
第十八週 神的恩典與包羅萬有的靈



【週 一】

壹 在哥林多後書裏,基督作為神的恩典乃是那給我們進入、經歷、享受、有分、並據有的美地—約一17,林前十五10,參加二20,林前五7,十3~4,林後十三14: 

一 林後十三章十四節先說主的恩,因為這卷書是著重基督的恩—一12,四15,六1,八1,9,九8,14,十二9: 

1 聖靈作為基督的恩同著父愛的循環、傳輸,乃是我們基督徒生活和召會生活中的供應:

a 整個召會生活都在於林後十三章十四節。

b 林後十三章十四節所啟示,在我們裏面神聖三一的流,乃是我們屬靈的命脈。 

【週 二】

2 林後十三章十四節的祝福,與民數記六章二十二至二十七節的祝福是一樣的;這是三一神永遠的祝福,就是三一神在祂神聖的三一裏,將祂自己分賜到我們裏面,作我們的享受:

a 『願耶和華賜福給你,保護你』是父神的愛,如同生命和光的源頭—24節,詩三六9。

b 『願耶和華使祂的面光照你,賜恩給你』是基督的恩,如同神殿裏的肥甘—民六25,詩三六8。

c 『願耶和華向你仰臉,賜你平安』是聖靈的交通,如同神的樂河—民六26,詩三六8。 

二 神在祂經綸中的恩典是豐富、繁增而洋溢的—弗二7,彼前一2下,彼後一2,弗一7下~8: 

1 神在那蒙愛者裏面恩賜了我們—6節。

2 我們因信得進入現在所站的這恩典中—羅五2上。

3 當基督天天在我們裏面給我們接受、經歷並享受,那就是恩典加給我們,而且恩上加恩—約一16。 

【週 三】

三 新約眾執事的生活是恩典的生活,是對恩典的經歷—來十二28,林前十五10,林後一12,15: 

1 主耶穌基督的恩,恩典的靈,與我們已經得了重生作三一神居所和器皿的靈同在—來十29下,加六18,腓四23,門25,提後四22,參一6~7。

2 每當我們轉到靈裏,就能藉著基督作天梯,進入天的門,摸著天上施恩的寶座—來四16,創二八12~17,約一51,弗二22。

3 恩典是與一切在不朽壞之中,愛我們主耶穌基督的人同在—六24。

4 謙卑救我們免去各種的毀壞,而邀來神的恩典—彼前五5~6,雅四6。

5 我們需要享受祂恩典的話—徒二十32,耶十五16。

6 我們需要經歷恩典與懇求的靈,將我們帶進對三一神的享受裏—亞十二10上。

7 新約的執事藉著苦難,享受基督作他們全豐全足的恩典:

a 新約的職事,是由啟示加上苦難所產生的—林後十二7,一3~4,8~10。

b 基督是恩典,成了覆庇新約執事的能力,蔭庇他們的軟弱,成為他們的居所,扶持、支持、維持、保護並保守他們—十二9下。

8 我們需要將神在基督裏的恩典,應用到我們身上作力量和能力,為著我們的行動,並作我們的保護—結一6下,9上,出十九4,賽四十31,林後四7,一12,十二9,林前十五10,詩十七8,五七1,六三7,九一4。

9 我們藉著領受洋溢的恩典,在生命中作王—羅五17。

10 我們需要作神諸般恩典的好管家—彼前四10,弗三2。

11 我們的話應當把恩典傳輸給聽的人—路四22,弗四29,賽五十4。

12 我們需要享受召會生活中生命的恩典,保守我們在真正的一裏—詩一三三。

13 在召會生活中,我們蒙恩典時,召會就會得建立,我們所蒙的恩典也會是可以看出的—徒四33,十一23。

14 神經綸中之恩典的產品,乃是基督的身體,就是神的詩章,彰顯神無窮的智慧和神聖的設計—弗二10,7,林後五17。

15 主耶穌的恩典在整個新約時代分賜到祂的信徒裏面,要終極完成於新耶路撒冷,在其中經過過程並終極完成的三一神,要作恩典給所有的信徒享受,直到永遠—啟二二21,參二一23,二二1~2。 

【週 四】

貳 我們要構成為新約的眾執事,為著基督身體的建造,就需要經歷哥林多後書中基督作為包羅萬有之靈的各方面: 

