
第一週 週四



弗四15   惟在愛裏持守着真實,我們就得以在一切事上長到祂,就是元首基督裏面。

 五15   你們要仔細留意怎樣行事為人,不要像不智慧的人,乃要像有智慧的人。

  18   不要醉酒,醉酒使人放蕩,乃要在靈裏被充滿。











Morning Nourishment

Eph. 4:15 But holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, Christ.

       5:15 Look therefore carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise.

         18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in spirit.

To live by being filled in spirit is the fifth item of a walk worthy of God’s calling. The first four aspects of such a worthy walk are the keeping of the oneness, the growing up into the Head, the learning of Christ, and the living in love and light. In Ephesians 4 Paul speaks of keeping the oneness, of growing up into the Head, and of learning Christ. In chapter 5 he speaks of living in love and in light and of living by being filled in spirit. Thus, in chapter 5 there are three crucial words: love, light, and spirit. Love and light are covered in the first fourteen verses. The next section of this chapter deals with the mingled spirit.

To be filled in spirit (v. 18) is to be filled in our regenerated spirit, the human spirit indwelt by the Spirit of God. Our spirit should not be empty but should be filled with the riches of Christ unto all the fullness of God (3:19). All the items in 5:18—6:9 are related to the one matter of being filled in spirit. Many readers of this chapter pay attention to such details as wives submitting to their own husbands or husbands loving their wives, but they fail to see the source of all these virtues, that is, being filled in spirit. When we are filled in our spirit with Christ unto all the fullness of God, then wives will be subject to their husbands, husbands will love their wives, parents will care for their children, slaves will obey their masters, and masters will treat their slaves in a proper way. All these things are the issue of being filled in spirit. (Life-study of Ephesians, 2nd ed., pp. 419-420)

Today’s Reading

If our spirit is flat, it needs to be filled with pneuma. We need to go to the heavenly “filling station” and get our spirit filled with pneuma. In this way we will be filled in spirit. According to Ephesians 3, we are to be filled with the riches of Christ unto all the fullness of God. If our spirit is filled with the riches of Christ, we will have no problems in our Christian life.

Living by being filled in spirit is the fifth aspect of a walk worthy of God’s calling. The first aspect is the keeping of the oneness. This is for the Body life, the church life. The second aspect is the growing up into Christ the Head in all things. This is for the building. Following this, we learn Christ by being placed into the mold, the standard of a living according to the reality in Jesus. We Christians have a high standard with an uplifted principle to govern our daily walk. To learn Christ is to take Him as the standard and to take His life as the principle. Fourth, a life worthy of God’s calling is a life in love and in light. We must live not only according to reality (truth) and by grace but also in light and in love. We need to be those who live in intimacy with God and walk in His presence. Our daily life must be altogether according to God’s heart and in His presence. If we have these four aspects of a worthy walk, we will spontaneously be filled in our spirit.

These five items are arranged in a marvelous sequence. First, we keep the oneness, and then we grow in Christ. After this, we learn Christ and live in love and in light. Then we are spontaneously filled in our spirit with the riches of Christ unto all the fullness of God. Out of this inner filling will come submission, love, obedience, care, and all the other attributes of a proper Christian life, church life, family life, and community life. Therefore, the fifth aspect of a walk worthy of God’s calling is the issue of the first four aspects; that is, it is the issue of keeping the oneness, growing in Christ, learning Christ, and living in love and in light. What a life we have when we demonstrate these five aspects of a worthy walk! If we are filled inwardly unto the fullness of God, there will be no problems at home, in the church, or in the community. This is the crucial point in this message. (Life-study of Ephesians, 2nd ed., pp. 420-421)

Further Reading: Life-study of Ephesians, msg. 51





