



提後二 8『你要記念那從死人中得復活的耶穌基督,祂是出於大衞的後裔,這正合乎我所傳的福音。』

羅八 11『然而那叫耶穌從死人中復活者的靈,若住在你們裏面,那叫基督從死人中復活的,也必藉着祂住在你們裏面的靈,賜生命給你們必死的身體。』

從行傳十三章三十節開始,保羅…說到基督的復活:『神卻叫祂從死人中復活。』…使徒行傳告訴我們神叫耶穌復活(二 24、32),也告訴我們祂從死人中復活(十 40 ~ 41)。論到主是人,新約告訴我們,神叫祂從死人中復活(羅八 11);論到祂是神,新約告訴我們,祂自己從死人中復活(十四 9)。…行傳二章二十四節說主不能被死拘禁。主是神,也是復活(約一 1,十一 25),有不能毀壞的生命(來七 16)。祂旣是這樣一位永活者,死就不能拘禁祂。祂將自己交於死,死卻無法扣住祂,反而被祂擊敗,祂就從死裏復活了(使徒行傳生命讀經,三六三、八六頁)。


林前十五章是講復活。基督的復活,乃是祂的得勝,勝過了神的仇敵撒但、世界、罪和死等等。祂在祂的復活中,凱旋的升上高天後(弗四 8),神又爲祂征服了一切的仇敵(林前十五 25)。而後祂要在祂復活的身分中,帶着神的國(但七 13 ~ 14),到地上來施行神的權能,制伏地上的一切(聖經恢復本,林前十五 54 註 3)。



天,比祂在門徒眼前公開的升天(徒一 9 ~ 11)早四十天。在復活那天清晨,祂升到天上去滿足父。祂復活的新鮮必須先給父享受;正如在豫表上,初熟的莊稼要先獻給神。

在利未記二十三章十、十一節,和出埃及二十三章十九節上半,我們看見豫表。利未記二十三章十、十一節說,『要將初熟的莊稼一捆帶給祭司;他要把這一捆在耶和華面前搖一搖,使你們蒙悅納;祭司要在安息日的次日把這捆搖一搖。』這捆初熟的莊稼豫表在復活裏的基督(林前十五 20、23)。基督正是在安息日的次日,就是七日的第一日復活。安息日是第七日,安息日的次日是七日的第一日。初熟的莊稼在安息日的次日,就是下週的第一日,獻給神。在七日的第一日,基督這復活的初熟果子,從死人中復活,將自己獻給神。這不僅是豫表,也是在約翰二十章得應驗的豫言(新約總論第三册,二九六至二九七頁)。

復活的基督,藉着祂第二次的出生,祂的復活,生爲神的長子;祂〔也〕是那聖的,那可靠的〔徒十三 33 ~ 34〕。復活的基督乃是神所賜我們那聖的,那可靠的。這裏保羅指明,復活的基督不僅是我們的救主,將神的救恩帶給我們,祂也不僅是神的長子;〔祂〕也是那聖的,那可靠的,是神給我們的恩賜(使徒行傳生命讀經,三六九頁)。


WEEK 4 — DAY 4

Morning Nourishment

2 Tim. 2:8 Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, of the seed of David, according to my gospel.

Rom. 8:11 And if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you.

Beginning with Acts 13:30, Paul…[speaks] of Christ’s resurrection: “But God raised Him from the dead.”…Acts tells us both that God raised up Jesus (2:24, 32) and that He rose from the dead (10:40-41). Regarding the Lord as a man, the New Testament says that God raised Him from the dead (Rom. 8:11). But considering Him as God, it tells us that He Himself rose from the dead (14:9). Acts 2:24 says that it was not possible for the Lord to be held by death. The Lord is both God and resurrection (John 1:1; 11:25), possessing the indestructible life (Heb. 7:16). Since He is such an ever-living One, death is not able to hold Him. He delivered Himself to death, but death had no way to detain Him; rather, death was defeated by Him, and He rose up from it. (Life-study of Acts, 2nd ed., pp. 312, 76)

Today's Reading

First Corinthians 15 is on resurrection. Christ’s resurrection was His victory over Satan, God’s enemy, over the world, over sin, and over death. After His triumphal ascension to the height (Eph. 4:8) in His resurrection, God subdued all the enemies for Him (1 Cor. 15:25)…As One who is in resurrection, He will come to the earth with the kingdom of God (Dan. 7:13-14) to exercise God’s power and subdue everything on earth.

In 1 Corinthians 15:55 Paul asks, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” This is the apostle’s triumphant exclamation concerning the victory of resurrection life over death. (Life-study of 1 Corinthians, 2nd ed., p. 619)

In His resurrection Christ accomplished the work of rising from the dead to be the firstfruits of resurrection offered to God for His satisfaction. Acts 10:41 says, “He rose from the dead,” and Romans 14:9 says, “Christ died and lived again.”

In John 20:17…the Lord refers to His ascending to the Father. On the day of His resurrection the Lord Jesus ascended to the Father. This was a secret ascension forty days prior to His public ascension before the eyes of His disciples (Acts 1:9-11). On the day of resurrection, early in the morning, He ascended to satisfy the Father. The freshness of His resurrection was first for the Father’s enjoyment, as the firstfruits of the harvest was, in type, brought first to God.

We see the type in Leviticus 23:10 and 11 and Exodus 23:19a. Leviticus 23:10 and 11 say, “You shall bring the sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest; and he shall wave the sheaf before Jehovah for your acceptance; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it.” This sheaf of the firstfruits is a type of Christ in resurrection (1 Cor. 15:20, 23). Christ resurrected exactly on the day after the Sabbath, that is, on the first day of the week. The Sabbath is the seventh day, and the day after the Sabbath is the first day of the week. The firstfruits of the harvest were offered to God on the day after the Sabbath, on the first day of the following week. On the first day of the week Christ, the firstfruits of resurrection, resurrected from the dead to offer Himself to God. This is not only a type but also a prophecy which was fulfilled in John 20. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 785-786)

The resurrected Christ, who is God’s firstborn Son brought forth through His second birth, His resurrection, is [also] the holy things of David, the faithful things [Acts 13:33-34]…The resurrected Christ is the holy and trustworthy [or faithful] things God gives to us. Here Paul indicated that the resurrected Christ is not only our Savior bringing us God’s salvation, and He is not only the firstborn Son of God. This resurrected One is also the holy and faithful things as a gift given to us by God. (Life-study of Acts, 2nd ed., p. 316)

Further Reading: Life-study of Acts, msgs. 37-38




