



腓三 9『並且給人看出我是在祂裏面,不是有自己那本於律法的義,乃是有那藉着信基督而有的義,就是那基於信、本於神的義。』

提後三 17『叫屬神的人得以完備,爲着各樣的善工,裝備齊全。』

屬神的人,指有分於神的生命和性情(約一 12 ~13,彼後一 4),在神的生命和性情上與祂是一(林前六 17),因而彰顯神的人。這相當於敬虔的奧祕,就是神顯現於肉體(提前三 16)。藉着神所呼出的聖經,叫屬神的人得以完備,爲着各樣的善工,裝備齊全〔17〕。這裏的完備,卽在資格上完備並完全。裝備,指裝配,設備,豫備(提摩太後書生命讀經,六一頁)。



屬神的人乃是神人,就是有分於神的生命和性情(約一 12 ~ 13,彼後一 4),在神的生命和性情上與祂是一(林前六 17),因而彰顯神的人。這樣一個神人,這樣一個屬神的人,是藉着神呼出祂自己而產生的。神的呼出產生神人。

你也許是好人(good man),卻不是神人(God-man)。…你該只有一個『o』,但你不是只有一個『o』,而是有兩個『o』。你越接受教訓、啓示,這多出的『o』就越被除去。然而,這第二個『o』很難一次永遠的除去,因爲它好像人的鬍鬚,刮了又長出來;又像草地,割了又復生。從經歷中我們知道,第二個『o』一直回來。…我們需要來自聖經的教訓,一再刮去這個『o』。




WEEK 5 — DAY 4

Morning Nourishment

Phil. 3:9 And be found in Him, not having my own righteousness which is out of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is out of God and based on faith.

2 Tim. 3:17 That the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.

A man of God is one who partakes of God’s life and nature (John 1:13; 2 Pet. 1:4) and thus becomes one with Him in His life and nature (1 Cor. 6:17) and thereby expresses Him. This corresponds to the mystery of godliness, which is God manifested in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16). Through the God-breathed Scripture, the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work [v. 17]. Complete here means “complete and perfect in qualifications,” and equipped denotes being “fitted out, furnished, made ready.” (Life-study of 2 Timothy, 2nd ed., p. 49)

Today's Reading

We may memorize Bible verses and recite them without experiencing any rebuking. But when we receive a revelation from the Word, that revelation exposes our sinfulness and rebukes us. We are not rebuked by man, nor are we rebuked directly by God—we are rebuked by the teaching of the Word. When we are rebuked in this way, we are spontaneously corrected, and when we are corrected, we have the instruction in righteousness. The result is that we are adjusted. We may be adjusted in a particular matter and become right in this matter. However, we may not be right in this matter once for all. For example, suppose a brother is wrong with his wife. Under the revelation from the Word, he is rebuked and adjusted. He repents and then apologizes to his wife, and as a result, he is now right with her. But a few days later he may be wrong with her again, and once again he will need to be rebuked, corrected, and adjusted.

A man of God is a God-man, one who partakes of God’s life and nature (John 1:13; 2 Pet. 1:4), thus being one with God in His life and nature (1 Cor. 6:17) and thereby expressing Him. Such a God-man, such a man of God, is produced by God’s breathing out of Himself. God’s breathing produces God-men.

You may be a good man but not a God-man…You should have only one o, but instead of one you have two. The more you receive teaching, revelation, the more this extra o will be cut off. However, it is hard to get rid of the second o once for all, for it is like a man’s beard that appears again after it has been shaved or like the grass that grows again after the lawn has been mowed. From experience we know that the second o always comes back… We need the teaching from the Scriptures to shave away this o again and again.

The word that at the beginning of 2 Timothy 3:17 indicates that this verse is an issue of the preceding verse. The issue of teaching, conviction, correction, and instruction in righteousness is that the man of God becomes complete. In the summer school of truth you should present a teaching that is an unveiling, the rolling away of the veil. Then the young people in your class will see something of God, and what they see will rebuke them, correct them, and afford them the proper instruction in righteousness to make them right both with God and with man. The issue, the outcome, will be that the man of God becomes complete and equipped for every good work.

The purpose of the summer school of truth is not to give mental knowledge to the young people. The goal of our summer school is to present teaching after teaching, revelation after revelation, so that the young ones may see God, see themselves, and be convicted, corrected, and instructed to be right with God and man so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work. Such a person will be a true man of God, a real God- man, continually inhaling the Triune God and thereby receiving revelation, conviction, correction, and instruction in righteousness. (CWWL, 1984, vol. 1, “Teachers’ Training,” pp. 423-425)

Further Reading: Life-study of Ephesians, msg. 65





