. 3:9:

A. There are two aspects of Christ being righteousness to the believers:

1. Christ is our objective righteousness for us to be justified before God at the time of our repenting unto God and believing into Christ—Rom. 3:24-26; Acts 13:39; Gal. 3:24b, 27.

2. Christ is also our subjective righteousness as the living out and genuine expression of Christ, which is the transcendent condition of expressing God by living Christ—Phil. 3:9; 1:21a.

B. These two aspects of righteousness are typified by the two garments of the queen in Psalm 45:13-14:

§ Day 4

1. One garment corresponds to the objective righteousness, which is for our salvation—“her garment is a woven work inwrought with gold”—v. 13b:

a. This signifies that the Christ who has been dealt with through many sufferings and through death and resurrection becomes the righteousness of the church to meet the righteous requirement of God for her to be justified before God—1 Cor. 1:30; Luke 15:22; Jer. 23:6.

b. Her being covered with gold signifies the churchs appearing in the divine nature—Psa. 45:9b; 2 Pet. 1:4.

2. The other garment corresponds with the subjective righteousnesses, which are for our victory—“she will be led to the King in embroidered clothing”—Psa. 45:14a; cf. Rev. 19:8; Matt. 22:11-12:

a. The overcoming believers are Christs corporate queen, taking Christ as their royal abode for them to be found in Christ and for Him to become their subjective righteousness—Psa. 45:13a; John 15:4a.

b. This embroidered clothing, another garment, the second layer of her covering, signifies that the church will be led to Christ at their marriage clothed with the righteousnesses of the saints to meet the requirement of Christ for their marriage—Rev. 19:8.

c. The raiment of embroidered work is the subjective Christ woven into our character, embroidered into our being, to be our lived-out righteousness.

d. This embroidery signifies the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, who is working day by day to embroider Christ into us stitch by stitch to be our wedding garment.

e. The degraded recovered church needs to pay the price to live Christ as her subjective righteousness that she may be clothed with Christ as her God-approved conduct—3:18.

§ Day 5

III. “The Lord will…save me into His heavenly kingdom”—2 Tim. 4:18:

A. The heavenly kingdom, which equals the crown of righteousness, is “the kingdom of their Father” (Matt. 13:43), “the kingdom of My Father” (26:29), “the kingdom of Christ and of God” (Eph. 5:5), and “the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 1:11), which will be a reward to the overcoming saints (Rev. 20:4).

B. The overcoming believers will participate in the heavenly kingdom, the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens—Matt. 7:21:

1. As “the righteous,” the sons of the kingdom, the overcomers will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father—13:43.

2. In the heavenly kingdom the overcomers will drink the cup of the new covenant anew with their Lord—26:29.

§ Day 6

3. In the kingdom of their Father the overcoming believers will feast with the Old Testament overcomers—8:11.

4. To the overcomers the heavenly kingdom will be a joyful inheritance—1 Cor. 6:9-10.

5. In the heavenly kingdom the overcomers will inherit eternal life and thereby have a fuller enjoyment of the divine life—Luke 18:29-30.

6. In the heavenly kingdom the overcomers will enter into the Lords joy and thus gain their soul, save their soul, and enjoy the salvation of their soul—Matt. 10:39; 16:25-26; 25:21, 23; Luke 9:24; Heb. 10:39; 1 Pet. 1:5, 9.

7. In the heavenly kingdom the overcoming believers will reign with Christ and rule over the nations—Rev. 20:4; 2:26-27.




