


羅八29 『因為神所豫知的人,祂也豫定他們模成神兒子的形像,使祂兒子在許多弟兄中作長子。』

來二10~11 『…〔神〕要領許多的兒子進榮耀裏去,就藉著苦難成全他們救恩的創始者,這對祂本是合宜的。因那聖別人的,和那些被聖別的,都是出於一;因這緣故,祂稱他們為弟兄,並不以為恥。』








WEEK 13 — DAY 6

Morning Nourishment

Rom. 8:29 Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers.

Heb. 2:10-11 …It was fitting for Him…in leading many sons into glory… For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of One, for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brothers.

God does not intend that we lose our humanity. On the contrary, we will bear our humanity for eternity. But our humanity in eternity will not be natural; it will be resurrected, glorified, and uplifted. This is proved by the contrast between the natural body and the spiritual body, the resurrection body, in 1 Corinthians 15. Today our physical body is like a seed. But one day this “seed” will be resurrected and glorified. (Life-study of Romans, p. 535)

Today's Reading

How can we have divinity? We have it by being regenerated in our spirit by the Spirit of Christ. Through incarnation Christ put humanity upon Himself and thereafter had two natures—the divine nature and the human nature. Through His resurrection and through coming into us as the Spirit, Christ has brought divinity into us. Therefore, we also have two natures— the human nature and the divine nature. By being born of the Spirit, we have become partakers of the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4). We can say, “Lord, just as You have two natures, so we have two natures also. You are divine and human, and we are human and divine. Hallelujah, we are the same as You! Lord, You have our nature, and we have Yours. You are both divine and human, and we are both human and divine. You are the Head of the Body, and we are the members of the Body. Lord, You are the Son of God, and we are sons of God also.” The Lord appreciates it when we speak to Him in this way. He enjoys it when we declare the fact that God no longer has just one Son, the only begotten Son, but many sons, Christ as the Firstborn and us as the many sons of God. Christ has already been designated the Son of God, but we are still in the process of designation. One day this process will be completed, and for eternity we will be the same as Christ, God’s firstborn Son. Romans 1:3 and 4 contain many key words. Verse 3 has the phrase according to the flesh, and verse 4, the phrase according to the Spirit. In 8:4 Paul speaks about walking “according to the spirit” and not “according to the flesh.” This is one example of how the key words in 1:3 and 4 are used again by Paul later in this book.

An especially marvelous word in 1:4 is resurrection. Christ was designated the Son of God “out of the resurrection of the dead.” In 6:5 Paul says that “we will also be in the likeness of His resurrection.” Christ was designated by resurrection, and we will be in the likeness of this resurrection. As we share Christ’s resurrection, we undergo the process of being designated the sons of God. We are designated, in fact, by resurrection.

Every life has its own form. For example, a dog has one form, and a chicken has another. The growth of a certain life brings in the full form of that life. Today we are sons of God, but we do not yet have the full form, the complete shape, of sons of God. Therefore, by growth and transformation we need to be conformed to the image of Christ. Eventually, we will be completely conformed to His image. Then we will possess the full life shape which comes from the life power with the life essence. A carnation, a chicken, and a dog all have a different life form according to their life essence. A carnation has the form of a carnation because it has the life essence of a carnation. The carnation essence develops into the carnation form by means of the life power within the carnation. Praise the Lord that we have the life essence and the life power within us! This life power is shaping us into the image of the Son of God. Through this shaping function of the life power, we will be fully conformed to the image of Christ. (Lifestudy of Romans, pp. 535-536, 557)

Further Reading: Life-study of Romans, msg. 62





