彼前二1 ~ 2『所以要脫去一切的惡毒、和一切的詭詐、並僞善、嫉妒、以及一切毀謗的話,像纔生的嬰孩一樣,切慕那純淨的話奶,叫你們靠此長大,以致得救。』
WEEK 3 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Pet. 2:1-2 Therefore putting away all malice and all guile and
hypocrisies and envyings and all evil speakings, as newborn babes, long
for the guileless milk of the word in order that by it you may grow unto
to the sequence of [the five sinful matters in 1 Peter 2:1], malice is
the root, the source, and evil speaking is the expression. We may have
malice as a root within us. Then there will eventually be evil speaking
as the expression of this malice. The development from malice to evil
speaking includes guile, hypocrisies, and envyings, three downward steps
from malice toward evil speaking…The root is malice, the development
includes guile, hypocrisy, and envy, and the final expression is evil speaking.
milk of the word [in verse 2] is…milk for the soul, the inner being. It
is conveyed in the word of God to nourish our inner man through the understanding of our rational mind, and it is assimilated by our mental faculties.
nourishment contained in the guileless milk of the word is an
antibiotic for guile…In 2:1 and 2, Peter indicates that, as newborn
babes, we need to practice putting away all guile, and we also need to
desire the guileless milk of the word. The purpose of putting away the
evil root of malice is that we may long for, desire, the milk of the
word…If you want to hunger and thirst after God’s word, that is, if you
want to desire the drinking of the milk in the word, you need to hate
your malice and abstain from speaking evil things about others. (Life-study of 1 Peter, pp. 125-127)
Today’s Reading
to Peter’s word in 1 Peter 2:2, by the guileless milk of the word we
may grow unto salvation…Growth in life results in salvation. Salvation
here, as the result of growth in life, is not initial salvation. God’s
full and complete salvation has a long span—from regeneration, including
justification, to glorification (Rom. 8:30). At regeneration we receive
initial salvation. Then we need to grow by feeding on Christ as the
nourishing milk in the word of God unto full salvation, unto maturity
for glorification. This will be the salvation of our soul, which will be
revealed to us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus (1 Pet. 1:5, 9-10,
13). However, according to the context, unto salvation in 2:2 refers
directly to being built up as a spiritual house into
a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices in verse 5, and to tell out the virtues of Him in verse 9.
verse 3 Peter continues, “If you have tasted that the Lord is good.”
The Lord can be tasted, and His taste is pleasant and good. If we have
tasted Him, we will long for the nourishing milk in His word. The Greek
word rendered “good” in this verse also means “pleasant, kind.”
1 Peter 2:4 Peter makes a leap from the milk of the word to the living
stone. There does not seem to be a bridge or any other kind of
connection between the milk and the stone. First, Peter indicates that
the Lord is the milk of the word for nourishment. Then he goes on to speak of Him as the living stone.
implies that the milk becomes the stone. How can this be? With us, this
is impossible, but it is not impossible with the Lord, because He is
all-inclusive. As the all-inclusive One, Christ is milk, and He is also
the stone. We are not able to exhaust all the aspects of Christ. He is
the milk, He is the bread, and now we see that He is the stone.
need more experience of Christ as the milk and the stone. In the
morning we should drink Christ as milk from the Word. Then during the
day the process of transformation should take place within us. In the
evening we should come to the church meetings and fellowship with the
saints. This is building. Here we see that in the morning Christ is
milk, and in the evening He becomes the stone. During the day the milk
does a transforming work within us to produce a stone. (Life-study of 1 Peter, pp. 131-132, 134, 138-139)