一 施膏的靈就是內住複合的靈,在我們裏面運行並工作,將神一切神聖的元素和構成成分,分賜到我們裏面—一21,腓一19,出三十23~25,羅十12~13: 

1 膏油塗抹的臨及,成就了神救恩的中心目的,將複合的神膏抹到我們裏面,使我們與祂聯結、調和且合併—林前十五45下,約壹二20,27。

2 膏油塗抹的教導,就是那靈在我們裏面運行所產生之內裏的感覺,使我們能知道神的心思並活在祂裏面,而且教導我們關於三一神和祂活動的事—27節,徒十六6~7。 

二 蓋印的靈使神聖的元素形成一種印記,彰顯神的形像—林後一22,弗一13: 

1 蓋印的靈不斷浸透信徒,直到他們的身體得贖—四30。

2 蓋印的靈使信徒變化成為神的珍寶,作神的基業—一11。

3 我們越被蓋印就越有神的形像,而被構成為神的傑作—林後三18下,弗二10。 

三 作質的靈給我們豫嘗,作我們對神全享的樣品和保證—林後一22,五5: 

1 那靈的作質,保證神是我們的基業—弗一14。

2 基督這作質的靈,在我們裏面給我們品嘗,使我們藉著操練我們的靈,享受祂作我們神聖的基業,我們所分得的分—詩三四8,彼前二3,西一12。 

【週 五】

四 書寫的靈將基督寫在我們裏面,使我們成為基督的活信—林後三3,參詩四五1: 

1 基督被寫在我們裏面,是用屬靈的墨,就是活神的靈寫的;我們若在那靈的書寫之下,就會深深覺得裏面是活的。

2 那靈乃是墨,而墨的內容就是基督同祂的身位、工作和成就;複合的靈作複合的墨,把基督的實質加到我們裏面,並以基督的素質浸透我們。 

五 賜生命的靈,就是使人有生氣的靈,將神聖的生命分賜到我們裏面,使我們成為生命人,有生命的職事—林後三6,17,約七38: 

1 當我們操練我們的靈,用禱告的方式研讀並閱讀聖經時,我們就越發有生氣—林後三6,約六63。

2 我們要成為能將生命賜給別人的人,就必須住在神聖的生命裏,並在神聖的生命裏行事、生活、為人—約壹五16上。 

【週 六】

六 供職的靈將基督所是的一切分賜到我們裏面,並使基督所是和所有的一切對我們成為實際—林後三8,約十六13~15: 

1 藉著操練我們的靈,禱告並呼求主,我們就能領受供職之靈的供應—加三5上,西四2,羅十12~13。

2 供職的靈將基督供應到我們裏面,並藉著我們將基督供應給別人—林後三6,參腓一25。 

七 使人自由的靈釋放我們脫離律法字句的轄制;主的靈就是主自己,有祂就有自由—林後三17,四5,加二4,五1: 

1 這個自由包括完全的滿足,有豐富、支持的供應,以及對基督完滿的享受—約四14下。

2 這個自由包括享受真正的安息,不在守律法的重擔之下—太十一28~30。 

八 變化的靈將神聖的生命、性情、素質、元素,就是神聖的所是,分賜到我們裏面,使我們全人裏面有新陳代謝的改變—林後三18: 

1 當我們的心轉向主,以沒有帕子遮蔽的臉,觀看並返照主的榮光,祂就用祂的所是及所作的元素,灌注我們。

2 因此,我們就藉著祂生命的大能,憑祂生命的素質,漸漸新陳代謝的變化,從一種程度的榮耀,達到另一種程度的榮耀,而有祂生命的形狀。 

九 傳輸的靈將基督所是的一切,同著神一切的豐富,傳輸到我們裏面,給我們有分—十三14: 

1 神是愛,這愛作為恩,藉著那靈傳輸到我們裏面;那靈乃是傳輸者。

2 那靈乃是基督的恩同著父的愛之交通、往來、循環、輸供,將神聖的豐富傳輸到我們裏面,作我們的享受。

Week Eighteen

The Grace of God and the All-inclusive Spirit


Hymns: E244

Scripture Reading: 1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 1:12, 15, 21-22; 3:3, 6, 8, 17- 18; 12:9; 13:14

