當我們在主死的殺死之下,祂復活的生命就藉着我們分賜到別人裏面。分賜生命到別人裏面,總是我們接受十字架殺死的結果。(聖經恢復本,林後四12 註1。)
我鼓勵青年聖徒特別要研讀這一段話,〔林後十7 ~18,〕從中學習如何在召會的事奉中行事,並如何在主的恢復裏行動。青年人,你們必須知道自己的尺度、界限。這意思是說,你們必須知道神所量給你們的度量有多少,範圍有多大。這樣的約束和限制,對於我們的肉體是非常實際的對付。我們天然的人喜歡無拘無束。但神知道我們的難處,所以給我們一些限制和約束,好叫我們留在祂所分給我們的度量之內。(哥林多後書生命讀經,五二九至五三○、五三四頁。)
WEEK 3 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
2 Cor. 4:12 So then death operates in us, but life in you.
10:13 But we will not boast beyond our measure but according to the
measure of the rule which the God of measure has apportioned to us, to reach even as far as you.
we are under the killing of the Lord’s death, His resurrection life is
imparted through us into others. The impartation of life into others is
always the issue of our suffering the killing of the cross. (2 Cor.
4:12, footnote 1)
should not think that Paul was so spiritual that he was altogether
different from us. Even he had to learn to take the Lord’s restriction.
For example, Paul wanted to go to Rome, but he did not expect to go
there in bonds. Furthermore, he told the believers at Rome that he
expected to go to Spain by way of them (Rom. 15:24). Paul never went to
Spain, and he arrived in Rome in bonds. Those bonds were the Lord’s
measure, His limitation. God did not measure out Rome to Paul in a free
way. Instead, God led him there as a prisoner. Yes, Paul was in Rome,
but he was there in prison. That imprisonment was a restriction…God is
sovereign, and whatever happened to Paul was under God’s sovereignty.
This means that Paul’s bonds and imprisonment were God’s sovereign
restriction. Paul was willing to be subject to God’s measuring. He
neither transgressed this restriction nor rebelled against it.
(Life-study of 2 Corinthians, pp. 442-443)
Today’s Reading
The Lord is especially interested in restricting the young people. If the young ones do not have a heart to serve the Lord, He will stir them up to serve Him. But once they have been stirred up, He will limit them. Human nature does not like this kind of limitation. For example, both in our sleeping and in our activity, we may not like limitations. When, spiritually speaking, we are asleep, God will stir us up. But when we become too active, He will restrict us. I know some young people who have been offended because God has done this to them. A young brother may want to be a leader among the young people. If he becomes a leader, he may then want to be a deacon or an elder in the church. In these matters he may expect to make swift progress. God’s way, however, is first to speed us up and then to slow us down, first to raise us up and then to lower us down. When we are down, He will lift us up. But when we get too far up, He will lower us down…If we can take God’s ups and downs, we will eventually become useful in His work.
young people cannot tolerate God’s ups and downs. After a few of these
ups and downs, they want to quit. Their attitude may be, “If God wants
me up, then let me go up to the heavens and stay there until the Lord
Jesus comes back. But if God wants me down, let me stay down. But I
don’t like going up and down, down and up.” This unhappiness with God’s
ups and downs is an expression of the disposition of many young people.
does not want us to be always up or to be always down. Even in nature
the alternating of day and night testifies of this…God did not create us
so that we would have a day or night that would last for many years.
This may be according to our way, but it is not according to God’s way.
encourage the young people especially to study this portion of the Word
[2 Cor. 10:7-18] and learn from it how to conduct themselves in the
church service and how to move in the Lord’s recovery. Young people, you
must know your rule, your limit. This means that you must know how much
God has measured to you, how much He has apportioned to you. This
restriction, this limitation, is a very practical dealing with our
flesh. Our natural man wants to be without limitation. However, God
knows our problem. Therefore, He sets up boundaries and restrictions so
that we may stay within the measure that He has apportioned to us. (Life-study of 2 Corinthians, pp. 441, 444-445)