撒下七 12 ~ 14『你在世的日子滿足…的時候,我必興起你腹中所出的後裔接續你,我也必堅定他的國。他必爲我的名建造殿宇;我必堅定他的國位,直到永遠。我要作他的父,他要作我的子…。』
41 ~
3 ~
12,西一 18)。我們作爲身體,在生命、性情、構成上,與作頭的基督是一樣的。至終,這位基督是新人裏的每一個人(三 10 ~
WEEK 4 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
Sam. 7:12-14 When your days are fulfilled…, I will raise up your seed
after you, which will come forth from your body, and I will establish
his kingdom. It is he who will build a house for My name, and I will
establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his Father, and he will be My son…
2 Samuel 7:12-14a…the word concerning “your seed” and “My son”
indicates that the seed of David would become the Son of God, that the
seed of a man would become God’s Son.
thought is continued very strongly in the New Testament, particularly
in Romans 1:3 and 4. Here Paul says, “Concerning His Son, who came out
of the seed of David according to the flesh, who was designated the Son
of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness out of the
resurrection of the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord.”…These verses reveal,
on the one hand, that Christ is the seed of David and, on the other
hand, that He, the seed of David, has been designated the Son of God.
When we compare these two portions of the Word, we see that both in the
Old Testament and in the New Testament we have the matter of the seed of
David becoming the Son of God. (Life-study of 1 & 2 Samuel, p. 165)
Today's Reading
had the heart to build a house for God, but God indicated to David that
this was neither what he needed nor what God needed. God told David
that He would build One to be David’s seed and that this seed would be
called God’s Son. This seed would be both divine and human. Hebrews 1:5
indicates that this refers to Christ as God’s firstborn Son.
Furthermore, as we have seen, Romans 1:3-4, which corresponds to 2
Samuel 7:12-14a, tells us that in resurrection the seed of David was
designated the Son of God. In their intrinsic significance, 2 Samuel
7:12-14a and Romans 1:3-4 reveal to us a human and divine person.
Samuel 7:12 refers to the seed of David. Eventually, this human seed
becomes the Son of God (v. 14). Concerning this, the Lord Jesus asked a
question of the Pharisees (Matt. 22:41-45). First, He asked them, “What
do you think concerning the Christ? Whose son is He?” (v. 42). When they
said that Christ was David’s son, the Lord Jesus went on to ask how
David could call Him Lord (v. 43). Finally, He said, “If then David
calls Him Lord, how is He his son?” (v. 45). This is the greatest
question in the universe. How could Christ be the seed of a man and also
the Son of God? How could He be the son of David and also David’s
Lord?…The Pharisees realized that Christ was the seed of David, and they
answered without any hesitation. But when the Lord Jesus asked why
David, a forefather of Christ, called Christ the Lord, they could not
answer. On the one hand, He was a man; on the other hand, He was God. No
one can reconcile these two.
2 Samuel 7 God promised a seed to David. Eventually, this seed of David
was designated the Son (Rom. 1:3-4). Today Christ as the seed of David
has become all in all to us. He is the centrality and universality of
God. He is the hub and the circumference. He is the condensation and
consummation of God and man. He is the all-inclusive, all-extensive
Christ. He is God and He is man. He is the Creator and He is a creature.
He is the First and He is the Last (Rev. 1:17). He is the beginning and
He is the end. He fills all in all (Eph. 1:23), and He has been
consummated to be the Spirit. He is our food, our drink, our breath, and
our clothing. He is also every member of the Body and He is within
every member. The Body is not the Head, nor the Head the Body, but
Christ is both the Head and the Body (1 Cor. 12:12; Col. 1:18). In life,
in nature, in constitution, we as the Body are the same as Christ the
Head. Eventually, this Christ is every person in the new man (Col.
3:10-11). In the new man there is no room for any nation, any race, or
any class of persons. There is room only for Christ. (Life- study of 1 & 2 Samuel, pp. 167, 177, 181)