§ Day 1

I. In 2 Corinthians Christ as the grace of God is the good land for us to enter into, experience, enjoy, partake of, and possess—John 1:17; 1 Cor. 15:10; cf. Gal. 2:20; 1 Cor. 5:7; 10:3-4; 2 Cor. 13:14:

A. In 2 Corinthians 13:14 the grace of the Lord is mentioned first because this book is on the grace of Christ—1:12; 4:15; 6:1; 8:1, 9; 9:8, 14; 12:9:

1. The Holy Spirit as the circulation, the transmission, of the grace of Christ with the love of the Father is the supply in our Christian life and church life:

a. The entire church life depends upon 2 Corinthians 13:14.

b. The current of the Divine Trinity within us as revealed in 2 Corinthians 13:14 is our spiritual pulse.

§ Day 2

2. The blessing in 2 Corinthians 13:14 is the same as that in Numbers 6:22- 27; this is the eternal blessing of the Triune God, which is the Triune God dispensing Himself in His Divine Trinity into us for our enjoyment:

a. "Jehovah bless you and keep you" is the love of God the Father as the fountain of life and light—v. 24; Psa. 36:9.

b. "Jehovah make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you" is the grace of Christ as the fatness of God's house—Num. 6:25; Psa. 36:8.

c. "Jehovah lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace" is the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit as the river of God's pleasures—Num. 6:26; Psa. 36:8.

B. The grace of God in His economy is rich, multiplying, and abounding— Eph. 2:7; 1 Pet. 1:2b; 2 Pet. 1:2; Eph. 1:7b-8:

1. God has graced us in the Beloved—v. 6.

2. We have obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand—Rom. 5:2a.

3. When Christ in us is daily received, experienced, and enjoyed by us, that is grace being added to us, grace upon grace—John 1:16.

§ Day 3

C. The new covenant ministers' living is the living of grace, the experience of grace—Heb. 12:28; 1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 1:12, 15:

1. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit of grace, is with our spirit, which has been regenerated to be the dwelling place and vessel of the Triune God— Heb. 10:29b; Gal. 6:18; Phil. 4:23; Philem. 25; 2 Tim. 4:22; cf. 1:6-7.

2. Whenever we turn to our spirit, we enter through the gate of heaven and touch the throne of grace in heaven through Christ as the heavenly ladder— Heb. 4:16; Gen. 28:12-17; John 1:51; Eph. 2:22.

3. Grace is with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruptibility—6:24.

4. Humility saves us from all kinds of destruction and invites God's grace—1 Pet. 5:5-6; James 4:6.

5. We need to enjoy the word of His grace—Acts 20:32; Jer. 15:16.

6. We need to experience the Spirit of grace and of supplications to bring us into the enjoyment of the Triune God—Zech. 12:10a.

7. The new covenant ministers enjoy Christ as their all-sufficient grace through sufferings:

a. The ministry of the new covenant is produced by revelation plus suffering—2 Cor. 12:7; 1:3-4, 8-10.

b. Christ as grace becomes power tabernacling over the new covenant ministers, overshadowing them in their weakness to become their dwelling place to sustain, support, maintain, protect, and keep them—12:9b.

8. We need the grace of God in Christ applied to us as the strength and power for our move and our protection—Ezek. 1:6b, 9a; Exo. 19:4; Isa. 40:31; 2 Cor. 4:7; 1:12; 12:9; 1 Cor. 15:10; Psa. 17:8; 57:1; 63:7; 91:4.

9. We reign in life by receiving the abundance of grace—Rom. 5:17.

10. We need to be good stewards of the varied grace of God—1 Pet. 4:10; Eph. 3:2.

11. Our word should convey grace to the hearers—Luke 4:22; Eph. 4:29; Isa. 50:4.

12. We need to enjoy the grace of life in the church life to keep ourselves in the genuine oneness—Psa. 133.

13. In the church life, when we have grace upon us, the church will be built up, and the grace that we receive will be visible—Acts 4:33; 11:23.

14. The product of the grace in God's economy is the Body of Christ as the poem of God, expressing God's infinite wisdom and divine design—Eph. 2:10, 7; 2 Cor. 5:17.

15. The grace of the Lord Jesus dispensed to His believers throughout the new testament age consummates in the New Jerusalem, in which the processed and consummated Triune God will be the grace enjoyed by all the believers for eternity—Rev. 22:21; cf. 21:23; 22:1-2.

