加二19~20 『我藉著律法,已經向律法死了,叫我可以向神活著。我已經與基督同釘十字架;現在活著的,不再是我,乃是基督在我裏面活著;並且我如今在肉身裏所活的生命,是我在神兒子的信裏,與祂聯結所活的,祂是愛我,為我捨了自己。』
WEEK 19 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
2:19-20 For I through law have died to law that I might live to God. I
am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is
Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I
live in faith, the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave
Himself up for me.
2:20 does not speak of an exchanged life…On the one hand, Paul says,
“It is no longer I who live”; on the other hand, he says, “I live.” If
you consider this verse as a whole, you will see that there is no
thought of an exchanged life. Here what is presented is not an exchange;
rather, it is a profound mystery. (Life-study of Galatians, pp. 81-82)
Today's Reading
book of Galatians reveals the basic truths of God’s New Testament
economy. Among these basic truths, the most basic one is found in 2:20.
Because the truth of no longer I, but Christ living in me is so basic,
it is also mysterious; and because it is mysterious, it has not been
properly understood by Christians throughout the centuries. Therefore,
we look to the Lord that He would make this basic truth clear to us.
law requires me, a sinner, to die, and according to that requirement,
Christ died for me and with me. Hence, through law we have died in
Christ and with Christ. Therefore, the obligation under the law, the
relationship to the law, has been terminated. To live to God means to be
obligated to God in the divine life. In Christ’s death our relationship
with the law has been terminated; in His resurrection we are
responsible to God in the
resurrection life.
have become dead to the law so that we may live to God. As long as we
still hold to any kind of law, whether the Mosaic law or our self-made
law, we cannot live to God. However, when we are cut off from the law by
means of the organic union with Christ, we spontaneously live to God.
be dead to law means that we have been discharged from the law in which
we were held. Romans 7:6 says, “Now we have been discharged from the
law, having died to that in which we were held.” Having been liberated
from obligation to the law, we may now walk in newness of life (6:4).
However, walking in newness of life depends upon the cutting we
experience in the organic union with Christ. The more we experience the
cutting, the more we live to God and walk in newness of life.
we have died to law, we are no longer obligated to keep the law by the
striving of the flesh (Gal. 3:3). Whenever we have a certain self-made
law, we always strive to keep it by the strength of the flesh, not by
the Spirit. To be living unto God is to be obligated to God in the
divine life, to be responsible to God in the resurrection life. In the
organic union with Christ, we experience resurrection life. In this
resurrection life we are held to God spontaneously and are obligated to Him. This also depends on the organic union.
we have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer we who live, but
Christ lives in us. We no longer live in the old man, the natural man.
Rather, Christ lives in us. Then in resurrection we live in the faith of
the Son of God. To live in the faith of the Son of God means to live in
the organic union with the Son of God, which comes through our believing in Him.
live to God with Christ (Rom. 6:8, 10) and through the Spirit (Gal.
5:16, 25). This is the enjoyment of the processed Triune God in our
experience. This experience depends on our appreciation of the
loveliness and preciousness of the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus is
infinitely precious, but our presentation of Him is not always
adequate…If we present Him adequately, others will be infused with His
preciousness, and they will spontaneously appreciate Him. This
appreciation will become their faith, which will operate in them to
unite them with the Lord Jesus organically. Here in this organic union
we are dead to the law and alive to God. (Life-study of Galatians, pp. 82, 78-80)
Further Reading: Life-study of Galatians, msgs. 9—10