



羅八13~16 『…你們若照肉體活著,必要死;但你們若靠著那靈治死身體的行為,必要活著。因為凡被神的靈引導的,都是神的兒子。你們所受的…乃是兒子名分的靈,在這靈裏,我們呼叫:阿爸,父。那靈自己同我們的靈見證我們是神的兒女。』 









WEEK 14 — DAY 4


Morning Nourishment

Rom. 8:13-16 …If you live according to the flesh, you must die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the practices of the body, you will live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God…You have received a spirit of sonship in which we cry, Abba, Father! The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God.

The subject of Romans 8 is the freeing of the law of the Spirit of life. But just by verse 2, you do not know how the law of the Spirit of life works. So from verse 3 onward, nearly the entire chapter is a definition of how the law of the Spirit of life operates. The law of the Spirit of life does not free everyone. Many Christians today have not been freed. The law of the Spirit of life only frees the believers who fulfill all the doings in this chapter. (CWWL, 1980, vol. 1, “Perfecting Training,” p. 315)

Today's Reading

The first point [of the doings on our side in Romans 8] is that we have to walk according to the spirit [v. 4]. This walking according to the spirit is on our side; actually, this is our switching on. When we walk according to the spirit, we switch on, and the law works. The law of the Spirit of life never works until we walk according to the spirit. The second point [is] that we need to mind the things of the Spirit [v. 5]. The third item of our doing in this chapter is to put to death the practices of our mortal body (v. 13). The fourth item is to be led by the Spirit of God (v. 14). According to our natural concept, we always consider that this is a verse concerning the spiritual leading. Actually, this is not a verse concerning the spiritual leading; it is a verse concerning our being led. It does not say, “As many as the Spirit leads.”…It is not the Spirit leading you; it is you being led by Him.

In verse 15 is the fifth item; that is, you have to cry. That is your doing. You have to learn to cry. We have the spirit of sonship in which we cry, “Abba, Father!” To cry is to switch on. Whenever you cry, “O Father! Abba, Father!” that is to switch on. Learn to cry. This is not a bad cry; this is a good cry. This is a benign cry…Learn to cry, “O Lord Jesus! O Father! O Abba, Father!” Today’s Christians are dead because they are too silent… We all have to learn to cry. Have you ever considered that to cry is to switch on? Are you in darkness? Cry! Are you weak? Are you short of power? Cry!…Simply to think about the situation never helps you; you need to cry.

When verse 16 says that the Spirit witnesses with our spirit, it indicates that our spirit is witnessing already. When our spirit is witnessing, the Spirit witnesses with our spirit. In other words, if your spirit does not witness, neither does the Spirit witness…The main stress here is that our spirit has to work. Our spirit has to take the initiative.

Verse 23 gives the next item. Have you ever realized that to groan is to switch on? Do you practice this? We all have to learn to groan. These are the seven items of the doings that could be found from Romans 8. We have to walk according to the spirit, to mind the things of the Spirit, to put to death the practices of the mortal body, to be led, to cry, to witness, and finally, to groan. You have to do these seven things. Try to practice these every day. If you are afraid of offending someone, you had better close your doors and windows and then do the crying and the groaning. You will see what a switching on you will experience.

“We ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan in ourselves, eagerly awaiting son-ship, the redemption of our body” (v. 23). Once you realize that your body is a body of sin and death, you would groan, and you would earnestly expect for your body to be redeemed. Once you realize that you have a body that can do nothing to please God, you would groan, and you would expect to be redeemed. You can do nothing to help your body; your body needs redemption. (CWWL, 1980, vol. 1, “Perfecting Training,” pp. 315-316, 275-276)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1980, vol. 1, “Perfecting Training,” chs. 33—34, 36