§ Day 4

II. In order to be constituted as the ministers of the new covenant for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need to experience all the aspects of Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit in 2 Corinthians:

A. The anointing Spirit is the indwelling, compound Spirit moving and working within us to impart all of God's divine ingredients and constituents into us—1:21; Phil. 1:19; Exo. 30:23-25; Rom. 10:12- 13:

1. The reaching of the anointing accomplishes the central purpose of God's salvation to anoint the compounded God into us so that we may be united, mingled, and incorporated with Him—1 Cor. 15:45b; 1 John 2:20, 27.

2. The teaching of the anointing is the inward feeling generated by the moving of the Spirit within us, enabling us to know God's mind and to live in Him, teaching us the things concerning the Triune God and His activities—v. 27; Acts 16:6-7.

B. The sealing Spirit forms the divine elements into an impression to express God's image—2 Cor. 1:22; Eph. 1:13:

1. The sealing Spirit saturates the believers continuously unto the redemption of their body—4:30.

2. The sealing Spirit transforms the believers into a treasure to God as His inheritance—1:11.

3. The more we are sealed, the more we bear the image of God to be constituted into the masterpiece of God—2 Cor. 3:18b; Eph. 2:10.

C. The pledging Spirit gives us a foretaste as a sample and guarantee of the full taste of God—2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5:

1. The Spirit's pledging guarantees that God is our inheritance—Eph. 1:14.

2. Christ as the pledging Spirit is in us for our taste, for our enjoyment of Him as our divine inheritance, our allotted portion, through the exercise of our spirit—Psa. 34:8; 1 Pet. 2:3; Col. 1:12.

§ Day 5

D. The inscribing Spirit writes Christ into us to make us the living letters of Christ—2 Cor. 3:3; cf. Psa. 45:1:

1. Christ is being inscribed into us with the spiritual ink, the Spirit of the living God; if we are under the Spirit's inscribing, we have the deep sensation of being living within.

2. The Spirit is the ink, and the content of the ink is Christ with His person, work, and attainments; the compound Spirit as the compound ink adds the substance of Christ into us and saturates us with the essence of Christ.

E. The life-giving Spirit, the vivifying Spirit, imparts the divine life into our being to make us men of life with the ministry of life—2 Cor. 3:6, 17; John 7:38:

1. When we study and read the Bible prayerfully with the exercise of our spirit, we are vivified—2 Cor. 3:6; John 6:63.

2. To be one who can give life to others, we must abide in the divine life and must walk, live, and have our being in the divine life—1 John 5:16a.

§ Day 6

F. The ministering Spirit imparts all that Christ is into us and makes all that Christ is and has real to us—2 Cor. 3:8; John 16:13-15:

1. We can receive the supply of the ministering Spirit by exercising our spirit to pray and call on the Lord—Gal. 3:5a; Col. 4:2; Rom. 10:12-13.

2. The ministering Spirit ministers Christ into us and ministers Christ to others through us—2 Cor. 3:6; cf. Phil. 1:25.

G. The freeing Spirit frees us from the bondage of the letter of the law; the Spirit of the Lord is the Lord Himself, with whom is freedom—2 Cor. 3:17; 4:5; Gal. 2:4; 5:1:

1. This freeing includes full satisfaction, with a rich, supporting supply and the full enjoyment of Christ—John 4:14b.

2. This freeing includes the enjoyment of true rest, without being under the heavy burden to keep the law—Matt. 11:28-30.

H. The transforming Spirit dispenses the divine life, nature, essence, element—even the Divine Being—into us so that we may be metabolically changed in our inner being—2 Cor. 3:18:

1. When we turn our heart to the Lord to behold and reflect the glory of the Lord with an unveiled face, He infuses us with the elements of what He is and what He has done.

2. Thus, we are being transformed metabolically from one degree of glory to another degree of glory to have His life shape by His life power with His life essence.

I. The transmitting Spirit transmits all that Christ is with all the riches of God into us for our participation—13:14:

1. God is love, and this love is being transmitted as grace into us by the Spirit, who is the Transmitter.

2. The Spirit is the fellowship, the communication, the circulation, the transmission of the grace of Christ with the love of the Father, transmitting the divine riches into our being for our enjoyment.




